SCRC Analysis Help Page


SCRC Data Capture and Analysis System

Help Facility for Analysis Program

Copyright © 1984-2019, Gilles Detillieux, Spinal Cord Research Centre, University of Manitoba. All Rights Reserved.

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Analysis Methods

Analysis Parameters

Analysis Menus



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Analysis Methods

No.  Analysis method
1.  Trace averaging by frame list
2.  Trace averaging based on cycle phase
3.  Trace averaging based on W.F. level
4.  Trace averaging based on tag value
5.  Waveform averaging – spike triggered
6.  Waveform averaging based on cycle phase
7.  W.F. averaging – spikes within cycle
8.  W.F. averaging – spike occurrence in cycle
9.  W.F. averaging based on spike interval
19.  W.F. activity start & stop time analysis
20.  W.F. activity burst duration vs cycle duration
21.  Raw W.F. amplitude vs step cycle
22.  Averaged W.F. amplitude vs step cycle
23.  Raw trace amplitude vs frame number
25.  Raw trace amplitude vs step cycle
26.  Averaged trace amplitude vs step cycle
27.  Raw trace amplitude vs W.F. level
28.  Averaged trace amplitude vs W.F. level
30.  W.F. spike train duration vs cycle duration
31.  Action potential position vs step cycle
32.  Action potential position sorted by cycle length
33.  Action potential vs step cycle histogram
34.  Raw inter-spike interval vs step cycle
35.  Averaged inter-spike interval vs step cycle
36.  Raw instantaneous spike frequency vs step cycle
37.  Averaged instantaneous spike frequency vs step cycle
38.  Raw inter-spike interval vs spike occ.
39.  Averaged inter-spike interval vs spike occ.
40.  Raw instantaneous spike frequency vs spike occ.
41.  Averaged instantaneous spike frequency vs spike occ.
42.  Raw firing level vs step cycle
43.  Averaged firing level vs step cycle
44.  Raw firing level vs spike occ.
45.  Averaged firing level vs spike occ.
46.  Firing level vs firing frequency
51.  W.F. spike auto-correlation histogram
52.  W.F. spike cross-correlation histogram
61.  Raw trace spike count vs step cycle
62.  Averaged trace spike count vs step cycle
63.  Raw trace spike latencies vs step cycle
71.  Raw waveform display
75.  Raw trace amplitude vs trace amplitude
76.  Averaged trace amplitude vs trace amplitude
77.  Raw W.F. level vs W.F. level
78.  Averaged W.F. level vs W.F. level
79.  W.F. L.D.P. level vs cycle duration
83.  Action potential vs W.F. level histogram
84.  Raw inter-spike interval vs W.F. level
85.  Averaged inter-spike interval vs W.F. level
86.  Raw instantaneous spike frequency vs W.F. level
87.  Averaged instantaneous spike frequency vs W.F. level
88.  Averaged inter-spike interval vs Train number
89.  Averaged instantaneous spike frequency vs Train number


^ top

Analysis Parameters

Key sequence  Parameter
<Esc>A  Analysis method
<Esc>MBA  Blank averaged window
<Esc>MBD  Blanking delay
<Esc>MBN  Blanking W.F. #
<Esc>MBW  Blanking window
<Esc>MFA  Filter gain factor
<Esc>MFB  Rectifier baseline
<Esc>MFC  Filter cutoff freq.
<Esc>MFD  Sample rate divisor
<Esc>MFH  Highpass filtering
<Esc>MFL  Min window discr.
<Esc>MFN  Notch filtering
<Esc>MFR  Rectify before filtering
<Esc>MFU  Max window discr.
<Esc>MFW  Filter W.F. #
<Esc>MFZ  Zero-lag filtering
<Esc>PA  Axes pen
<Esc>PD  Data pen
<Esc>PF  Plot file
<Esc>PI  Plot interp.
<Esc>PM  Markers pen
<Esc>PS  Plot screen redraw
<Esc>PT  Plot text
<Esc>SAB  # bins- avg
<Esc>SAP  Preview averaged data
<Esc>SAS  Start bin- avg
<Esc>SATF  Frame list
<Esc>SATT  Trace # list
<Esc>SAWD  W.F. avg delay
<Esc>SAWL  W.F. # list
<Esc>SAWW  W.F. avg window
<Esc>SCID  Phase selection delay
<Esc>SCIW  Phase selection window
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #
<Esc>SDD  Graph description
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type
<Esc>SDGH  Histogram type
<Esc>SDGS  Std. deviation type
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title
<Esc>SDN  Number list format
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X
<Esc>SDSYHL  Min Y- hist
<Esc>SDSYHU  Max Y- hist
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars
<Esc>SDSYTL  Min trace level
<Esc>SDSYTU  Max trace level
<Esc>SDSYWL  Min W.F. level
<Esc>SDSYWU  Max W.F. level
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y
<Esc>SDTA  Show areas under curves
<Esc>SDTC  Get cursor readings
<Esc>SDTH  Histogram display
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation
<Esc>SDTO  Overlay bins
<Esc>SDTR  Display relative levels
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation
<Esc>SDUF  Freq. units
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units
<Esc>SDUT  Time units
<Esc>SDWH  Trace display height
<Esc>SDWI  W.F. Interpolation
<Esc>SDWL  Last trace only
<Esc>SDWM  Mark frame positions on W.F.
<Esc>SDWO  Overlay W.F. #
<Esc>SDWP  Plot pens for W.Fs.
<Esc>SDWR  Display resolution
<Esc>SDWT  Max W.F. section
<Esc>SF  Run file
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph
<Esc>SGC  Cycles on graph
<Esc>SGN  Normalization
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree
<Esc>SGS  Start bin- graph
<Esc>SLSTN  Second ampl. trace #
<Esc>SLSTP  Second trace ampl. as % of max
<Esc>SLSTR  Second trace ampl. ref
<Esc>SLSTS  Second trace ampl. point
<Esc>SLSTWA  Average second trace ampl. ref.
<Esc>SLSTWD  Second trace ampl. ref. regr. degree
<Esc>SLSTWF  Find second max trace ampl.
<Esc>SLSTWI  Second trace ampl. integration
<Esc>SLSTWM  Average second trace ampl. sample
<Esc>SLSTWR  Second trace ampl. ref window
<Esc>SLSTWS  Second trace ampl. point window
<Esc>SLSWN  Second ampl. W.F. #
<Esc>SLSWP  Second W.F. ampl. as % of max
<Esc>SLSWRL  Second min W.F. ampl.
<Esc>SLSWRU  Second max W.F. ampl.
<Esc>SLTA  Active cycle phase only
<Esc>SLTN  Amplitude trace #
<Esc>SLTP  Trace ampl. as % of max
<Esc>SLTR  Trace amplitude ref
<Esc>SLTS  Trace amplitude point
<Esc>SLTWA  Average trace ampl. ref.
<Esc>SLTWD  Trace ampl. ref. regression degree
<Esc>SLTWF  Find max trace amplitude
<Esc>SLTWI  Trace ampl. integration
<Esc>SLTWM  Average trace ampl. sample
<Esc>SLTWR  Trace ampl. ref window
<Esc>SLTWS  Trace ampl. point window
<Esc>SLWA  Base cycle stats. on start
<Esc>SLWD  W.F. amplitude delay
<Esc>SLWF  Fixed W.F. level bins
<Esc>SLWN  Amplitude W.F. #
<Esc>SLWP  W.F. ampl. as % of max
<Esc>SLWRL  Min W.F. amplitude
<Esc>SLWRU  Max W.F. amplitude
<Esc>SLWW  W.F. amplitude window
<Esc>SMBC  Burst cycle offset
<Esc>SMBD  Burst duration type
<Esc>SMBF  Flip durations
<Esc>SMBR  Relative burst durations
<Esc>SMBSC  Second W.F. bursts
<Esc>SMBST  Second W.F. trains
<Esc>SMBV  Burst positions in cycle
<Esc>SMIA  Take interval after spike
<Esc>SMIL  Min inter-spike interval
<Esc>SMIU  Max inter-spike interval
<Esc>SMLF  Flip L.D.P. and duration
<Esc>SMLT  Show time on X-axis
<Esc>SMSC  Cycle durations on X
<Esc>SMSXC  X-axis cycle offset
<Esc>SMSXS  Base X on stop time
<Esc>SMSXT  Base X on spike trains
<Esc>SMSXW  X-axis W.F. #
<Esc>SMSYC  Y-axis cycle offset
<Esc>SMSYS  Base Y on stop time
<Esc>SMSYT  Base Y on spike trains
<Esc>SMSYW  Y-axis W.F. #
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections
<Esc>SRE  End of run
<Esc>SRRE  End of run
<Esc>SRRS  Start of run
<Esc>SRRW  Range W.F. #
<Esc>SRS  Start of run
<Esc>SRW  Range W.F. #
<Esc>SSCA  Corr. spikes after trigger
<Esc>SSCB  Corr. spikes before trigger
<Esc>SSCN  Spike corr. W.F. #
<Esc>SSTD  Trace spike discr.
<Esc>SSTE  Trace spike hysteresis
<Esc>SSTN  Spike trace #
<Esc>SSTO  Trace spike delay
<Esc>SSTS  Trace spike threshold
<Esc>SSWA  Base spike stats. on start
<Esc>SSWD  Display cycle activity
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #
<Esc>SSWR  Reverse spike occurrences
<Esc>SSWS  Spikes to skip
<Esc>ST  Tag list
<Esc>SWA  Absolute time scale
<Esc>SWB  Display both crossings
<Esc>SWC  Display cycle lengths
<Esc>SWM  Display crossings
<Esc>SWL  Raw W.F. # list
<Esc>SWO  Calculate overlap
<Esc>SWP  Partial W.F. resolution
<Esc>SWT  Min W.F. time scale
<Esc>Wn<CR>SAD  # of deleted sections
<Esc>Wn<CR>SAE  End of run
<Esc>Wn<CR>SARE  End of run
<Esc>Wn<CR>SARS  Start of run
<Esc>Wn<CR>SARW  Range W.F. #
<Esc>Wn<CR>SAS  Start of run
<Esc>Wn<CR>SAW  Range W.F. #
<Esc>Wn<CR>SI  W.F. Interpolation
<Esc>Wn<CR>SM  Mark frame positions on W.F.
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCD  Cycle crossing delay
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCE  Cycle hysteresis
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCLL  Min. cycle discriminator
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCLU  Max. cycle discriminator
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCN  Cycle activity name
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCS  Cycle threshold
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCT  Strict triggering
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  # of cycle activity bursts
<Esc>Wn<CR>SR  Display resolution
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSD  Spike discriminator
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSE  Spike hysteresis
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSN  Spike activity name
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSS  Spike threshold
<Esc>Wn<CR>SST  # of spike trains
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSTG  Spike train gap
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUA  # of single-unit data sets
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUB  Spike baseline
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUD  Second spike discriminator
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUN  Single-unit data set #
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUOD  Spike display window delay
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUOI  Interpolation
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUOM  Min. interval between spikes
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUOW  Spike display window size
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUSL  Min. area under spike (A/D sum)
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUSU  Max. area under spike (A/D sum)
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUU  Spike upper threshold
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUWL  Min. spike width
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUWU  Max. spike width
<Esc>Wn<CR>ST  Max W.F. section
<Esc>Wn<CR>SV  Virtual W.F. link code


^ top

Hierarchy of Analysis Menus

Menu Selection Action Performed
                Freq-inst. Set analysis type to Averaged instantaneous spike frequency vs Train number
                Interval Set analysis type to Averaged inter-spike interval vs Train number
                Quit Return to previous menu
            Duration Set analysis type to W.F. spike train duration vs cycle duration
                Freq. Set analysis type to Firing level vs firing frequency
                Spike-occurrence Select Averaged or Raw firing level vs spike occ.
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Vs-cycle Select Averaged or Raw firing level vs step cycle
            Quit Return to previous menu
                Freq-inst. Select Averaged or Raw instantaneous spike frequency vs spike occ.
                Interval Select Averaged or Raw inter-spike interval vs spike occ.
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Count-per-bin Set analysis type to Action potential vs step cycle histogram
                Freq-inst. Select Averaged or Raw instantaneous spike frequency vs step cycle
                Interval Select Averaged or Raw inter-spike interval vs step cycle
                Position Set analysis type to Action potential position vs step cycle
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Sorted Set analysis type to Action potential position sorted by cycle length
                Count-per-bin Set analysis type to Action potential vs W.F. level histogram
                Freq-inst. Select Averaged or Raw instantaneous spike frequency vs W.F. level
                Interval Select Averaged or Raw inter-spike interval vs W.F. level
                Quit Return to previous menu
            Auto-corr. Set analysis type to W.F. spike auto-correlation histogram
            Cross-corr. Set analysis type to W.F. spike cross-correlation histogram
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Latencies Set analysis type to Raw trace spike latencies vs step cycle
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Spike-counts Select Averaged or Raw trace spike count vs step cycle
        Quit Return to previous menu
            By-frame Set analysis type to Raw trace amplitude vs frame number
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Trace-vs-W.F.-amp Select Averaged or Raw trace amplitude vs W.F. level
            Vs-cycle Select Averaged or Raw trace amplitude vs step cycle
            Y-vs-X Select Averaged or Raw trace amplitude vs trace amplitude
            Duration Set analysis type to W.F. activity burst duration vs cycle duration
            LDP-vs-duration Set analysis type to W.F. L.D.P. level vs cycle duration
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Vs-cycle Select Averaged or Raw W.F. amplitude vs step cycle
            Y-vs-X Select Averaged or Raw W.F. level vs W.F. level
    Quit Return to previous menu
    Raw-W.F.-display Set analysis type to Raw waveform display
    Start&stop-time Set analysis type to W.F. activity start & stop time analysis
        By-tag Set analysis type to Trace averaging based on tag value
        Cycle-triggered Set analysis type to Trace averaging based on cycle phase
        Frame-list Set analysis type to Trace averaging by frame list
        Quit Return to previous menu
        W.F.-level-based Set analysis type to Trace averaging based on W.F. level
    Undo Set analysis type to previously used method
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Spike-occurrence Set analysis type to W.F. averaging – spike occurrence in cycle
            Vs-cycle Set analysis type to W.F. averaging – spikes within cycle
        Cycle-triggered Set analysis type to Waveform averaging based on cycle phase
        Quit Return to previous menu
            All Set analysis type to Waveform averaging – spike triggered
            Interval Set analysis type to W.F. averaging based on spike interval
            Quit Return to previous menu
Bins-save Save current averaged data in a file
Calibration Set run calibration information and channel names
    Load Load calibration information/labels from current run
    Quit Return to previous menu
    Save Save calibration information/labels for current run
        Height Set A/D value for calibration pulse height
        Level Set Calibration pulse level in uV
        Name Set Channel name (label)
        Quit Return to previous menu
            Bin Select averaged bin to view
            Frame Select raw frame to view
            Next View next frame/bin in sequence
            Prev View previous frame/bin in sequence
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Set Set calibration height/zero for trace visually
        Zero Set A/D value for zero volts
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Traces View trace calibration and run information
        Waveforms View waveform calibration and run information
        Height Set A/D value for calibration pulse height
        Level Set Calibration pulse level in uV
        Name Set Channel name (label)
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Visually Set calibration height/zero for waveform visually
        Zero Set A/D value for zero volts
Directory Change working directory
Go Perform selected analysis
Keep Save current parameters in a file
Load Load parameters from a file
Maint Run file and waveform file maintenance
    Blanking Create a W.F. with blanked out intervals
        Avg Subtract out averaged window for W.F. blanking [N]
        Delay Set Delay to window for W.F. blanking [0 per]
        Go Proceed with blanking operation
        Number Set Waveform # for data to be blanked [0]
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Window Set Window duration for W.F. blanking [0 per]
    Change-descr. Change the run description for the current run
    Differentiate Calculate the differential of a waveform
    Erase-W.F. Erase a waveform
    Filter Create a smoothed waveform by filtering
        Amp Set Amplification factor (gain) of filter [0]
        Baseline Set Baseline level for full-wave rectification [0 ]
        Cutoff Set Cutoff frequency of filter [0 ]
        Divisor Set Sampling rate divisor
        Go Proceed with rectification/filtering operation
        Highpass Perform highpass filtering, rather than lowpass [N]
        Lower-discr. Set Filter window discriminator- minimum level allowed [0 ]
        Notch Perform notch filtering, rather than lowpass [N]
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Rectify Full-wave rectify signal before filtering it [N]
        Upper-discr. Set Filter window discriminator- maximum level allowed [0 ]
        Visually Set baseline & window discriminators visually
        W.F. Set Waveform # for data to be filtered [0]
        Zero-lag Zero-lag (two pass) filtering [N]
    Gen.-trigger Regenerate a trigger signal waveform from frames
    Link-W.F. Create a link to a waveform
    Make-W.F. Create a waveform from a trace, using frame data
    Quit Return to previous menu
    Reframe Spike-trigger a new set of frames
        All Reframe entire run
            New-run Reframe into a new run
            Overwrite Reframe current run, replacing existing data
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Without-W.F. Reframe into a new run, without copying waveforms
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Range Reframe & trim run to current analysis range
            New-run Reframe & trim into a new run
            Overwrite Reframe & trim current run, replacing existing data
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Without-W.F. Reframe & trim into a new run, without copying waveforms
    Select-frames Invoke frmsel program to select frames
    Trim Trim run to current analysis range
        New-run Trim into a new run
        Overwrite Trim current run, replacing existing data
        Quit Return to previous menu
Plot Produce plotted output of displayed results
    Axes Set Plotter pen # for axes and text [0]
    Data Set Plotter pen # for data points/lines [0]
    File Produce HPGL plot file
    Interpolation Linear interpolation for plotter output [N]
    Markers Set Plotter pen # for marker symbols/lines [0]
    Plotter Spool HPGL plot to plotter
    Quit Return to previous menu
    Screen Screen redraw mode while plotting [N]
    Text Text plotting mode for plotter output [N]
    Video Dump video screen image to printer
Quit Exit from analysis program
    No Stay in program
    Yes Leave program
Reset Reset various parameters to initial values
    All Reset all parameters and display options
    Display-options Reset all display options
    Quit Return to previous menu
    Required Reset only parameters required for current analysis method
Set Set analysis parameters
        Bins Set Number of bins for W.F./trace averaging
        Preview Display preview of data used in average [N]
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Start-bin Set Starting bin # for W.F./trace averaging
            Frame-list Set List of frame #’s for frame averaging
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Trace-list Set List of trace #’s for frame averaging
            Delay Set Delay to window for W.F. averaging [0 per]
            List Set List of waveform #’s for W.F. averaging
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Window Set Window duration for W.F. averaging [0 per]
            Delay Set Delay for cycle phase selection [0 per]
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Window Set Window for cycle phase selection [0 per]
        Percent-active Set Percent of normalized cycle which is active [0]
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Stop-time Base cycle selection on stop time [N]
        Trains Base cycle selection on spike activity trains [N]
        Waveform Set Waveform # for step cycle selection [0]
        Description Set Additional description for graph display
            Diamond-size Set Size (in pixels) of diamond symbol [0]
            General Set Graph (symbol) type code for data graphs [Adaptive]
                Adaptive Automatic selection of Dot or Symbol
                Bar Set graph type to Bar
                Dot Set graph type to Dot
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Symbol Set graph type to Symbol
            Histogram Set Histogram type (bar style) code [Adaptive]
                Adaptive Automatic selection of Dot or Bar
                Bar Set graph type to Bar
                Dot Set graph type to Dot
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Symbol Set graph type to Symbol
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Std-dev Set Graph type code for plotting standard deviations [Adaptive]
                Adaptive Automatic selection of Dot or Bar
                Bar Set graph type to Bar
                Dot Set graph type to Dot
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Symbol Set graph type to Symbol
            Tag-symbol Set Tag character to be used as graph symbol
        Main-title Set Main title for graph display
        Num-format Set Format of numbers or number pairs for Bins-save
        Quit Return to previous menu
            Autoscale Automatic scaling mode for graph axes [N]
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Round-out Rounding out of min/max on scale bars for graph axes [N]
                Lower-bound Set Minimum X-axis value [0]
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Scale-bar X scale bar/axis display [N]
                Upper-bound Set Maximum X-axis value [0]
                    Lower-bound Set Minimum Y value for histograms [0]
                    Quit Return to previous menu
                    Upper-bound Set Maximum Y value for histograms [0]
                Lower-bound Set Minimum Y-axis value [0]
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Scale-bar Y scale bar/axis display [N]
                    Lower-bound Set Minimum level for any trace
                    Quit Return to previous menu
                    Upper-bound Set Maximum level for any trace
                    Lower-bound Set Minimum level for any waveform
                    Quit Return to previous menu
                    Upper-bound Set Maximum level for any waveform
                Upper-bound Set Maximum Y-axis value [0]
            Areas Show areas under mean and std. dev. curves [N]
            Cursor Get cursor readings on displayed data [N]
            Hist. Histogram display for averaged data graphs [N]
            Interp. Linear interpolation of data points [N]
            Overlay Overlayed bins for averaged trace(s) [N]
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Relative Display relative levels for averaged trace(s) [N]
            Std-dev Display of standard deviation of averaged data [N]
            Top-titles Top title display for graphs [N]
            X-interp. Extend interpolation toward clipped points [N]
            Freq Set Units for frequency display
                Hz Set units to Hz
                KHz Set units to KHz
                MHz Set units to MHz
                Quit Return to previous menu
            Level Set Units for AD sample display
                uV Set units to uV
                mV Set units to mV
                V Set units to V
                KV Set units to KV
                AD-units Set units to A/D
                Quit Return to previous menu
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Time Set Units for time period display
                usec Set units to usec
                msec Set units to msec
                sec Set units to sec
                periods Set units to per
                Quit Return to previous menu
            Height-tr. Set Percent of raw W.F. display height used for traces [0]
            Interp.-W.F. Interpolate points in W.F.s for parm. setting [N]
            Last-tr.-only Show only last trace in range horizontally above W.F. display [N]
            Mark-frames Mark frame positions on W.F. display [N]
            Overlay-W.F. Set Waveform # for signal to be overlayed during W.F. parameter setting [0]
            Pens Set Plotter pen assignments for raw W.F. display
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Resolution Set Horizontal resolution for W.F. display [0]
            Time Set Maximum length of time per waveform section [0 per]
    File Set run file name
        Bins Set Number of bins for average data graphs
        Cycles Set Number of cycles displayed on graph [0]
        Normalize Normalization of step cycle lengths [N]
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Regression Set Polynomial degree for curvilinear regression [0]
        Start-bin Set Starting bin # for averaged data graphs
        Quit Return to previous menu
            Quit Return to previous menu
                Number Set Trace # for second amplitude measurement (for Y axis) [0]
                Percent-max. Show Y axis trace amplitudes as a percentage of the maximum [N]
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Reference Set Offset to second trace amplitude reference point [0 per]
                Sample Set Offset to second trace amplitude sample point [0 per]
                    Avg-ref. Average points in second trace reference window [N]
                    Degree Set Polynomial degree for regression in second trace reference window [0]
                    Find-max. Find maximum point in second window, instead of minimum [N]
                    Integrate Integrate (sum up) points in second sample window [N]
                    Mean Average (find mean of) points in second sample window [N]
                    Quit Return to previous menu
                    Reference Set Search window for second trace amplitude reference point [0 per]
                    Sample Set Search window for second trace amplitude sample point [0 per]
                        Bin Select averaged bin to view
                        Frame Select raw frame to view
                        Next View next frame/bin in sequence
                        Prev View previous frame/bin in sequence
                        Quit Return to previous menu
                        Set Set second trace amplitude windows (for Y axis) visually
                    Bin Select averaged bin to view
                    Frame Select raw frame to view
                    Next View next frame/bin in sequence
                    Prev View previous frame/bin in sequence
                    Quit Return to previous menu
                    Set Set second trace amplitude parameters (for Y axis) visually
                Number Set Second waveform # for Y-axis amplitude measurement [0]
                Percent-max. Show Y-axis W.F. amplitudes as a percentage of the maximum [N]
                Quit Return to previous menu
                    Auto-range Set second waveform min/max levels automatically to full range
                    Lower-bound Set Minimum level for Y-axis W.F. amplitude [0 ]
                    Quit Return to previous menu
                    Upper-bound Set Maximum level for Y-axis W.F. amplitude [0 ]
                    Visually Set second waveform min/max levels visually
            Active-phase Measurements during active phase of cycle only [N]
            Number Set Trace # for amplitude measurement [0]
            Percent-max. Show trace amplitudes as a percentage of the maximum [N]
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Reference Set Offset to trace amplitude reference point [0 per]
            Sample Set Offset to trace amplitude sample point [0 per]
                Avg-ref. Average points in trace reference window [N]
                Degree Set Polynomial degree for regression in trace reference window [0]
                Find-max. Find maximum point in window, instead of minimum [N]
                Integrate Integrate (sum up) points in sample window [N]
                Mean Average (find mean of) points in sample window [N]
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Reference Set Search window for trace amplitude reference point [0 per]
                Sample Set Search window for trace amplitude sample point [0 per]
                    Bin Select averaged bin to view
                    Frame Select raw frame to view
                    Next View next frame/bin in sequence
                    Prev View previous frame/bin in sequence
                    Quit Return to previous menu
                    Set Set trace amplitude windows visually
                Bin Select averaged bin to view
                Frame Select raw frame to view
                Next View next frame/bin in sequence
                Prev View previous frame/bin in sequence
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Set Set trace amplitude parameters visually
            Activity-basis Base cycle activity statistics on start of activity [N]
            Delay Set Delay for W.F. amplitude measurement [0 per]
            Fixed Fix W.F. level bins to selected W.F. amplitude range [N]
            Number Set Waveform # for amplitude measurement [0]
            Percent-max. Show W.F. amplitudes as a percentage of the maximum [N]
            Quit Return to previous menu
                Auto-range Set waveform min/max levels automatically to full range
                Lower-bound Set Minimum level for W.F. amplitude [0 ]
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Upper-bound Set Maximum level for W.F. amplitude [0 ]
                Visually Set waveform min/max levels visually
            Window Set Window for W.F. amplitude measurement [0 per]
            Cycle-offset Set Cycle error offset for burst duration graph [0 per]
            Duration-type Set Type of burst duration calculation [0]
                0->start-stop Calculate burst duration from start to stop
                1->start-start Calculate burst duration from start to next start
                2->stop-start Calculate burst duration from stop to next start
                3->stop-stop Calculate burst duration from stop to next stop
                Quit Return to previous menu
            Flip-durations Flip around durations on X and Y axes [N]
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Relative Show burst durations relative to cycle durations [N]
                Cycles Use second W.F. for end of burst measurements [N]
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Trains Use second W.F. for end of train measurements [N]
            Vs-cycle Show burst positions in cycle on X, not cycle durations [N]
            After Take interval after spike, instead of before [N]
            Lower-bound Set Minimum inter-spike interval included in average [0 per]
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Upper-bound Set Maximum inter-spike interval included in average [0 per]
            Flip-LDP&duration Flip around L.D.P. and duration on X and Y axes [N]
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Time-on-X Show cycle start times on X, not cycle durations [N]
        Quit Return to previous menu
            Cycle-durations Show cycle durations in place of usual X-axis [N]
            Flip-X&Y Swap all X and Y parameters, to flip axes
            Quit Return to previous menu
                Cycle-offset Set Cycle error offset for X-axis of graph [0 per]
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Stop-time Base X-axis of graph on stop time [N]
                Trains Base X-axis of graph on spike activity trains [N]
                W.F.-number Set Waveform number for X-axis of start/stop time graph [0]
                Cycle-offset Set Cycle error offset for Y-axis of graph [0 per]
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Stop-time Base Y-axis of graph on stop time [N]
                Trains Base Y-axis of graph on spike activity trains [N]
                W.F.-number Set Waveform number for Y-axis of start/stop time graph [0]
    Quit Return to previous menu
        All Set Start & End points to whole run
        Delete-sections Set sections (ranges) to be deleted, visually
        End Set End point of analysis range [0 per]
        Go Perform selected analysis
        Next Move start/end of analysis range forward
        Prev. Move start/end of analysis range back
        Quit Return to previous menu
            All Set Start & End points to whole run
            Double Double current analysis range, keeping centered
            End Set End point of analysis range, keeping current length
            Go Perform selected analysis
            Half Halve current analysis range, keeping centered
            Length Set Length of analysis range, keeping current start
            Next Move start/end of analysis range forward
            Prev. Move start/end of analysis range back
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Start Set Start point of analysis range, keeping current length
            Undo Set Start & End points to previously used range
            Visually Set start/length of analysis range visually
            Waveform Set Waveform # for analysis range selection [0]
        Start Set Start point of analysis range [0 per]
        Undo Set Start & End points to previously used range
        Visually Set start/end of analysis range visually
        Waveform Set Waveform # for analysis range selection [0]
            After Set Number of spikes to correlate after trigger spike [0]
            Before Set Number of spikes to correlate before trigger spike [0]
            Number Set Waveform # for spike cross-correlation [0]
            Quit Return to previous menu
        Quit Return to previous menu
            Discriminator Set Window discriminator for spikes on trace [0 ]
            End-thresh Set Hysteresis for spikes on trace [0 ]
            Number Set Trace # for spike analysis [0]
            Offset Set Delay to start of spikes on trace [0 per]
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Start-thresh Set Threshold for spikes on trace [0 ]
                Bin Select averaged bin to view
                Frame Select raw frame to view
                Next View next frame/bin in sequence
                Offset Set trace spike offset visually
                Prev View previous frame/bin in sequence
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Thresholds Set trace spike thresholds visually
            Activity-basis Base spike activity statistics on start of activity [N]
            Disp-cycles Display of start and end of cycle activity [N]
            Number Set Waveform # for spike analysis [0]
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Reverse Spike occurrences from end of cycle [N]
            Skip Set Number of spikes to skip at start of cycle [0]
    Tags Set List of tag #’s for frame selection
        Abs.-time Display time scale in absolute units, not relative to start [N]
        Both-crossings Display of both start and end markers on W.F. [N]
        Cycle-lengths Display of cycle durations on W.F. display [N]
        Mark-crossings Display of cycle crossings on W.F. display [N]
        List Set List of waveform #’s for raw W.F. display
        Overlap Calculate & show overlapping W.F. activity [N]
        Partial-res Use partial display resolution on W.F. display [N]
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Time-min. Set Minimum length of time scale for waveform display [0 per]
View View current settings of various parameters
    All View all parameters and display options
    Display-options View all display options
    Quit Return to previous menu
    Required View only parameters required for current analysis method
W.F.-activity Set waveform activity parameters
        Cycles Export cycle activity markers for this waveform
        Deleted-sections Export deleted section markers for this waveform
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Trains Export spike train markers for this waveform
            Current Export current single-unit data set for this waveform
            Number Export a selected single-unit data set for this waveform
            Quit Return to previous menu
        Cycles Import cycle activity markers for this waveform
        Deleted-sections Import deleted section markers for this waveform
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Trains Import spike train markers for this waveform
            Current Import current single-unit data set for this waveform
            Number Import a selected single-unit data set for this waveform
            Quit Return to previous menu
    Keep Save waveform parameters in file
    Load Load waveform parameters from file
    Quit Leave waveform parameter setting menu
    Reset Reset waveform parameters to initial values
        All Reset all waveform parameters
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Virtual-W.F. Remove virtual waveform link
            All Set Start & End points to whole run
            Delete-sections Set sections (ranges) to be deleted, visually
            End Set End point of analysis range [0 per]
            Go Perform selected analysis
            Next Move start/end of analysis range forward
            Prev. Move start/end of analysis range back
            Quit Return to previous menu
                All Set Start & End points to whole run
                Double Double current analysis range, keeping centered
                End Set End point of analysis range, keeping current length
                Go Perform selected analysis
                Half Halve current analysis range, keeping centered
                Length Set Length of analysis range, keeping current start
                Next Move start/end of analysis range forward
                Prev. Move start/end of analysis range back
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Start Set Start point of analysis range, keeping current length
                Undo Set Start & End points to previously used range
                Visually Set start/length of analysis range visually
                Waveform Set Waveform # for analysis range selection [0]
            Start Set Start point of analysis range [0 per]
            Undo Set Start & End points to previously used range
            Visually Set start/end of analysis range visually
            Waveform Set Waveform # for analysis range selection [0]
        Interp.-W.F. Interpolate points in W.F.s for parm. setting [N]
        Mark-frames Mark frame positions on W.F. display [N]
            Delay Set Minimum delay between cycle threshold crossings [0 per]
            End-thresh Set Hysteresis for end of waveform cycle activity [0 ]
                Lower-bound Set Minimum level shown for cycle selection [0 ]
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Upper-bound Set Maximum level shown for cycle selection [0 ]
                Visually Set min/max discriminator levels visually
            Name Set Name for waveform cycle activity
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Start-thresh Set Threshold for start of waveform cycle activity [0 ]
            Trig-mode Strict trigger mode for cycle selection [N]
                Automatic Automatically set all cycle crossings
                Find-min&max Adjust start/stop times to local min/max
                Manual Manually add/delete cycle crossings
                Phase-shift Shift cycle crossings forward/backward in cycle
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Time-shift Shift cycle crossings forward/backward in time
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Resolution Set Horizontal resolution for W.F. display [0]
            Discriminator Set Window discriminator for W.F. spike analysis [0 ]
            End-thresh Set Hysteresis for end of waveform spike activity [0 ]
            Name Set Name for waveform spike activity
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Start-thresh Set Threshold for start of waveform spike activity [0 ]
                Automatic Automatically set spike trains
                Gap Set Minimum gap between trains of waveform spikes [0 per]
                Manual Manually add/delete spike trains
                Phase-shift Shift spike trains forward/backward in their cycles
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Time-shift Shift spike trains forward/backward in time
                Automatic Automatically set single-unit data
                Baseline Set Baseline W.F. level where spikes start and end [0 ]
                Discr-end Set Window discriminator for end of W.F. spike (AHP) [0 ]
                Import Import current single-unit data set for this waveform
                    All Show all spikes in all single-units, overlaid
                    Current Show all spikes in current single-unit, overlaid
                    Just-conflicting Show all spikes conflicting with current single-unit
                    Quit Return to previous menu
                    W.F. Mark all spikes in current single-unit on W.F. display
                Manual Manually set single-unit data
                Number Set Number of single-unit waveform spike data set to use [0]
                    Delay Set Delay to start of window for spike display [0 per]
                    Interp. Linear interpolation of data points [N]
                    Min-interval Set Minimum possible time between two successive spikes [0 per]
                    Quit Return to previous menu
                    Window Set Window duration for spike display [0 per]
                Quit Return to previous menu
                    Lower-bound Set Minimum allowed area under spike from onset to baseline (A/D sum) [0]
                    Quit Return to previous menu
                    Upper-bound Set Maximum allowed area under spike from onset to baseline (A/D sum) [0]
                    Visually Visually set spike area parameters
                Upper-thresh Set Upper threshold for peak of waveform spike [0 ]
                Visually Visually set second discriminator, baseline & upper threshold parameters
                    Lower-bound Set Minimum allowed time between spike onset and fall to baseline [0 per]
                    Quit Return to previous menu
                    Upper-bound Set Maximum allowed time between spike onset and fall to baseline [0 per]
                    Visually Visually set spike width parameters
            Visually Set waveform spike thresholds visually
        Time Set Maximum length of time per waveform section [0 per]
        Virtual-W.F. Setup a virtual waveform link to another waveform
    View View current settings of waveform parameters


^ top

Page: 1

Analysis: Trace averaging by frame list

A single bin is set up for each trace in the “Trace # list“. All frames in the “Frame list“, which fall in the range to be analysed, are added in to obtain a single average for each trace. Deleted frames, and frames whose tag values are not in the “Tag list” are excluded.

This analysis method can also be used to view raw traces; just set the “Frame list” to select a single frame, and set the “Trace # list” to select the traces you want to see. The traces are shown in numerical order, and any repetitions in the list are ignored.

If your current run is a run of already averaged data, you can still perform this averaging. The total number of sweeps shown takes into account the number of sweeps already averaged into each frame in the run. The “Start of run” and “End of run” parameters have no effect here, since frames of averaged data have no inherent “time of occurrence.”


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>ATF  Analysis method  Trace averaging by frame list
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>ST  Tag list  All
<Esc>SCID  Phase selection delay  0 msec
<Esc>SCIW  Phase selection window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SATF  Frame list  All
<Esc>SATT  Trace # list  All
<Esc>SAP  Preview averaged data  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTR  Display relative levels  N
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


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Page: 2

Analysis: Trace averaging based on cycle phase

A number of bins are set up for each trace in the “Trace # list“, evenly dividing the normalized cycles. Each frame in the range to be analysed is added in to the appropriate bin, based on the point in the cycle where the frame was triggered. Deleted frames, and frames whose tag values are not in the “Tag list” are excluded.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>ATC  Analysis method  Trace averaging based on cycle phase
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SCID  Phase selection delay  0 msec
<Esc>SCIW  Phase selection window  0.1 msec
<Esc>ST  Tag list  All
<Esc>SATT  Trace # list  All
<Esc>SAB  # bins- avg  ?
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active  0
<Esc>SAS  Start bin- avg  1
<Esc>SAP  Preview averaged data  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTO  Overlay bins  N
<Esc>SDTR  Display relative levels  N
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


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Page: 3

Analysis: Trace averaging based on W.F. level

A number of bins are set up for each trace in the “Trace # list“, evenly dividing the range of voltage levels measured from the waveform selected by the “Amplitude W.F. #“. Each frame in the range to be analysed is added in to the appropriate bin, based on the waveform level associated with the frame. The parameters “W.F. amplitude delay” and “W.F. amplitude window” indicate a range of points, relative to the point where the frame was triggered, used to obtain a level reading on the waveform.

The range of voltage levels can be restricted to a smaller range, by setting the parameters “Min W.F. amplitude” and “Max W.F. amplitude“. Only frames whose associated waveform level readings stay within these bounds will be included in the average. Normally, these two parameters only restrict the range, and do not enlarge it: if the parameters are beyond the range of voltage levels in the waveform, it is the measured range which is divided into bins, not the range defined by the parameters. However, if the “Fixed W.F. level bins” option is enabled, then the two parameters above will always define the range which is divided into bins, even if it exceeds the range of levels in the waveform.

Deleted frames, and frames whose tag values are not in the “Tag list” are excluded. You can also exclude frames that occur during the inactive phase of cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“, by enabling the “Active cycle phase only” option. This restricts the average to frames that occur between the start and stop times of activity in any cycle. If the “Base cycles on stop time” option is also enabled, then the opposite is true; frames occurring in the inactive phases are included, and frames in the active phases are left out.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>ATW  Analysis method  Trace averaging based on W.F. level
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCID  Phase selection delay  0 msec
<Esc>SCIW  Phase selection window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTA  Active cycle phase only  N
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SLWN  Amplitude W.F. #  0
<Esc>SLWRL  Min W.F. amplitude  -80000 mV
<Esc>SLWRU  Max W.F. amplitude  79997.6 mV
<Esc>SLWF  Fixed W.F. level bins  N
<Esc>SLWD  W.F. amplitude delay  0 msec
<Esc>SLWW  W.F. amplitude window  0.1 msec
<Esc>ST  Tag list  All
<Esc>SATT  Trace # list  All
<Esc>SAB  # bins- avg  ?
<Esc>SAP  Preview averaged data  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTO  Overlay bins  N
<Esc>SDTR  Display relative levels  N
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


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Page: 4

Analysis: Trace averaging based on tag value

A number of bins are set up for each trace in the “Trace # list“, corresponding to the tag values in the “Tag list“. Each frame in the range to be analysed is added in to the appropriate bin, based on its tag value and where this value appears in the list. Deleted frames, and frames whose tag values are not in the “Tag list” are excluded.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>ATB  Analysis method  Trace averaging based on tag value
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>ST  Tag list  All
<Esc>SCID  Phase selection delay  0 msec
<Esc>SCIW  Phase selection window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTA  Active cycle phase only  N
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SATF  Frame list  All
<Esc>SATT  Trace # list  All
<Esc>SAB  # bins- avg  ?
<Esc>SAP  Preview averaged data  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTR  Display relative levels  N
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


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Page: 5

Analysis: Waveform averaging – spike triggered

A single bin is set up for each waveform in the “W.F. # list“. Each action potential in the range to be analysed triggers a “sweep” from each of the above waveforms. The sweeps are added to obtain a single average for each waveform.

The parameter “W.F. avg window” controls the duration of each sweep, and “W.F. avg delay” is a positive, zero or negative offset from the time the sweep is triggered to the time the sweep’s window begins.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AWSA  Analysis method  Waveform averaging – spike triggered
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCID  Phase selection delay  0 msec
<Esc>SCIW  Phase selection window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SAWL  W.F. # list  All
<Esc>SAWD  W.F. avg delay  0 msec
<Esc>SAWW  W.F. avg window  ?
<Esc>SAP  Preview averaged data  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTR  Display relative levels  N
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


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Page: 6

Analysis: Waveform averaging based on cycle phase

A number of bins are set up for each waveform in the “W.F. # list“, evenly dividing the normalized cycles. For each cycle in the range to be analysed, a “sweep” is triggered at the start of each bin in the cycle, and the sweep is added into its bin. The window and delay are set as they are for spike triggered averages.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AWC  Analysis method  Waveform averaging based on cycle phase
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SCID  Phase selection delay  0 msec
<Esc>SCIW  Phase selection window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SAWL  W.F. # list  All
<Esc>SAWD  W.F. avg delay  0 msec
<Esc>SAWW  W.F. avg window  ?
<Esc>SAB  # bins- avg  ?
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active  0
<Esc>SAS  Start bin- avg  1
<Esc>SAP  Preview averaged data  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTO  Overlay bins  N
<Esc>SDTR  Display relative levels  N
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


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Page: 7

Analysis: W.F. averaging – spikes within cycle

A number of bins are set up for each waveform in the “W.F. # list“, evenly dividing the normalized cycles. Each action potential in the range to be analysed triggers a “sweep” from each of the above waveforms. Sweeps are added in to the appropriate bins, based on the point in the cycle where each sweep was triggered. The window and delay are set as they are for spike triggered averages.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AWBV  Analysis method  W.F. averaging – spikes within cycle
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SCID  Phase selection delay  0 msec
<Esc>SCIW  Phase selection window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SAWL  W.F. # list  All
<Esc>SAWD  W.F. avg delay  0 msec
<Esc>SAWW  W.F. avg window  ?
<Esc>SAB  # bins- avg  ?
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active  0
<Esc>SAS  Start bin- avg  1
<Esc>SAP  Preview averaged data  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTO  Overlay bins  N
<Esc>SDTR  Display relative levels  N
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 8

Analysis: W.F. averaging – spike occurrence in cycle

A number of bins are set up for each waveform in the “W.F. # list“, corresponding to individual action potentials, or spike occurrences, in the cycles. For example, 10 bins represent the first 10 action potentials in each cycle. A sweep is triggered for each of these action potentials, and added into its corresponding bin. The window and delay are set as they are for spike triggered averages.

The “Spikes to skip” parameter can be set to indicate how many spikes to ignore at the beginning of each cycle. If it were set to, say, 5, then 10 bins would represent the sixth to the fifteenth actions potentials. If the “Reverse spike occurrences” option is then enabled, the 10 bins would represent the fifteen down to the sixth action potentials from the end of the cycle.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AWBS  Analysis method  W.F. averaging – spike occurrence in cycle
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SCID  Phase selection delay  0 msec
<Esc>SCIW  Phase selection window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SSWS  Spikes to skip  0
<Esc>SSWR  Reverse spike occurrences  N
<Esc>SAWL  W.F. # list  All
<Esc>SAWD  W.F. avg delay  0 msec
<Esc>SAWW  W.F. avg window  ?
<Esc>SAB  # bins- avg  ?
<Esc>SAP  Preview averaged data  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTO  Overlay bins  N
<Esc>SDTR  Display relative levels  N
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 9

Analysis: W.F. averaging based on spike interval

A number of bins are set up for each waveform in the “W.F. # list“, evenly dividing the range of inter-spike intervals selected by the “Min inter-spike interval” and “Max inter-spike interval” parameters. Each action potential in the range to be analysed triggers a sweep from each of the above waveforms. Each sweep is added in to the appropriate bin, based on the interval from the previous action potential. No sweep is triggered for the first spike in the range to be analysed, since no previous spike exists to permit an interval calculation. If the spike trains for the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” have been properly set, intervals are calculated and sweeps are triggered only for spikes in the same spike train, and no sweep is triggered for the first spike in each train. The window and delay are set as they are for spike triggered averages.

If the “Take interval after spike” option is enabled, the bin for a given sweep is selected based on the interval to the next action potential, rather than the interval from the previous one. No sweep is triggered for the last spike in the range to be analysed, rather than the first, nor for the last spike in each train, when spike trains are set.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AWSI  Analysis method  W.F. averaging based on spike interval
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCID  Phase selection delay  0 msec
<Esc>SCIW  Phase selection window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SAWL  W.F. # list  All
<Esc>SAWD  W.F. avg delay  0 msec
<Esc>SAWW  W.F. avg window  ?
<Esc>SAB  # bins- avg  ?
<Esc>SMIL  Min inter-spike interval  ?
<Esc>SMIU  Max inter-spike interval  ?
<Esc>SMIA  Take interval after spike  N
<Esc>SAP  Preview averaged data  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTO  Overlay bins  N
<Esc>SDTR  Display relative levels  N
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 19

Analysis: W.F. activity start & stop time analysis

The start or stop of activity on the waveform selected by the “Y-axis W.F. #” is plotted with respect to the start or stop of activity on the waveform selected by the “X-axis W.F. #“. A point is plotted for each cycle on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“, and the start or stop times are calculated relative to the start of the cycle in which they occur. If the “Normalization” option is enabled, times are calculated as a percentage of the cycle length.

If the option “Base X on stop time” is enabled, times for the end of activity, rather than for the start of activity, are used for the X coordinates. If the option “Base X on spike trains” is enabled, the start or end of spike trains for this waveform are used for the X coordinates, rather than the usual (duty cycle) activity. The “X-axis cycle offset” is used to effectively time-shift the cycles for the purpose of determining in which cycle a particular burst of activity or spike train falls. This allows more reliable results in borderline cases. For example, if a burst usually starts somewhat after the start of the cycle, but starts a bit early for a few cycles, you can select a negative offset of a few milliseconds so that these few bursts will properly be associated with the cycles in which they occur, even though they start a few milliseconds before the start of their associated cycles. Similarly, a positive offset can be used if a few bursts end slightly after the end of the cycle in which they occur. Note that this offset does not affect the calculation of the coordinate, so it is possible to get negative points plotted. Similar options for the Y-axis waveform exist, and are used in the same way.

If the “Cycle durations on X” option is enabled, the usual X-axis is overridden by the cycle durations. In other words, the graph becomes one of start or stop time of activity in cycle, versus cycle duration.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AS  Analysis method  W.F. activity start & stop time analysis
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SMSXW  X-axis W.F. #  ?
<Esc>SMSXC  X-axis cycle offset  0 msec
<Esc>SMSXS  Base X on stop time  N
<Esc>SMSXT  Base X on spike trains  N
<Esc>SMSYW  Y-axis W.F. #  ?
<Esc>SMSYC  Y-axis cycle offset  0 msec
<Esc>SMSYS  Base Y on stop time  N
<Esc>SMSYT  Base Y on spike trains  N
<Esc>SMSC  Cycle durations on X  N
<Esc>SGN  Normalization  Y
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 20

Analysis: W.F. activity burst duration vs cycle duration

The duration of activity (duty) on the waveform selected by the “Amplitude W.F. #” is displayed with respect to the duration of cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. A point is plotted for each activity burst on the former waveform, which falls into one of the cycles of the latter waveform in the selected range to be analysed. If the option “Base cycle stats. on start” is enabled, the start of activity, rather than the end of activity, is used for the purpose of determining in which cycle a particular burst of activity falls, and where it falls within the cycle.

The “Burst cycle offset” is used to effectively time-shift the cycles for the purpose of determining in which cycle a particular burst of activity falls, much like the cycle offset parameters for the “W.F. activity start & stop time analysis” graph. The “Burst duration type” parameter determines the way in which the burst duration is calculated for each burst of activity. The initial value, 0, means the duration is the time from the start of the burst to the end of it. A 1 means the time from the start of the burst to the start of the next burst. A 2 means the time from the end of the burst to the start of the next, and a 3 means the time from the end of the burst to the end of the next. If the “Relative burst durations” option is set, burst durations are shown as a percentage of the corresponding cycle durations.

If the “Burst positions in cycle” option is enabled, the usual X-axis is overridden by the cycle positions of the activity bursts. In other words, the graph becomes one of burst duration versus position of burst in cycle. Just like any of the other graphs of “something” vs cycle, this graph can be normalized, and the “Cycles on graph” parameter will then take effect.

If the “Flip durations” option is enabled, the usual X and Y axes are transposed, giving you a graph of cycle duration versus burst duration. If the “Flip durations” option and the “Burst positions in cycle” option are both enabled, the graph becomes one of cycle duration versus position of burst in cycle.

When the “Second W.F. bursts” option is enabled, the end of burst durations or train durations are taken from the cycle activity recorded in the waveform parameters of a second waveform, selected by the “Second ampl. W.F. #“. Either the start or end of the burst is used, depending on the “Burst duration type” selected. If the “Second W.F. trains” option is also selected, it overrides this one, so the trains are used instead of the cycle activity for the second waveform.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGWD  Analysis method  W.F. activity burst duration vs cycle duration
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SLWN  Amplitude W.F. #  0
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  W.F. activity  ?
<Esc>SLWA  Base cycle stats. on start  N
<Esc>SMBC  Burst cycle offset  0 msec
<Esc>SMBD  Burst duration type  0
<Esc>SMBR  Relative burst durations  N
<Esc>SMBSC  Second W.F. bursts  N
<Esc>SMBST  Second W.F. trains  N
<Esc>SLSWN  Second ampl. W.F. #  0
<Esc>Wn<CR>  Second W.F. activity  ?
<Esc>SMBF  Flip durations  N
<Esc>SMBV  Burst positions in cycle  N
<Esc>SGN  Normalization  Y
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 21

Analysis: Raw W.F. amplitude vs step cycle

The waveform selected by the “Amplitude W.F. #” is displayed with respect to cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. That is, for each cycle on the latter waveform, the corresponding segment of the former waveform is displayed, overlaid by segments corresponding to all other cycles in the range to be analysed. If the cycle related parameters for the displayed waveform have been properly set, statistics will be given for activity on this waveform, relative to the above cycles. The parameters “Min W.F. amplitude” and “Max W.F. amplitude” can restrict the voltage levels allowed in the analysis to a smaller range.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGWVR  Analysis method  Raw W.F. amplitude vs step cycle
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SLWN  Amplitude W.F. #  0
<Esc>SLWRL  Min W.F. amplitude  -80000 mV
<Esc>SLWRU  Max W.F. amplitude  79997.6 mV
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  W.F. activity  ?
<Esc>SLWP  W.F. ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SGN  Normalization  Y
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active  0
<Esc>SGC  Cycles on graph  2
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SLWA  Base cycle stats. on start  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 22

Analysis: Averaged W.F. amplitude vs step cycle

The waveform selected by the “Amplitude W.F. #” is averaged and displayed with respect to cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. That is, the cycles are evenly divided into a number of bins, and for each cycle on the latter waveform, the corresponding segment of the former waveform is split up and the parts are added into their respective bins. An average curve is then calculated and displayed with one point for each bin.

If the cycle related parameters for the displayed waveform have been properly set, statistics will be given for activity on this waveform, relative to the above cycles. The parameters “Min W.F. amplitude” and “Max W.F. amplitude” can restrict the voltage levels allowed in the analysis to a smaller range.

The “Amplitude” reported at the top of this graph is simply the difference between the minimum and the maximum averages calculated, i.e. a peak-to-peak amplitude. On a DC-coupled intracellular recording of a motoneuron, this peak-to-peak amplitude is the locomotor drive potential or L.D.P.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGWVA  Analysis method  Averaged W.F. amplitude vs step cycle
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SLWN  Amplitude W.F. #  0
<Esc>SLWRL  Min W.F. amplitude  -80000 mV
<Esc>SLWRU  Max W.F. amplitude  79997.6 mV
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  W.F. activity  ?
<Esc>SGN  Normalization  Y
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active  0
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph  100
<Esc>SLWP  W.F. ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SGS  Start bin- graph  1
<Esc>SGC  Cycles on graph  2
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SLWA  Base cycle stats. on start  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGH  Histogram type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGS  Std. deviation type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDSYHL  Min Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDSYHU  Max Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDTA  Show areas under curves  N
<Esc>SDTH  Histogram display  N
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 23

Analysis: Raw trace amplitude vs frame number

Displacements measured for each frame, on the trace selected by the “Amplitude trace #“, are displayed with respect to their frame numbers. The “Frame list” parameter selects the frames to be measured, and the order in which they are presented. The Frame number for each point on the X-axis corresponds to the frames’ position in the sequence in which frames are presented. These numbers do not represent actual frame numbers unless frames are displayed in sequence, beginning with frame 1, and no frames are excluded.

The trace amplitude measurements are taken the same way they are for the “Raw trace amplitude vs step cycle” graph. Deleted frames, and frames whose tag values are not in the “Tag list” are excluded.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGTB  Analysis method  Raw trace amplitude vs frame number
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>ST  Tag list  All
<Esc>SCID  Phase selection delay  0 msec
<Esc>SCIW  Phase selection window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SATF  Frame list  All
<Esc>SLTN  Amplitude trace #  0
<Esc>SLTS  Trace amplitude point  ?
<Esc>SLTR  Trace amplitude ref  -0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTWS  Trace ampl. point window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTWR  Trace ampl. ref window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTWA  Average trace ampl. ref.  N
<Esc>SLTWD  Trace ampl. ref. regression degree  0
<Esc>SLTWF  Find max trace amplitude  Y
<Esc>SLTWI  Trace ampl. integration  N
<Esc>SLTWM  Average trace ampl. sample  N
<Esc>SLTP  Trace ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV


^ top

Page: 25

Analysis: Raw trace amplitude vs step cycle

Displacements measured for each frame, on the trace selected by the “Amplitude trace #“, are displayed with respect to cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. That is, for each cycle on the latter waveform, the corresponding frames are examined. For each of these frames, two points are measured on the selected trace, and the difference is shown on the graph, at the position in the cycle where the frame was triggered.

The position of these two points in the frame’s window are selected by the parameters “Trace amplitude point” and “Trace amplitude ref“. The first select the actual point to be sampled, and the second selects the reference measurement location. These two parameters have corresponding “window” parameters, which can be used to select two ranges of points in the frame’s window: the program will search for the maximum point, or the minimum point, in each of the two ranges, based on the setting of the “Find max trace amplitude” parameter. If either of the two “window” parameters is set to 0, only one point is used for the corresponding measurement. A line above the graph will indicate which point or range of points was used for each of the two measurements. Regardless of whether the sample level and the reference level are obtained each from a single point, or the minimum or maximum in a range of points, the reference level is subtracted from the sample level to obtain the amplitude reading for the frame.

If the “Trace amplitude ref” option is set to a negative value (e.g. -1p), then the reference level is not measured, and the sample level is taken as an absolute reading.

If the “Average trace ampl. ref.” option is enabled, rather than searching for the maximum or minimum point in the “Trace ampl. ref window” for each frame, the program will instead take the average of the points in this range as the reference level.

If the “Trace ampl. integration” option is enabled, rather than searching for the maximum or minimum point in the “Trace ampl. point window” for each frame, the program will instead integrate (sum up) the points in this range. (What are actually summed up are displacements relative to the reference level measured.)

The measurements for all cycles in the range to be analysed are overlaid on the graph. Deleted frames, and frames whose tag values are not in the “Tag list” are excluded.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGTVR  Analysis method  Raw trace amplitude vs step cycle
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>ST  Tag list  All
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SCID  Phase selection delay  0 msec
<Esc>SCIW  Phase selection window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTN  Amplitude trace #  0
<Esc>SLTS  Trace amplitude point  ?
<Esc>SLTR  Trace amplitude ref  -0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTWS  Trace ampl. point window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTWR  Trace ampl. ref window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTWA  Average trace ampl. ref.  N
<Esc>SLTWD  Trace ampl. ref. regression degree  0
<Esc>SLTWF  Find max trace amplitude  Y
<Esc>SLTWI  Trace ampl. integration  N
<Esc>SLTWM  Average trace ampl. sample  N
<Esc>SLTP  Trace ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SGN  Normalization  Y
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active  0
<Esc>SGC  Cycles on graph  2
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 26

Analysis: Averaged trace amplitude vs step cycle

Displacements measured for each frame, on the trace selected by the “Amplitude trace #“, are displayed with respect to cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. That is, for each cycle on the latter waveform, the corresponding frames are examined. The cycles are divided evenly into a number of bins, and for each of the examined frames, two points are measured on the selected trace, and the difference is added into the appropriate bin for the position in the cycle where the frame was triggered. An average curve is then calculated and displayed with one point for each bin.

The position of these two points in the frame’s window are selected by the parameters “Trace amplitude point” and “Trace amplitude ref“. The first select the actual point to be sampled, and the second selects the reference measurement location. These two parameters have corresponding “window” parameters, which can be used to select two ranges of points in the frame’s window: the program will search for the maximum point, or the minimum point, in each of the two ranges, based on the setting of the “Find max trace amplitude” parameter. If either of the two “window” parameters is set to 0, only one point is used for the corresponding measurement. A line above the graph will indicate which point or range of points was used for each of the two measurements. Regardless of whether the sample level and the reference level are obtained each from a single point, or the minimum or maximum in a range of points, the reference level is subtracted from the sample level to obtain the amplitude reading for the frame.

If the “Trace amplitude ref” option is set to a negative value (e.g. -1p), then the reference level is not measured, and the sample level is taken as an absolute reading.

If the “Average trace ampl. ref.” option is enabled, rather than searching for the maximum or minimum point in the “Trace ampl. ref window” for each frame, the program will instead take the average of the points in this range as the reference level.

If the “Trace ampl. integration” option is enabled, rather than searching for the maximum or minimum point in the “Trace ampl. point window” for each frame, the program will instead integrate (sum up) the points in this range. (What are actually summed up are displacements relative to the reference level measured.)

The measurements for all cycles in the range to be analysed are overlaid on the graph. Deleted frames, and frames whose tag values are not in the “Tag list” are excluded.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGTVA  Analysis method  Averaged trace amplitude vs step cycle
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>ST  Tag list  All
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SCID  Phase selection delay  0 msec
<Esc>SCIW  Phase selection window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTN  Amplitude trace #  0
<Esc>SLTS  Trace amplitude point  ?
<Esc>SLTR  Trace amplitude ref  -0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTWS  Trace ampl. point window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTWR  Trace ampl. ref window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTWA  Average trace ampl. ref.  N
<Esc>SLTWD  Trace ampl. ref. regression degree  0
<Esc>SLTWF  Find max trace amplitude  Y
<Esc>SLTWI  Trace ampl. integration  N
<Esc>SLTWM  Average trace ampl. sample  N
<Esc>SGN  Normalization  Y
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active  0
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph  100
<Esc>SLTP  Trace ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SGS  Start bin- graph  1
<Esc>SGC  Cycles on graph  2
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGH  Histogram type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGS  Std. deviation type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDSYHL  Min Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDSYHU  Max Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDTA  Show areas under curves  N
<Esc>SDTH  Histogram display  N
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 27

Analysis: Raw trace amplitude vs W.F. level

Displacements measured for each frame, on the trace selected by the “Amplitude trace #“, are displayed with respect to corresponding level measurements on the waveform selected by the “Amplitude W.F. #“. The trace amplitude measurements are taken the same way they are for the “Raw trace amplitude vs step cycle” graph. The waveform amplitude measurements are taken the same way they are for the “Trace averaging based on W.F. level” analysis. The “Fixed W.F. level bins” option has a slightly different effect here, since the range of levels is not divided into bins, but it may affect (increase) the range of levels displayed to the full range defined by the “Min W.F. amplitude” and “Max W.F. amplitude” parameters.

Deleted frames, and frames whose tag values are not in the “Tag list” are excluded. You can also exclude frames that occur during the inactive phase of cycles, or the active phase, in the same way as for the “Trace averaging based on W.F. level” analysis, using the “Active cycle phase only” option.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGTTR  Analysis method  Raw trace amplitude vs W.F. level
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCID  Phase selection delay  0 msec
<Esc>SCIW  Phase selection window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTA  Active cycle phase only  N
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SLWN  Amplitude W.F. #  0
<Esc>SLWRL  Min W.F. amplitude  -80000 mV
<Esc>SLWRU  Max W.F. amplitude  79997.6 mV
<Esc>SLWF  Fixed W.F. level bins  N
<Esc>SLWD  W.F. amplitude delay  0 msec
<Esc>SLWW  W.F. amplitude window  0.1 msec
<Esc>ST  Tag list  All
<Esc>SLTN  Amplitude trace #  0
<Esc>SLTS  Trace amplitude point  ?
<Esc>SLTR  Trace amplitude ref  -0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTWS  Trace ampl. point window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTWR  Trace ampl. ref window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTWA  Average trace ampl. ref.  N
<Esc>SLTWD  Trace ampl. ref. regression degree  0
<Esc>SLTWF  Find max trace amplitude  Y
<Esc>SLTWI  Trace ampl. integration  N
<Esc>SLTWM  Average trace ampl. sample  N
<Esc>SLTP  Trace ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SLWP  W.F. ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV


^ top

Page: 28

Analysis: Averaged trace amplitude vs W.F. level

Displacements measured for each frame, on the trace selected by the “Amplitude trace #“, are displayed with respect to corresponding level measurements on the waveform selected by the “Amplitude W.F. #“. The trace amplitude measurements are taken the same way they are for the “Raw trace amplitude vs step cycle” graph. The waveform amplitude measurements are taken the same way they are for the “Trace averaging based on W.F. level” analysis. The range of voltage levels measured from the selected waveform is divided evenly into a number of bins, and all displacements are added into these bins to obtain an average curve which is displayed.

Deleted frames, and frames whose tag values are not in the “Tag list” are excluded. You can also exclude frames that occur during the inactive phase of cycles, or the active phase, in the same way as for the “Trace averaging based on W.F. level” analysis, using the “Active cycle phase only” option.

The “Fixed W.F. level bins” option has the same effect here as it does for the “Trace averaging based on W.F. level” analysis, causing the “Min W.F. amplitude” and “Max W.F. amplitude” to define a fixed range which is divided into bins, even if it exceeds the range of levels in the waveform.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGTTA  Analysis method  Averaged trace amplitude vs W.F. level
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCID  Phase selection delay  0 msec
<Esc>SCIW  Phase selection window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTA  Active cycle phase only  N
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SLWN  Amplitude W.F. #  0
<Esc>SLWRL  Min W.F. amplitude  -80000 mV
<Esc>SLWRU  Max W.F. amplitude  79997.6 mV
<Esc>SLWF  Fixed W.F. level bins  N
<Esc>SLWD  W.F. amplitude delay  0 msec
<Esc>SLWW  W.F. amplitude window  0.1 msec
<Esc>ST  Tag list  All
<Esc>SLTN  Amplitude trace #  0
<Esc>SLTS  Trace amplitude point  ?
<Esc>SLTR  Trace amplitude ref  -0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTWS  Trace ampl. point window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTWR  Trace ampl. ref window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTWA  Average trace ampl. ref.  N
<Esc>SLTWD  Trace ampl. ref. regression degree  0
<Esc>SLTWF  Find max trace amplitude  Y
<Esc>SLTWI  Trace ampl. integration  N
<Esc>SLTWM  Average trace ampl. sample  N
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph  100
<Esc>SLTP  Trace ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SLWP  W.F. ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGH  Histogram type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGS  Std. deviation type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDSYHL  Min Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDSYHU  Max Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDTA  Show areas under curves  N
<Esc>SDTH  Histogram display  N
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV


^ top

Page: 30

Analysis: W.F. spike train duration vs cycle duration

The duration of spike trains on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” is displayed with respect to the duration of cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. A point is plotted for each spike train on the former waveform, which falls into one of the cycles of the latter waveform in the selected range to be analysed. If the option “Base spike stats. on start” is enabled, the start of the train, rather than the end of the train, is used for the purpose of determining in which cycle a particular spike train falls, and where it falls within the cycle.

The “Burst cycle offset“, “Burst duration type“, “Relative burst durations“, “Flip durations“, “Burst positions in cycle“, “Second W.F. bursts” and “Second W.F. trains” parameters have the same effect as in the “W.F. activity burst duration vs cycle duration” graph.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGAD  Analysis method  W.F. spike train duration vs cycle duration
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SSWA  Base spike stats. on start  N
<Esc>SMBC  Burst cycle offset  0 msec
<Esc>SMBD  Burst duration type  0
<Esc>SMBR  Relative burst durations  N
<Esc>SMBSC  Second W.F. bursts  N
<Esc>SMBST  Second W.F. trains  N
<Esc>SLSWN  Second ampl. W.F. #  0
<Esc>Wn<CR>  Second W.F. activity  ?
<Esc>SMBF  Flip durations  N
<Esc>SMBV  Burst positions in cycle  N
<Esc>SGN  Normalization  Y
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 31

Analysis: Action potential position vs step cycle

Action potentials occurring on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” are displayed with respect to cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. That is, for each cycle on the latter waveform, a row of points is drawn, showing where in the cycle each action potential occurred. If the spike trains for the former waveform have been properly set, statistics will be given for activity on this waveform, relative to the above cycles.

For this graph, and for the sorted one as well, when you disable normalization and “Auto scale“, you can set the lower bound and upper bound of the X axis to go beyond the start and end of each cycle and the program will display the points occurring in those areas (in the previous or next cycle).


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGAVP  Analysis method  Action potential position vs step cycle
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SGN  Normalization  Y
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active  0
<Esc>SGC  Cycles on graph  2
<Esc>SSWD  Display cycle activity  N
<Esc>SSWA  Base spike stats. on start  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


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Page: 32

Analysis: Action potential position sorted by cycle length

Action potentials occurring on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” are displayed with respect to cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. That is, for each cycle on the latter waveform, a row of points is drawn, showing where in the cycle each action potential occurred. The cycles are sorted in ascending order of cycle length. You will usually want to disable normalization to view this graph. If the spike trains for the former waveform have been properly set, statistics will be given for activity on this waveform, relative to the above cycles.

For this graph, and for the non-sorted one as well, when you disable normalization and “Auto scale“, you can set the lower bound and upper bound of the X axis to go beyond the start and end of each cycle and the program will display the points occurring in those areas (in the previous or next cycle).


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGAVS  Analysis method  Action potential position sorted by cycle length
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SGN  Normalization  Y
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active  0
<Esc>SGC  Cycles on graph  2
<Esc>SSWD  Display cycle activity  N
<Esc>SSWA  Base spike stats. on start  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 33

Analysis: Action potential vs step cycle histogram

The cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #” are divided into a number of bins, and each bin counts the number of action potentials, on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #“, occurring in its part of the cycle. The resulting graph shows the average number of action potentials in each part of the cycle. If the spike trains for the latter waveform have been properly set, statistics will be given for activity on this waveform, relative to the above cycles.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGAVC  Analysis method  Action potential vs step cycle histogram
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SGN  Normalization  Y
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active  0
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph  100
<Esc>SGS  Start bin- graph  1
<Esc>SGC  Cycles on graph  2
<Esc>SSWA  Base spike stats. on start  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGH  Histogram type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGS  Std. deviation type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDSYHL  Min Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDSYHU  Max Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDTA  Show areas under curves  N
<Esc>SDTH  Histogram display  N
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 34

Analysis: Raw inter-spike interval vs step cycle

The intervals between action potentials occurring on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” are displayed with respect to cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. That is, for each spike on the former waveform, the interval from the previous spike is calculated, and plotted on the graph at the position in the current cycle where this spike occurred. No interval is plotted for the first spike of the first cycle, if no previous spike was found, in the selected range to be analysed, to permit an interval calculation. If the spike trains for the former waveform have been properly set, statistics will be given for activity on this waveform, relative to the above cycles. Also, in this case, intervals are calculated and plotted only for spikes in the same spike train, and no interval is plotted for the first spike in each train.

If the “Take interval after spike” option is enabled, the interval to the following spike, rather than the previous one, is calculated. No interval is plotted for the last spike of the last cycle, if no following spike is found in the selected range. If spike trains have been set, no interval is plotted for the last spike in each train.

For this graph, and for the similar raw instantaneous frequency graph, when you disable normalization and “Auto scale“, you can set the lower bound and upper bound of the X axis to go beyond the start and end of each cycle and the program will display the points occurring in those areas (in the previous or next cycle). This feature will not work for the averaged graphs.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGAVIR  Analysis method  Raw inter-spike interval vs step cycle
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SMIA  Take interval after spike  N
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SGN  Normalization  Y
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active  0
<Esc>SGC  Cycles on graph  2
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SSWA  Base spike stats. on start  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 35

Analysis: Averaged inter-spike interval vs step cycle

The intervals between action potentials occurring on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” are averaged and displayed with respect to cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. That is, the cycles are divided evenly into a number of bins, and for each spike on the former waveform, the interval from the previous spike is calculated, and added into the appropriate bin for the position in the current cycle where this spike occurred. An average curve is then calculated and displayed with one point for each bin.

No interval is calculated for the first spike of the first cycle, if no previous spike was found, in the selected range to be analysed, to permit an interval calculation. If the spike trains for the former waveform have been properly set, statistics will be given for activity on this waveform, relative to the above cycles. Also, in this case, intervals are calculated only for spikes in the same spike train, and no interval is calculated for the first spike in each train.

If the “Take interval after spike” option is enabled, the interval to the following spike, rather than the previous one, is calculated. No interval is calculated for the last spike of the last cycle, if no following spike is found in the selected range. If spike trains have been set, no interval is calculated for the last spike in each train.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGAVIA  Analysis method  Averaged inter-spike interval vs step cycle
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SMIA  Take interval after spike  N
<Esc>SGN  Normalization  Y
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active  0
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph  100
<Esc>SGS  Start bin- graph  1
<Esc>SGC  Cycles on graph  2
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SSWA  Base spike stats. on start  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGH  Histogram type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGS  Std. deviation type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDSYHL  Min Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDSYHU  Max Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDTA  Show areas under curves  N
<Esc>SDTH  Histogram display  N
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 36

Analysis: Raw instantaneous spike frequency vs step cycle

The instantaneous frequency of action potentials occurring on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” are displayed with respect to cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. That is, for each spike on the former waveform, the instantaneous frequency (the inverse of the interval from the previous spike) is calculated, and plotted on the graph at the position in the current cycle where this spike occurred. No frequency is plotted for the first spike of the first cycle, if no previous spike was found, in the selected range to be analysed, to permit an interval calculation. If the spike trains for the former waveform have been properly set, statistics will be given for activity on this waveform, relative to the above cycles. Also, in this case, frequencies are calculated and plotted only for spikes in the same spike train, and no frequency is plotted for the first spike in each train.

If the “Take interval after spike” option is enabled, the interval to the following spike, rather than the previous one, is calculated. No frequency is plotted for the last spike of the last cycle, if no following spike is found in the selected range. If spike trains have been set, no frequency is plotted for the last spike in each train.

For this graph, and for the similar raw inter-spike interval graph, when you disable normalization and “Auto scale“, you can set the lower bound and upper bound of the X axis to go beyond the start and end of each cycle and the program will display the points occurring in those areas (in the previous or next cycle). This feature will not work for the averaged graphs.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGAVFR  Analysis method  Raw instantaneous spike frequency vs step cycle
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SMIA  Take interval after spike  N
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SGN  Normalization  Y
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active  0
<Esc>SGC  Cycles on graph  2
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SSWA  Base spike stats. on start  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUF  Freq. units  Hz
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 37

Analysis: Averaged instantaneous spike frequency vs step cycle

The instantaneous frequency of action potentials occurring on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” are averaged and displayed with respect to cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. That is, the cycles are divided evenly into a number of bins, and for each spike on the former waveform, the instantaneous frequency (the inverse of the interval from the previous spike) is calculated, and added into the appropriate bin for the position in the current cycle where this spike occurred. An average curve is then calculated and displayed with one point for each bin. No frequency is calculated for the first spike of the first cycle, if no previous spike was found, in the selected range to be analysed, to permit an interval calculation. If the spike trains for the former waveform have been properly set, statistics will be given for activity on this waveform, relative to the above cycles. Also, in this case, frequencies are calculated only for spikes in the same spike train, and no frequency is calculated for the first spike in each train.

If the “Take interval after spike” option is enabled, the interval to the following spike, rather than the previous one, is calculated. No frequency is calculated for the last spike of the last cycle, if no following spike is found in the selected range. If spike trains have been set, no frequency is calculated for the last spike in each train.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGAVFA  Analysis method  Averaged instantaneous spike frequency vs step cycle
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SMIA  Take interval after spike  N
<Esc>SGN  Normalization  Y
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active  0
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph  100
<Esc>SGS  Start bin- graph  1
<Esc>SGC  Cycles on graph  2
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SSWA  Base spike stats. on start  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGH  Histogram type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGS  Std. deviation type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDSYHL  Min Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDSYHU  Max Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDTA  Show areas under curves  N
<Esc>SDTH  Histogram display  N
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUF  Freq. units  Hz
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 38

Analysis: Raw inter-spike interval vs spike occ.

The intervals between action potentials occurring on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” are displayed by spike occurrence within cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. That is, the X-axis is divided into a number of “bins”, corresponding to individual spike occurrences in each cycle, then for each spike on the former waveform, the interval from the previous spike is calculated, and plotted on the graph at the position (or spike number) in the current cycle where this spike occurred. For each cycle, the intervals for all spikes falling into one of these “bins” are displayed, overlaid by data from all other cycles in the range to be analysed. You can also skip spikes, or sample spike occurrences from the end of the cycle, just like for the “W.F. averaging – spike occurrence in cycle” analysis, using the “Spikes to skip” parameter.

No interval is plotted for the first spike of the first cycle, if no previous spike was found, in the selected range to be analysed, to permit an interval calculation. If the spike trains for the former waveform have been properly set, statistics will be given for activity on this waveform, relative to the above cycles. Also, in this case, intervals are calculated and plotted only for spikes in the same spike train, and no interval is plotted for the first spike in each train.

If the “Take interval after spike” option is enabled, the interval to the following spike, rather than the previous one, is calculated. No interval is plotted for the last spike of the last cycle, if no following spike is found in the selected range. If spike trains have been set, no interval is plotted for the last spike in each train.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGASIR  Analysis method  Raw inter-spike interval vs spike occ.
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SSWS  Spikes to skip  0
<Esc>SSWR  Reverse spike occurrences  N
<Esc>SMIA  Take interval after spike  N
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph  100
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SSWA  Base spike stats. on start  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 39

Analysis: Averaged inter-spike interval vs spike occ.

The average intervals between action potentials occurring on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” are displayed by spike occurrence within cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. That is, the X-axis is divided into a number of bins, corresponding to individual spike occurrences in each cycle, then for each spike on the former waveform, the interval from the previous spike is calculated, and added to the bin for the position (or spike number) in the current cycle where this spike occurred. For each cycle, the intervals for all spikes falling into one of these bins are calculated and added, and a single average curve is displayed. You can also skip spikes, or sample spike occurrences from the end of the cycle, just like for the “W.F. averaging – spike occurrence in cycle” analysis, using the “Spikes to skip” parameter.

No interval is calculated for the first spike of the first cycle, if no previous spike was found, in the selected range to be analysed, to permit an interval calculation. If the spike trains for the former waveform have been properly set, statistics will be given for activity on this waveform, relative to the above cycles. Also, in this case, intervals are calculated only for spikes in the same spike train, and no interval is calculated for the first spike in each train.

If the “Take interval after spike” option is enabled, the interval to the following spike, rather than the previous one, is calculated. No interval is calculated for the last spike of the last cycle, if no following spike is found in the selected range. If spike trains have been set, no interval is calculated for the last spike in each train.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGASIA  Analysis method  Averaged inter-spike interval vs spike occ.
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SSWS  Spikes to skip  0
<Esc>SSWR  Reverse spike occurrences  N
<Esc>SMIA  Take interval after spike  N
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph  100
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SSWA  Base spike stats. on start  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGH  Histogram type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGS  Std. deviation type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDSYHL  Min Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDSYHU  Max Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDTA  Show areas under curves  N
<Esc>SDTH  Histogram display  N
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 40

Analysis: Raw instantaneous spike frequency vs spike occ.

The instantaneous frequency of action potentials occurring on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” are displayed by spike occurrence within cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. That is, the X-axis is divided into a number of “bins”, corresponding to individual spike occurrences in each cycle, then for each spike on the former waveform, the instantaneous frequency (inverse of the interval from the previous spike) is calculated, and plotted on the graph at the position (or spike number) in the current cycle where this spike occurred. For each cycle, the frequencies for all spikes falling into one of these “bins” are displayed, overlaid by data from all other cycles in the range to be analysed. You can also skip spikes, or sample spike occurrences from the end of the cycle, just like for the “W.F. averaging – spike occurrence in cycle” analysis, using the “Spikes to skip” parameter.

No frequency is plotted for the first spike of the first cycle, if no previous spike was found, in the selected range to be analysed, to permit an interval calculation. If the spike trains for the former waveform have been properly set, statistics will be given for activity on this waveform, relative to the above cycles. Also, in this case, frequencies are calculated and plotted only for spikes in the same spike train, and no frequency is plotted for the first spike in each train.

If the “Take interval after spike” option is enabled, the interval to the following spike, rather than the previous one, is calculated. No frequency is plotted for the last spike of the last cycle, if no following spike is found in the selected range. If spike trains have been set, no frequency is plotted for the last spike in each train.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGASFR  Analysis method  Raw instantaneous spike frequency vs spike occ.
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SSWS  Spikes to skip  0
<Esc>SSWR  Reverse spike occurrences  N
<Esc>SMIA  Take interval after spike  N
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph  100
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SSWA  Base spike stats. on start  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUF  Freq. units  Hz
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 41

Analysis: Averaged instantaneous spike frequency vs spike occ.

The average instantaneous frequency of action potentials occurring on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” are displayed by spike occurrence within cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. That is, the X-axis is divided into a number of bins, corresponding to individual spike occurrences in each cycle, then for each spike on the former waveform, the instantaneous frequency (inverse of the interval from the previous spike) is calculated, and added to the bin for the position (or spike number) in the current cycle where this spike occurred. For each cycle, the frequencies for all spikes falling into one of these bins are calculated and added, and a single average curve is displayed. You can also skip spikes, or sample spike occurrences from the end of the cycle, just like for the “W.F. averaging – spike occurrence in cycle” analysis, using the “Spikes to skip” parameter.

No frequency is calculated for the first spike of the first cycle, if no previous spike was found, in the selected range to be analysed, to permit an interval calculation. If the spike trains for the former waveform have been properly set, statistics will be given for activity on this waveform, relative to the above cycles. Also, in this case, frequencies are calculated only for spikes in the same spike train, and no frequency is calculated for the first spike in each train.

If the “Take interval after spike” option is enabled, the interval to the following spike, rather than the previous one, is calculated. No frequency is calculated for the last spike of the last cycle, if no following spike is found in the selected range. If spike trains have been set, no frequency is calculated for the last spike in each train.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGASFA  Analysis method  Averaged instantaneous spike frequency vs spike occ.
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SSWS  Spikes to skip  0
<Esc>SSWR  Reverse spike occurrences  N
<Esc>SMIA  Take interval after spike  N
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph  100
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SSWA  Base spike stats. on start  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGH  Histogram type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGS  Std. deviation type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDSYHL  Min Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDSYHU  Max Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDTA  Show areas under curves  N
<Esc>SDTH  Histogram display  N
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUF  Freq. units  Hz
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 42

Analysis: Raw firing level vs step cycle

The firing levels at each action potential are displayed with respect to cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. That is, for each spike on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #“, the level is measured at that same location on the waveform selected by the “Amplitude W.F. #“, and displayed on the graph at the position in the current cycle where this spike occurred. The parameters “W.F. amplitude delay” and “W.F. amplitude window” indicate a range of points, relative to the point where the action potential occurred, used to obtain a level reading on this waveform. The range of voltage levels can be restricted to a smaller range, by setting the parameters “Min W.F. amplitude” and “Max W.F. amplitude“. Only action potentials whose associated waveform level readings stay within these bounds will be included in the graph.

This graph is most useful when dealing with a differentiated waveform. Spikes on the differentiated waveform, indicating high rates of change in level on the original waveform, can be used to trigger firing level measurements on the original waveform.

If the spike trains for the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” have been properly set, statistics will be given for activity on this waveform, relative to the above cycles.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGAFVR  Analysis method  Raw firing level vs step cycle
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SLWN  Amplitude W.F. #  0
<Esc>SLWRL  Min W.F. amplitude  -80000 mV
<Esc>SLWRU  Max W.F. amplitude  79997.6 mV
<Esc>SLWD  W.F. amplitude delay  0 msec
<Esc>SLWW  W.F. amplitude window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SLWP  W.F. ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SGN  Normalization  Y
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active  0
<Esc>SGC  Cycles on graph  2
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SSWA  Base spike stats. on start  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 43

Analysis: Averaged firing level vs step cycle

The average firing levels at each action potential are displayed with respect to cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. That is, the cycles are evenly divided into a number of bins, then for each spike on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #“, the level is measured at that same location on the waveform selected by the “Amplitude W.F. #“, and added to the bin corresponding to the position in the current cycle where this spike occurred. All data are added into the bins to obtain an average curve which is displayed. The parameters “W.F. amplitude delay” and “W.F. amplitude window” indicate a range of points, relative to the point where the action potential occurred, used to obtain a level reading on this waveform. The range of voltage levels can be restricted to a smaller range, by setting the parameters “Min W.F. amplitude” and “Max W.F. amplitude“. Only action potentials whose associated waveform level readings stay within these bounds will be included in the average.

This graph is most useful when dealing with a differentiated waveform. Spikes on the differentiated waveform, indicating high rates of change in level on the original waveform, can be used to trigger firing level measurements on the original waveform.

If the spike trains for the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” have been properly set, statistics will be given for activity on this waveform, relative to the above cycles.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGAFVA  Analysis method  Averaged firing level vs step cycle
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SLWN  Amplitude W.F. #  0
<Esc>SLWRL  Min W.F. amplitude  -80000 mV
<Esc>SLWRU  Max W.F. amplitude  79997.6 mV
<Esc>SLWD  W.F. amplitude delay  0 msec
<Esc>SLWW  W.F. amplitude window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SGN  Normalization  Y
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active  0
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph  100
<Esc>SLWP  W.F. ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SGS  Start bin- graph  1
<Esc>SGC  Cycles on graph  2
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SSWA  Base spike stats. on start  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGH  Histogram type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGS  Std. deviation type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDSYHL  Min Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDSYHU  Max Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDTA  Show areas under curves  N
<Esc>SDTH  Histogram display  N
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 44

Analysis: Raw firing level vs spike occ.

The firing levels at each action potential occurring on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” are displayed by spike occurrence within cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. That is, the X-axis is divided into a number of “bins”, corresponding to individual spike occurrences in each cycle, then for each spike on the former waveform, the level is measured at that same location on the waveform selected by the “Amplitude W.F. #“, and plotted on the graph at the position (or spike number) in the current cycle where this spike occurred. For each cycle, the firing levels for all spikes falling into one of these “bins” are displayed, overlaid by data from all other cycles in the range to be analysed. You can also skip spikes, or sample spike occurrences from the end of the cycle, just like for the “W.F. averaging – spike occurrence in cycle” analysis, using the “Spikes to skip” parameter.

The parameters “W.F. amplitude delay” and “W.F. amplitude window” indicate a range of points, relative to the point where the action potential occurred, used to obtain a level reading on this waveform. The range of voltage levels can be restricted to a smaller range, by setting the parameters “Min W.F. amplitude” and “Max W.F. amplitude“. Only action potentials whose associated waveform level readings stay within these bounds will be included in the graph.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGAFSR  Analysis method  Raw firing level vs spike occ.
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SLWN  Amplitude W.F. #  0
<Esc>SLWRL  Min W.F. amplitude  -80000 mV
<Esc>SLWRU  Max W.F. amplitude  79997.6 mV
<Esc>SLWD  W.F. amplitude delay  0 msec
<Esc>SLWW  W.F. amplitude window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SSWS  Spikes to skip  0
<Esc>SSWR  Reverse spike occurrences  N
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph  100
<Esc>SLWP  W.F. ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SSWA  Base spike stats. on start  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 45

Analysis: Averaged firing level vs spike occ.

The average firing levels at each action potential occurring on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” are displayed by spike occurrence within cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. That is, the X-axis is divided into a number of bins, corresponding to individual spike occurrences in each cycle, then for each spike on the former waveform, the level is measured at that same location on the waveform selected by the “Amplitude W.F. #“, and added to the bin at the position (or spike number) in the current cycle where this spike occurred. For each cycle, the firing levels for each spike occurrence are added into the appropriate bin, and a single average curve is displayed. You can also skip spikes, or sample spike occurrences from the end of the cycle, just like for the “W.F. averaging – spike occurrence in cycle” analysis, using the “Spikes to skip” parameter.

The parameters “W.F. amplitude delay” and “W.F. amplitude window” indicate a range of points, relative to the point where the action potential occurred, used to obtain a level reading on this waveform. The range of voltage levels can be restricted to a smaller range, by setting the parameters “Min W.F. amplitude” and “Max W.F. amplitude“. Only action potentials whose associated waveform level readings stay within these bounds will be included in the graph.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGAFSA  Analysis method  Averaged firing level vs spike occ.
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SLWN  Amplitude W.F. #  0
<Esc>SLWRL  Min W.F. amplitude  -80000 mV
<Esc>SLWRU  Max W.F. amplitude  79997.6 mV
<Esc>SLWD  W.F. amplitude delay  0 msec
<Esc>SLWW  W.F. amplitude window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SSWS  Spikes to skip  0
<Esc>SSWR  Reverse spike occurrences  N
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph  100
<Esc>SLWP  W.F. ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SSWA  Base spike stats. on start  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGH  Histogram type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGS  Std. deviation type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDSYHL  Min Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDSYHU  Max Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDTA  Show areas under curves  N
<Esc>SDTH  Histogram display  N
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 46

Analysis: Firing level vs firing frequency

The firing levels at each action potential, calculated as for the “Raw firing level vs step cycle” graph, are displayed with respect to the instantaneous frequency of each action potential. No point is displayed for the first spike in the range to be analysed, since no previous spike exists to permit a frequency calculation. If the spike trains for the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” have been properly set, frequencies are calculated and points are displayed only for spikes in the same spike train, and no point is displayed for the first spike in each train.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGAFF  Analysis method  Firing level vs firing frequency
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SLWN  Amplitude W.F. #  0
<Esc>SLWRL  Min W.F. amplitude  -80000 mV
<Esc>SLWRU  Max W.F. amplitude  79997.6 mV
<Esc>SLWD  W.F. amplitude delay  0 msec
<Esc>SLWW  W.F. amplitude window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SMIA  Take interval after spike  N
<Esc>SLWP  W.F. ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUF  Freq. units  Hz
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 51

Analysis: W.F. spike auto-correlation histogram

Each action potential on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #“, in the range to be analysed, triggers a “sweep” from this waveform. The window and delay for these sweeps are set as they are for spike triggered averages. The sweep window is divided into a number of bins, which count the number of action potentials found in each part of every sweep analysed. The resulting graph shows the average number of action potentials in each part of the sweep window.

This graph is similar to the cross-correlation graph, except that the waveform is analysed with respect to itself. Only the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” is used; the “Spike corr. W.F. #” is ignored.

You can limit the number of spikes counted in each sweep, to a certain number allowed before the sweep was triggered (if using a negative delay), and a certain number allowed after the sweep was triggered. This is done by setting the parameters “Corr. spikes before trigger” and “Corr. spikes after trigger“.

The program performs a test of statistical significance on the peak of the graph, and indicates above the graph if the peak is significant. A significant peak is one where the peak count exceeds the mean baseline count by more than 3.29 times the root of this mean. The results of a “K test” are also shown above the graph. These tests are described in “Short term synchronization of intercostal motoneurone activity” by T.A. Sears and D. Stagg, J. Physiol. (1976), 263, pp. 357-381.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGCA  Analysis method  W.F. spike auto-correlation histogram
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SAWD  W.F. avg delay  0 msec
<Esc>SAWW  W.F. avg window  ?
<Esc>SSCB  Corr. spikes before trigger  2147483647
<Esc>SSCA  Corr. spikes after trigger  2147483647
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph  100
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGH  Histogram type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDSYHL  Min Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDSYHU  Max Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDTH  Histogram display  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 52

Analysis: W.F. spike cross-correlation histogram

Each action potential on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #“, in the range to be analysed, triggers a “sweep” from the waveform selected by the “Spike corr. W.F. #“. The window and delay for these sweeps are set as they are for spike triggered averages. The sweep window is divided into a number of bins, which count the number of action potentials found in each part of every sweep analysed. The resulting graph shows the average number of action potentials in each part of the sweep window.

You can limit the number of spikes counted in each sweep, to a certain number allowed before the sweep was triggered (if using a negative delay), and a certain number allowed after the sweep was triggered. This is done by setting the parameters “Corr. spikes before trigger” and “Corr. spikes after trigger“.

The program performs a test of statistical significance on the peak of the graph, and indicates above the graph if the peak is significant. A significant peak is one where the peak count exceeds the mean baseline count by more than 3.29 times the root of this mean. The results of a “K test” are also shown above the graph. These tests are described in “Short term synchronization of intercostal motoneurone activity” by T.A. Sears and D. Stagg, J. Physiol. (1976), 263, pp. 357-381.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGCC  Analysis method  W.F. spike cross-correlation histogram
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SSCN  Spike corr. W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. corr. spikes  ?
<Esc>SAWD  W.F. avg delay  0 msec
<Esc>SAWW  W.F. avg window  ?
<Esc>SSCB  Corr. spikes before trigger  2147483647
<Esc>SSCA  Corr. spikes after trigger  2147483647
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph  100
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGH  Histogram type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDSYHL  Min Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDSYHU  Max Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDTH  Histogram display  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 61

Analysis: Raw trace spike count vs step cycle

The number of spikes found for each frame, on the trace selected by the “Spike trace #“, are displayed with respect to cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. That is, for each cycle on the latter waveform, the corresponding frames are examined. For each of these frames, the selected trace is searched for spikes, and the number of spikes found is shown on the graph, at the position in the cycle where the frame was triggered.

The spike measurement is controlled by the parameters “Trace spike threshold“, “Trace spike hysteresis“, and “Trace spike discr.“. The “Trace spike delay” is simply an offset from the start of the frame’s window where the search for spikes is to begin; if set, spikes before this delay are ignored. The data for all cycles in the range to be analysed are overlaid on the graph. Deleted frames, and frames whose tag values are not in the “Tag list” are excluded.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGISR  Analysis method  Raw trace spike count vs step cycle
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>ST  Tag list  All
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SCID  Phase selection delay  0 msec
<Esc>SCIW  Phase selection window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SSTN  Spike trace #  ?
<Esc>SSTS  Trace spike threshold  ?
<Esc>SSTE  Trace spike hysteresis  0 AD
<Esc>SSTD  Trace spike discr.  32767 AD
<Esc>SSTO  Trace spike delay  ?
<Esc>SGN  Normalization  Y
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active  0
<Esc>SGC  Cycles on graph  2
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 62

Analysis: Averaged trace spike count vs step cycle

The average number of spikes found for each frame, on the trace selected by the “Spike trace #“, are displayed with respect to cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. That is, the cycles are divided into a number of bins, and for each cycle on the latter waveform, the corresponding frames are examined. For each of these frames, the selected trace is searched for spikes, and the number of spikes found is added to the bin at the position in the cycle where the frame was triggered. All data are added into the bins in this way to obtain an average curve which is displayed.

The spike measurement is controlled by the parameters “Trace spike threshold“, “Trace spike hysteresis“, and “Trace spike discr.“. The “Trace spike delay” is simply an offset from the start of the frame’s window where the search for spikes is to begin; if set, spikes before this delay are ignored. The data for all cycles in the range to be analysed are overlaid on the graph. Deleted frames, and frames whose tag values are not in the “Tag list” are excluded.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGISA  Analysis method  Averaged trace spike count vs step cycle
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>ST  Tag list  All
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SCID  Phase selection delay  0 msec
<Esc>SCIW  Phase selection window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SSTN  Spike trace #  ?
<Esc>SSTS  Trace spike threshold  ?
<Esc>SSTE  Trace spike hysteresis  0 AD
<Esc>SSTD  Trace spike discr.  32767 AD
<Esc>SSTO  Trace spike delay  ?
<Esc>SGN  Normalization  Y
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active  0
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph  100
<Esc>SGS  Start bin- graph  1
<Esc>SGC  Cycles on graph  2
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGH  Histogram type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGS  Std. deviation type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDSYHL  Min Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDSYHU  Max Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDTA  Show areas under curves  N
<Esc>SDTH  Histogram display  N
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 63

Analysis: Raw trace spike latencies vs step cycle

The latencies of spikes found for each frame, on the trace selected by the “Spike trace #“, are displayed with respect to cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. That is, for each cycle on the latter waveform, the corresponding frames are examined. For each of these frames, the selected trace is searched for spikes, and the latencies of all spikes found are shown on the graph, at the position in the cycle where the frame was triggered. The spike measurement is controlled by the same parameters as for the trace spike count graphs. Latencies are measured from the point in the window where the search for spikes begins. The data for all cycles in the range to be analysed are overlaid on the graph. Deleted frames, and frames whose tag values are not in the “Tag list” are excluded.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGIL  Analysis method  Raw trace spike latencies vs step cycle
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>ST  Tag list  All
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SCID  Phase selection delay  0 msec
<Esc>SCIW  Phase selection window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SSTN  Spike trace #  ?
<Esc>SSTS  Trace spike threshold  ?
<Esc>SSTE  Trace spike hysteresis  0 AD
<Esc>SSTD  Trace spike discr.  32767 AD
<Esc>SSTO  Trace spike delay  ?
<Esc>SGN  Normalization  Y
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active  0
<Esc>SGC  Cycles on graph  2
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 71

Analysis: Raw waveform display

All waveforms in the “Raw W.F. # list” are displayed for the range selected by the parameters “Start of run” and “End of run“. The waveforms are shown in the order specified in the list, and repetitions are allowed. If the “Display crossings” option is enabled, markers on the display will show where the cycles start, provided that the “Cycle W.F. #” parameter has been set, and the cycle related waveform parameters for that waveform have also been properly set. Similarly, if the “Display cycle lengths” option is enabled, the cycle lengths are indicated at the bottom of the display. If the “Display both crossings” option is enabled, in addition to the “Display crossings” option, then a second set of slightly smaller markers will also show the end of activity in each cycle.

If the “Calculate overlap” option is enabled, the program calculates the total amount of time in which the activity on each waveform overlaps with activity on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. This amount is shown as a percentage of the total “on” time of these cycles, on the line above each waveform in the display. The activity for each waveform is measured from the cycle activity bursts, if these have been set for this waveform, or the spike activity trains otherwise. If neither is set, the line will remain blank.

There is no corresponding “Raw trace display,” since this can be accomplished with “Trace averaging by frame list.”

It is possible to get raw waveforms and a raw trace displayed together, by enabling the “Mark frame positions on W.F.” option. The top quarter of the display will be used to display sweeps from the trace selected by the “Amplitude trace #“. The sweeps are displayed vertically, and the first point of each sweep is lined up with the time (on the waveforms below) at which the frame containing the sweep was triggered. Deleted frames, and frames whose tag values are not in the “Tag list” are excluded. If the trace selected by the “Amplitude trace #” doesn’t exist, the frame positions are indicated, but no sweeps are shown.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AR  Analysis method  Raw waveform display
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SWL  Raw W.F. # list  All
<Esc>SWM  Display crossings  N
<Esc>SWB  Display both crossings  N
<Esc>SWC  Display cycle lengths  N
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SWO  Calculate overlap  N
<Esc>SWA  Absolute time scale  N
<Esc>SWT  Min W.F. time scale  0 msec
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec
<Esc>SWP  Partial W.F. resolution  N
<Esc>SDWR  Display resolution  0
<Esc>SDWM  Mark frame positions on W.F.  N
<Esc>SDWL  Last trace only  N
<Esc>SDWH  Trace display height  0
<Esc>SLTN  Amplitude trace #  0
<Esc>ST  Tag list  All
<Esc>SDWP  Plot pens for W.Fs.  “”


^ top

Page: 75

Analysis: Raw trace amplitude vs trace amplitude

An X-Y graph of displacements measured on one trace, for each frame, versus the displacements on another trace for these frames is displayed. The X-axis trace is selected by the “Amplitude trace #“, and the Y-axis trace is selected by the “Second ampl. trace #“.

The trace amplitude measurements for the X-axis are taken the same way they are for the “Raw trace amplitude vs step cycle” graph. Deleted frames, and frames whose tag values are not in the “Tag list” are excluded.

The trace amplitude measurements for the Y-axis are taken in a very similar way. The position of the two points in the frame’s window are selected by the parameters “Second trace ampl. point” and “Second trace ampl. ref“. These two parameters have corresponding “window” parameters, which can be used to select two ranges of points in the frame’s window; the action taken in these ranges is determined by the parameters “Find second max trace ampl.“, “Average second trace ampl. ref.” and “Second trace ampl. integration“.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGTYR  Analysis method  Raw trace amplitude vs trace amplitude
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>ST  Tag list  All
<Esc>SCID  Phase selection delay  0 msec
<Esc>SCIW  Phase selection window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTN  Amplitude trace #  0
<Esc>SLTS  Trace amplitude point  ?
<Esc>SLTR  Trace amplitude ref  -0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTWS  Trace ampl. point window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTWR  Trace ampl. ref window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTWA  Average trace ampl. ref.  N
<Esc>SLTWD  Trace ampl. ref. regression degree  0
<Esc>SLTWF  Find max trace amplitude  Y
<Esc>SLTWI  Trace ampl. integration  N
<Esc>SLTWM  Average trace ampl. sample  N
<Esc>SLSTN  Second ampl. trace #  0
<Esc>SLSTS  Second trace ampl. point  ?
<Esc>SLSTR  Second trace ampl. ref  -0.1 msec
<Esc>SLSTWS  Second trace ampl. point window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLSTWR  Second trace ampl. ref window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLSTWA  Average second trace ampl. ref.  N
<Esc>SLSTWD  Second trace ampl. ref. regr. degree  0
<Esc>SLSTWF  Find second max trace ampl.  Y
<Esc>SLSTWI  Second trace ampl. integration  N
<Esc>SLSTWM  Average second trace ampl. sample  N
<Esc>SLTP  Trace ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SLSTP  Second trace ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV


^ top

Page: 76

Analysis: Averaged trace amplitude vs trace amplitude

An averaged graph of displacements measured on one trace, for each frame, versus the displacements on another trace for these frames is displayed. The X-axis trace is selected by the “Amplitude trace #“, and the Y-axis trace is selected by the “Second ampl. trace #“. The range of voltage displacements for the X-axis is divided evenly into a number of bins, and all Y-axis displacements are added into these bins to obtain an average curve which is displayed.

The trace amplitude measurements for the X-axis are taken the same way they are for the “Raw trace amplitude vs step cycle” graph. Deleted frames, and frames whose tag values are not in the “Tag list” are excluded.

The trace amplitude measurements for the Y-axis are taken in a very similar way. The position of the two points in the frame’s window are selected by the parameters “Second trace ampl. point” and “Second trace ampl. ref“. These two parameters have corresponding “window” parameters, which can be used to select two ranges of points in the frame’s window; the action taken in these ranges is determined by the parameters “Find second max trace ampl.“, “Average second trace ampl. ref.” and “Second trace ampl. integration“.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGTYA  Analysis method  Averaged trace amplitude vs trace amplitude
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>ST  Tag list  All
<Esc>SCID  Phase selection delay  0 msec
<Esc>SCIW  Phase selection window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTN  Amplitude trace #  0
<Esc>SLTS  Trace amplitude point  ?
<Esc>SLTR  Trace amplitude ref  -0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTWS  Trace ampl. point window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTWR  Trace ampl. ref window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLTWA  Average trace ampl. ref.  N
<Esc>SLTWD  Trace ampl. ref. regression degree  0
<Esc>SLTWF  Find max trace amplitude  Y
<Esc>SLTWI  Trace ampl. integration  N
<Esc>SLTWM  Average trace ampl. sample  N
<Esc>SLSTN  Second ampl. trace #  0
<Esc>SLSTS  Second trace ampl. point  ?
<Esc>SLSTR  Second trace ampl. ref  -0.1 msec
<Esc>SLSTWS  Second trace ampl. point window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLSTWR  Second trace ampl. ref window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLSTWA  Average second trace ampl. ref.  N
<Esc>SLSTWD  Second trace ampl. ref. regr. degree  0
<Esc>SLSTWF  Find second max trace ampl.  Y
<Esc>SLSTWI  Second trace ampl. integration  N
<Esc>SLSTWM  Average second trace ampl. sample  N
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph  100
<Esc>SLTP  Trace ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SLSTP  Second trace ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGH  Histogram type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGS  Std. deviation type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDSYHL  Min Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDSYHU  Max Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDTA  Show areas under curves  N
<Esc>SDTH  Histogram display  N
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV


^ top

Page: 77

Analysis: Raw W.F. level vs W.F. level

An X-Y graph of levels on one waveform versus the corresponding levels on another waveform is displayed. The X-axis waveform is selected by the “Amplitude W.F. #“, and the Y-axis waveform is selected by the “Second ampl. W.F. #“. The parameters “W.F. amplitude delay” and “W.F. amplitude window” indicate a range of points, relative to the point where each Y-axis waveform sample occurs, used to obtain the corresponding level reading on the X-axis waveform. The parameters “Min W.F. amplitude” and “Max W.F. amplitude” can restrict the voltage levels allowed on the X-axis to a smaller range. Similarly, the parameters “Second min W.F. ampl.” and “Second max W.F. ampl.” restrict the Y-axis. Only points whose X and Y axis level readings stay within their respective bounds will be included in the graph.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGWYR  Analysis method  Raw W.F. level vs W.F. level
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SLWN  Amplitude W.F. #  0
<Esc>SLWRL  Min W.F. amplitude  -80000 mV
<Esc>SLWRU  Max W.F. amplitude  79997.6 mV
<Esc>SLWD  W.F. amplitude delay  0 msec
<Esc>SLWW  W.F. amplitude window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLSWN  Second ampl. W.F. #  0
<Esc>SLSWRL  Second min W.F. ampl.  -80000 mV
<Esc>SLSWRU  Second max W.F. ampl.  79997.6 mV
<Esc>SLWP  W.F. ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SLSWP  Second W.F. ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SLWF  Fixed W.F. level bins  N
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV


^ top

Page: 78

Analysis: Averaged W.F. level vs W.F. level

An averaged graph of levels on one waveform versus the corresponding levels on another waveform is displayed. The X-axis waveform is selected by the “Amplitude W.F. #“, and the Y-axis waveform is selected by the “Second ampl. W.F. #“. The parameters “W.F. amplitude delay” and “W.F. amplitude window” indicate a range of points, relative to the point where each Y-axis waveform sample occurs, used to obtain the corresponding level reading on the X-axis waveform. The parameters “Min W.F. amplitude” and “Max W.F. amplitude” can restrict the voltage levels allowed on the X-axis to a smaller range. Similarly, the parameters “Second min W.F. ampl.” and “Second max W.F. ampl.” restrict the Y-axis. Only points whose X and Y axis level readings stay within their respective bounds will be included in the graph.

Unlike the raw W.F. level X-Y graph, the range of voltage levels for the X-axis is divided into a number of bins, and all Y-axis levels are added into these bins to obtain an average curve which is displayed. The “Fixed W.F. level bins” option has the same effect here as it does for the “Trace averaging based on W.F. level” analysis, causing the “Min W.F. amplitude” and “Max W.F. amplitude” to define a fixed range which is divided into bins, even if it exceeds the range of levels in the waveform.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGWYA  Analysis method  Averaged W.F. level vs W.F. level
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SLWN  Amplitude W.F. #  0
<Esc>SLWRL  Min W.F. amplitude  -80000 mV
<Esc>SLWRU  Max W.F. amplitude  79997.6 mV
<Esc>SLWD  W.F. amplitude delay  0 msec
<Esc>SLWW  W.F. amplitude window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLSWN  Second ampl. W.F. #  0
<Esc>SLSWRL  Second min W.F. ampl.  -80000 mV
<Esc>SLSWRU  Second max W.F. ampl.  79997.6 mV
<Esc>SLWF  Fixed W.F. level bins  N
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph  100
<Esc>SLWP  W.F. ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SLSWP  Second W.F. ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGH  Histogram type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGS  Std. deviation type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDSYHL  Min Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDSYHU  Max Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDTA  Show areas under curves  N
<Esc>SDTH  Histogram display  N
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV


^ top

Page: 79

Analysis: W.F. L.D.P. level vs cycle duration

The “locomotor drive potential” amplitude on the waveform selected by the “Amplitude W.F. #” is plotted with respect to the duration of cycles on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. A point is plotted for each complete cycle. The L.D.P. for each cycle is calculated as the difference between the minimum and maximum levels measured on the former waveform. The parameters “W.F. amplitude delay” and “W.F. amplitude window” indicate a range of points, relative to the highest or lowest point in the cycle, used to obtain an average level reading for the maximum or minimum part of the cycle. The parameters “Min W.F. amplitude” and “Max W.F. amplitude” can restrict the voltage levels allowed in the analysis to a smaller range.

If the “Preview averaged data” option is enabled, the calculated minimum and maximum levels are displayed as markers on the waveform. You can use the cursor to move the markers to the levels you desire, to correct the L.D.P. calculation. When you exit the preview display, the complete graph is shown. If this option is set, and you are repeating the “Go” operation when the graph does not need to be recalculated, the program will ask you if you want to recalculate it anyway, and if not, whether you want to review the calculated levels.

The top title lines of the graph will show a few calculated statistics: the mean L.D.P., trough & peak (min. & max. amplitude). If the alternate unit specifier for the displayed waveform is mmHg, it is assumed that the signal is blood pressure, and in this case the mean arterial pressure is also shown, calculated as 1/3 of the peak plus 2/3 of the trough. If the “Display std dev” option is enabled, another top title line will show the standard deviation calculations for these means.

If the “Show time on X-axis” option is enabled, the usual X-axis is overridden by the cycle start times. In other words, the graph becomes one of L.D.P. amplitude versus time of cycle occurrence in the run.

If the “Flip L.D.P. and duration” option is enabled, the usual X and Y axes are transposed, giving you a graph of cycle duration versus L.D.P. amplitude. If the “Flip L.D.P. and duration” option and the “Show time on X-axis” option are both enabled, the graph becomes one of cycle duration versus time of cycle occurrence.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGWL  Analysis method  W.F. L.D.P. level vs cycle duration
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SLWN  Amplitude W.F. #  0
<Esc>SLWRL  Min W.F. amplitude  -80000 mV
<Esc>SLWRU  Max W.F. amplitude  79997.6 mV
<Esc>SLWD  W.F. amplitude delay  0 msec
<Esc>SLWW  W.F. amplitude window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SAP  Preview averaged data  N
<Esc>SDWT  Max W.F. section  5000 msec
<Esc>SMLF  Flip L.D.P. and duration  N
<Esc>SMLT  Show time on X-axis  N
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 83

Analysis: Action potential vs W.F. level histogram

The range of voltage levels measured from the waveform selected by the “Amplitude W.F. #” is divided evenly into a number of bins. Each bin counts the number of action potentials, on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #“, occurring when the level on the first waveform is in the range of this bin. The resulting graph shows the average number of action potentials at each waveform level sub-range.

The parameters “W.F. amplitude delay” and “W.F. amplitude window” indicate a range of points, relative to the point where the action potential occurred, used to obtain a level reading on the waveform selected by the “Amplitude W.F. #“. The range of voltage levels can be restricted to a smaller range, by setting the parameters “Min W.F. amplitude” and “Max W.F. amplitude“. Only action potentials whose associated waveform level readings stay within these bounds will be included in the histogram.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGAWC  Analysis method  Action potential vs W.F. level histogram
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SLTA  Active cycle phase only  N
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SLWN  Amplitude W.F. #  0
<Esc>SLWRL  Min W.F. amplitude  -80000 mV
<Esc>SLWRU  Max W.F. amplitude  79997.6 mV
<Esc>SLWD  W.F. amplitude delay  0 msec
<Esc>SLWW  W.F. amplitude window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLWF  Fixed W.F. level bins  N
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph  100
<Esc>SLWP  W.F. ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGH  Histogram type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGS  Std. deviation type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDSYHL  Min Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDSYHU  Max Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDTA  Show areas under curves  N
<Esc>SDTH  Histogram display  N
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV


^ top

Page: 84

Analysis: Raw inter-spike interval vs W.F. level

The intervals between action potentials occurring on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” are displayed with respect to the corresponding levels on the waveform selected by the “Amplitude W.F. #“. That is, for each spike on the former waveform, the interval from the previous spike is calculated, and plotted on the graph at the position representing the level on the latter waveform. The parameters “W.F. amplitude delay” and “W.F. amplitude window” indicate a range of points, relative to the point where the action potential occurred, used to obtain a level reading on this latter waveform. The range of voltage levels can be restricted to a smaller range, by setting the parameters “Min W.F. amplitude” and “Max W.F. amplitude“. Only action potentials whose associated waveform level readings stay within these bounds will be included in the graph.

No interval is plotted for the first spike in the selected range to be analysed, since a previous spike is needed to permit an interval calculation. If the spike trains for the former waveform have been properly set, intervals are calculated and plotted only for spikes in the same spike train, and no interval is plotted for the first spike in each train.

If the “Take interval after spike” option is enabled, the interval to the following spike, rather than the previous one, is calculated. No interval is plotted for the last spike in the range to be analysed, nor for the last spike in each train, when spike trains are set.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGAWIR  Analysis method  Raw inter-spike interval vs W.F. level
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SLTA  Active cycle phase only  N
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SLWN  Amplitude W.F. #  0
<Esc>SLWRL  Min W.F. amplitude  -80000 mV
<Esc>SLWRU  Max W.F. amplitude  79997.6 mV
<Esc>SLWD  W.F. amplitude delay  0 msec
<Esc>SLWW  W.F. amplitude window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SMIA  Take interval after spike  N
<Esc>SLWP  W.F. ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SLWF  Fixed W.F. level bins  N
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 85

Analysis: Averaged inter-spike interval vs W.F. level

The average intervals between action potentials occurring on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” are displayed with respect to the corresponding levels on the waveform selected by the “Amplitude W.F. #“. That is, the range of voltage levels on the X-axis is divided evenly into a number of bins, and for each spike on the former waveform, the interval from the previous spike is calculated, and added to the bin representing the level on the latter waveform. All data are added into the bins to obtain an average curve which is displayed.

The parameters “W.F. amplitude delay” and “W.F. amplitude window” indicate a range of points, relative to the point where the action potential occurred, used to obtain a level reading on this latter waveform. The range of voltage levels can be restricted to a smaller range, by setting the parameters “Min W.F. amplitude” and “Max W.F. amplitude“. Only action potentials whose associated waveform level readings stay within these bounds will be included in the average.

No interval is plotted for the first spike in the selected range to be analysed, since a previous spike is needed to permit an interval calculation. If the spike trains for the former waveform have been properly set, intervals are calculated and plotted only for spikes in the same spike train, and no interval is plotted for the first spike in each train.

If the “Take interval after spike” option is enabled, the interval to the following spike, rather than the previous one, is calculated. No interval is plotted for the last spike in the range to be analysed, nor for the last spike in each train, when spike trains are set.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGAWIA  Analysis method  Averaged inter-spike interval vs W.F. level
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SLTA  Active cycle phase only  N
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SLWN  Amplitude W.F. #  0
<Esc>SLWRL  Min W.F. amplitude  -80000 mV
<Esc>SLWRU  Max W.F. amplitude  79997.6 mV
<Esc>SLWD  W.F. amplitude delay  0 msec
<Esc>SLWW  W.F. amplitude window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLWF  Fixed W.F. level bins  N
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SMIA  Take interval after spike  N
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph  100
<Esc>SLWP  W.F. ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGH  Histogram type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGS  Std. deviation type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDSYHL  Min Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDSYHU  Max Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDTA  Show areas under curves  N
<Esc>SDTH  Histogram display  N
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 86

Analysis: Raw instantaneous spike frequency vs W.F. level

The instantaneous frequencies of action potentials occurring on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” are displayed with respect to the corresponding levels on the waveform selected by the “Amplitude W.F. #“. That is, for each spike on the former waveform, the instantaneous frequency (inverse of the interval from the previous spike) is calculated, and plotted on the graph at the position representing the level on the latter waveform. The parameters “W.F. amplitude delay” and “W.F. amplitude window” indicate a range of points, relative to the point where the action potential occurred, used to obtain a level reading on this latter waveform. The range of voltage levels can be restricted to a smaller range, by setting the parameters “Min W.F. amplitude” and “Max W.F. amplitude“. Only action potentials whose associated waveform level readings stay within these bounds will be included in the graph.

No frequency is plotted for the first spike in the selected range to be analysed, since a previous spike is needed to permit an interval calculation. If the spike trains for the former waveform have been properly set, frequencies are calculated and plotted only for spikes in the same spike train, and no frequency is plotted for the first spike in each train.

If the “Take interval after spike” option is enabled, the interval to the following spike, rather than the previous one, is calculated. No frequency is plotted for the last spike in the range to be analysed, nor for the last spike in each train, when spike trains are set.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGAWFR  Analysis method  Raw instantaneous spike frequency vs W.F. level
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SLTA  Active cycle phase only  N
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SLWN  Amplitude W.F. #  0
<Esc>SLWRL  Min W.F. amplitude  -80000 mV
<Esc>SLWRU  Max W.F. amplitude  79997.6 mV
<Esc>SLWD  W.F. amplitude delay  0 msec
<Esc>SLWW  W.F. amplitude window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SMIA  Take interval after spike  N
<Esc>SLWP  W.F. ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SLWF  Fixed W.F. level bins  N
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUF  Freq. units  Hz
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV


^ top

Page: 87

Analysis: Averaged instantaneous spike frequency vs W.F. level

The average instantaneous frequencies of action potentials occurring on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” are displayed with respect to the corresponding levels on the waveform selected by the “Amplitude W.F. #“. That is, the range of voltage levels on the X-axis is divided evenly into a number of bins, and for each spike on the former waveform, the instantaneous frequency (inverse of the interval from the previous spike) is calculated, and added to the bin representing the level on the latter waveform. All data are added into the bins to obtain an average curve which is displayed.

The parameters “W.F. amplitude delay” and “W.F. amplitude window” indicate a range of points, relative to the point where the action potential occurred, used to obtain a level reading on this latter waveform. The range of voltage levels can be restricted to a smaller range, by setting the parameters “Min W.F. amplitude” and “Max W.F. amplitude“. Only action potentials whose associated waveform level readings stay within these bounds will be included in the average.

No frequency is plotted for the first spike in the selected range to be analysed, since a previous spike is needed to permit an interval calculation. If the spike trains for the former waveform have been properly set, frequencies are calculated and plotted only for spikes in the same spike train, and no frequency is plotted for the first spike in each train.

If the “Take interval after spike” option is enabled, the interval to the following spike, rather than the previous one, is calculated. No frequency is plotted for the last spike in the range to be analysed, nor for the last spike in each train, when spike trains are set.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGAWFA  Analysis method  Averaged instantaneous spike frequency vs W.F. level
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SLTA  Active cycle phase only  N
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N
<Esc>SLWN  Amplitude W.F. #  0
<Esc>SLWRL  Min W.F. amplitude  -80000 mV
<Esc>SLWRU  Max W.F. amplitude  79997.6 mV
<Esc>SLWD  W.F. amplitude delay  0 msec
<Esc>SLWW  W.F. amplitude window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SLWF  Fixed W.F. level bins  N
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SMIA  Take interval after spike  N
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph  100
<Esc>SLWP  W.F. ampl. as % of max  N
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGH  Histogram type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGS  Std. deviation type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDSYHL  Min Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDSYHU  Max Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDTA  Show areas under curves  N
<Esc>SDTH  Histogram display  N
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUF  Freq. units  Hz
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV


^ top

Page: 88

Analysis: Averaged inter-spike interval vs Train number

The intervals between action potentials occurring on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” are averaged for each spike train on that waveform, and the averages are displayed for each train. That is, for each spike on this waveform, the interval from the previous spike is calculated. For each train, the mean interval is then plotted on the graph at the position representing the train number.

The spike trains for this waveform must be properly set. Intervals are calculated and averaged only for spikes in the same spike train, and no interval is measured for the first spike in each train.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGABI  Analysis method  Averaged inter-spike interval vs Train number
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGH  Histogram type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGS  Std. deviation type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDSYHL  Min Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDSYHU  Max Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDTA  Show areas under curves  N
<Esc>SDTH  Histogram display  N
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 89

Analysis: Averaged instantaneous spike frequency vs Train number

The instantaneous frequencies of action potentials occurring on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #” are averaged for each spike train on that waveform, and the averages are displayed for each train. That is, for each spike on this waveform, the instantaneous frequency (inverse of the interval from the previous spike) is calculated. For each train, the mean frequency is then plotted on the graph at the position representing the train number.

The spike trains for this waveform must be properly set. Intervals are calculated and averaged only for spikes in the same spike train, and no frequency is measured for the first spike in each train.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AGABF  Analysis method  Averaged instantaneous spike frequency vs Train number
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGH  Histogram type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGS  Std. deviation type  Adaptive
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0
<Esc>SDSYHL  Min Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDSYHU  Max Y- hist  0
<Esc>SDTA  Show areas under curves  N
<Esc>SDTH  Histogram display  N
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUF  Freq. units  Hz


^ top

Page: 201

Parameter: Analysis method

Full name: Analysis method code
Initial value: not set

Affects: choice of analysis


No.  Analysis method
1.  Trace averaging by frame list
2.  Trace averaging based on cycle phase
3.  Trace averaging based on W.F. level
4.  Trace averaging based on tag value
5.  Waveform averaging – spike triggered
6.  Waveform averaging based on cycle phase
7.  W.F. averaging – spikes within cycle
8.  W.F. averaging – spike occurrence in cycle
9.  W.F. averaging based on spike interval
19.  W.F. activity start & stop time analysis
20.  W.F. activity burst duration vs cycle duration
21.  Raw W.F. amplitude vs step cycle
22.  Averaged W.F. amplitude vs step cycle
23.  Raw trace amplitude vs frame number
25.  Raw trace amplitude vs step cycle
26.  Averaged trace amplitude vs step cycle
27.  Raw trace amplitude vs W.F. level
28.  Averaged trace amplitude vs W.F. level
30.  W.F. spike train duration vs cycle duration
31.  Action potential position vs step cycle
32.  Action potential position sorted by cycle length
33.  Action potential vs step cycle histogram
34.  Raw inter-spike interval vs step cycle
35.  Averaged inter-spike interval vs step cycle
36.  Raw instantaneous spike frequency vs step cycle
37.  Averaged instantaneous spike frequency vs step cycle
38.  Raw inter-spike interval vs spike occ.
39.  Averaged inter-spike interval vs spike occ.
40.  Raw instantaneous spike frequency vs spike occ.
41.  Averaged instantaneous spike frequency vs spike occ.
42.  Raw firing level vs step cycle
43.  Averaged firing level vs step cycle
44.  Raw firing level vs spike occ.
45.  Averaged firing level vs spike occ.
46.  Firing level vs firing frequency
51.  W.F. spike auto-correlation histogram
52.  W.F. spike cross-correlation histogram
61.  Raw trace spike count vs step cycle
62.  Averaged trace spike count vs step cycle
63.  Raw trace spike latencies vs step cycle
71.  Raw waveform display
75.  Raw trace amplitude vs trace amplitude
76.  Averaged trace amplitude vs trace amplitude
77.  Raw W.F. level vs W.F. level
78.  Averaged W.F. level vs W.F. level
79.  W.F. L.D.P. level vs cycle duration
83.  Action potential vs W.F. level histogram
84.  Raw inter-spike interval vs W.F. level
85.  Averaged inter-spike interval vs W.F. level
86.  Raw instantaneous spike frequency vs W.F. level
87.  Averaged instantaneous spike frequency vs W.F. level
88.  Averaged inter-spike interval vs Train number
89.  Averaged instantaneous spike frequency vs Train number


^ top

Page: 202

Parameter: Run file

Full name: Run file name
Parameter type: file name, Size: up to 127 characters
Initial value: not set

Affects: all analyses

This parameter is the name of the run of data, captured by one of the capture programs, which is to be analysed. It is not usually set directly.

Normally, you use the “Load” operation to pick the parameter file to load, and the associated run file is selected. For new runs, you “Load” the run, and an associated parameter file will be created when you do the “Keep” operation.

If you want to apply an existing set of parameters to a different run file, then you can change this parameter. You should then “Keep” the parameters in a different parameter file, to avoid confusion later on.

For example, say you just analysed run001, and want to apply the same parameters (run001.prm) to run002.frm. You would Load run001, then set the “Run file” parameter to run002. Now, you should Keep your parameters as run002.prm, not as run001.prm. (If you kept the parameters as run001.prm, then the “Run file” parameter in that file would refer to run002.frm, so the next time you loaded run001.prm, you would actually be analysing run002, not run001.)

The program has some safeguards to help avoid such mistakes. If the run file you select has an associated parameter file, it will ask you if it should load it. If no such file exists, or you choose not to load it (e.g. if you want to apply the current parameters to the new run), then it will ask you if you want to change the current parameter file name. If you do, this will prevent you from forgetting to do so later when you Keep the parameters.

If you don’t change the name, it will check to see if the parameter file and run file names are mismatched, and will warn you if a run file with the same name as the current parameter file exists. A similar check is done on Load and Keep operations.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?


^ top

Page: 203

Parameter: Range W.F. #

Full name: Waveform # for analysis range selection
Range: [ 0, 99 ]
Initial value: 0

Affects: visual setting of analysis range

When visually setting the range of data to be analysed (“Start of run” and “End of run“), this parameter selects the waveform displayed on the screen at that time.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SRW  Range W.F. #  0


^ top

Page: 204

Parameter: Start of run

Full name: Start point of analysis range
Units: sec or per
Range: [ 0, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 0 p

Affects: all analyses

This parameter determines the point in the run where data will begin to be analysed. Any data before this start time will be ignored. Initially, it is set to 0, the beginning of the file.

The Start of run and End of run can be set visually, using the graphics terminal’s pointing device to indicate the times on a waveform where to start and end.

When the range is set to a portion of the run, the “Next” and “Prev.” menu items will shift the range to the next or previous portion of the same length.


^ top

Page: 204

Parameter: Start of run

Full name: Start point of analysis range
Units: sec or per
Range: [ 0, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 0 p

Affects: all analyses

This parameter determines the point in the run where data will begin to be analysed. Any data before this start time will be ignored. Initially, it is set to 0, the beginning of the file.

The Start of run and End of run can be set visually, using the graphics terminal’s pointing device to indicate the times on a waveform where to start and end.

When the range is set to a portion of the run, the “Next” and “Prev.” menu items will shift the range to the next or previous portion of the same length.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec


^ top

Page: 205

Parameter: End of run

Full name: End point of analysis range
Units: sec or per
Range: [ 0, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 2 gp

Affects: all analyses

This parameter determines the point in the run where data will no longer be analysed. Any data after this end time will be ignored. If set to a time greater than the length of the run file being analysed, the analysis will stop at the end of the run file. Initially, it is set to 2 giga-periods (billions of sampling periods, at the run’s sampling frequency). This value is large enough to cover any possible run length.

The Start of run and End of run can be set visually, using the graphics terminal’s pointing device to indicate the times on a waveform where to start and end. If you set the end to a point after the end of the displayed waveform, it will be set to the maximum allowable value.

When the range is set to a portion of the run, the “Next” and “Prev.” menu items will shift the range to the next or previous portion of the same length.


^ top

Page: 205

Parameter: End of run

Full name: End point of analysis range
Units: sec or per
Range: [ 0, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 2 gp

Affects: all analyses

This parameter determines the point in the run where data will no longer be analysed. Any data after this end time will be ignored. If set to a time greater than the length of the run file being analysed, the analysis will stop at the end of the run file. Initially, it is set to 2 giga-periods (billions of sampling periods, at the run’s sampling frequency). This value is large enough to cover any possible run length.

The Start of run and End of run can be set visually, using the graphics terminal’s pointing device to indicate the times on a waveform where to start and end. If you set the end to a point after the end of the displayed waveform, it will be set to the maximum allowable value.

When the range is set to a portion of the run, the “Next” and “Prev.” menu items will shift the range to the next or previous portion of the same length.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec


^ top

Page: 206

Parameter: Tag list

Full name: List of tag #’s for frame selection
Parameter type: number list, Size: 4
Range: [ 0, 4095 ]
Initial value: All

Affects: all analyses that use triggered channels (frames)

This parameter is used in analyses that make use of triggered sweeps (Traces). It determines which frames will be included in the analysis. If any frame’s associated tag value is not in this list, the frame is rejected.

The list consists of tag numbers separated by a single comma, or by one or more spaces. A range can be given as two tag numbers separated by a hyphen or colon. For example:

    0, 4 7:10

would select tags 0, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Repetitions are ignored.

For averaging based on tag value, bins are associated with tag values in the order specified in this list, which does not have to be in strictly increasing order. Avoid repetitions in the list, as only the first bin with a specific tag value is used.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>ST  Tag list  All


^ top

Page: 207

Parameter: Cycle W.F. #

Full name: Waveform # for step cycle selection
Range: [ -1, 99 ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: all analyses that use step cycles

In any analysis where data are broken down into cycles (“something” vs step cycle), this parameter determines which waveform’s cycle markings are used for this purpose.

Apart from setting this parameter, you will also have to mark up the cycles for the waveform you have selected. These cycle markings are a part of the waveform parameter file associated with a waveform.

If you set this parameter to -1, then it will treat the entire range to be analysed as a single cycle. You will likely want to disable the “Normalization” option when using this feature.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SCW  Cycle W.F. #  ?


^ top

Page: 208

Parameter: Cycle crossings

Full name: Threshold crossings for cycle selection
Parameter type: waveform parameters
Initial value: not set

Affects: all analyses that use step cycles


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  Cycle crossings  ?


^ top

Page: 209

Parameter: Base cycles on stop time

Full name: Base cycle selection on stop time
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: all analyses that use step cycles

The cycle markings associated with the selected “Cycle W.F. #” consist of times for the start and the end of cycle activity (duty) on the waveform. Normally, each cycle is seen as the time from the start of activity, to the next start of activity. By setting this parameter to Y, you cause the time from the end of activity, to the time of the next end of activity, to be taken as a cycle.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SCS  Base cycles on stop time  N


^ top

Page: 210

Parameter: Base cycles on spike trains

Full name: Base cycle selection on spike activity trains
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: all analyses that use step cycles

The waveform parameter file for the selected “Cycle W.F. #” can contain markings for the starts and ends of cycle activity (duty), for the starts and ends of spike trains, or for both. Normally, cycles are based on the duty of the waveform. By setting this parameter to Y, you cause the spike train markers to be used instead.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SCT  Base cycles on spike trains  N


^ top

Page: 211

Parameter: Active cycle phase only

Full name: Measurements during active phase of cycle only
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: trace analyses using associated W.F. levels, trace avg by tag,     W.F. spike vs W.F. level graphs

For the “Trace averaging based on W.F. level” or “… based on tag value”, and the Raw and Averaged “trace amplitude vs W.F. level”, step cycle information is usually ignored. The frames (and the associated waveform level readings) are included in the analysis regardless of cycle phase.

If you set this parameter to Y, you will also have to set the “Cycle W.F. #“, and mark up the cycles for that waveform. Then, only frames occurring in the active phases of cycles (between the start and end of activity markers) will be included. Frames occurring after the end marker, and before the next start marker, will be ignored. The entire portion of the frame selected by the “Phase selection delay” and “Phase selection window” parameters must fit in the active phase for the frame to be included.

For W.F. spike graphs, the phase selection window is not used. The “Action potential vs W.F. level histogram” will only count spikes occurring in the active phase, and graphs of raw or averaged inter-spike interval or instantaneous frequency vs W.F. level will only include inter-spike intervals which fit entirely in the active phase, when the “Active cycle phase only” option is enabled.

If you also set the “Base cycle selection on stop time” parameter, then the roles of the start and end markers are reversed, and the analysis will include only frames or spikes in the inactive phase.

For analyses that use normalised step cycles, this active phase option has no effect. Instead, you can set the “Percent of cycle active” parameter to 100, to limit the analysis to the active phase.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLTA  Active cycle phase only  N


^ top

Page: 212

Parameter: Amplitude trace #

Full name: Trace # for amplitude measurement
Range: [ 0, 99 ]
Initial value: 0

Affects: all trace amplitude graphs, and raw waveform display

For graphs of trace amplitude, this parameter selects the trace where the measurements will be taken. The “Trace amplitude point” and “Trace amplitude ref” parameters then select the points in each frame where this trace will be measured.

In the case of “trace amplitude vs trace amplitude” graphs, this parameter selects the trace represented on the X-axis.

For the “Raw waveform display“, this parameter selects the trace which will be displayed if the “Mark frame positions on W.F.” option is enabled. The top quarter of the display will be used to display sweeps from this trace. The sweeps are displayed vertically, and the first point of each sweep is lined up with the time (on the waveforms below) at which the frame containing the sweep was triggered. If the trace selected by this parameter doesn’t exist, the frame positions are indicated, but no sweeps are shown.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLTN  Amplitude trace #  0


^ top

Page: 213

Parameter: Trace ampl. as % of max

Full name: Show trace amplitudes as a percentage of the maximum
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: all trace amplitude graphs

For graphs of trace amplitude, this parameter selects how the axis will be labeled. Normally, it is labelled in mV, V, A/D units, or some such measure of amplitude. If you set this option to Y, the axis will be labelled as percentages of the maximum trace amplitude measured in the course of this analysis on this run of data, unless the maximum happens to be zero.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLTP  Trace ampl. as % of max  N


^ top

Page: 214

Parameter: Trace amplitude point

Full name: Offset to trace amplitude sample point
Units: sec or per
Range: [ 0, 2 gp ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: all trace amplitude graphs

Trace amplitude measurements are taken on each frame as the difference between the level at this sample point, and the level at a reference point.

This parameter can be set by specifying the time offset from the start of the sweep. It can also be set visually, using the pointing device to indicate the time on the displayed sweep for the sample point (and the reference point).


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLTS  Trace amplitude point  ?


^ top

Page: 215

Parameter: Trace amplitude ref

Full name: Offset to trace amplitude reference point
Units: sec or per
Range: [ -1 p, 2 gp ]
Initial value: -1 p

Affects: all trace amplitude graphs

Trace amplitude measurements are taken on each frame as the difference between the level at a sample point, and the level at this reference point.

This parameter can be set by specifying the time offset from the start of the sweep. It can also be set visually, using the pointing device to indicate the time on the displayed sweep for the reference point (and the sample point).

If the “Trace amplitude ref” option is set to a negative value (e.g. -1p), then the reference level is not measured, and the sample level is taken as an absolute reading.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLTR  Trace amplitude ref  -0.1 msec


^ top

Page: 216

Parameter: Trace ampl. point window

Full name: Search window for trace amplitude sample point
Units: sec or per
Range: [ -2 gp, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 1 p

Affects: all trace amplitude graphs

Normally, the trace amplitude sample is taken from a single point in each frame. By setting this parameter to a larger value, you can cause the program to search an area of the length you specify, from the given “Trace amplitude point“, for a maximum or minimum level. This level will be used as the sample, from which the reference level is subtracted.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLTWS  Trace ampl. point window  0.1 msec


^ top

Page: 217

Parameter: Trace ampl. ref window

Full name: Search window for trace amplitude reference point
Units: sec or per
Range: [ -2 gp, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 1 p

Affects: all trace amplitude graphs

Normally, the trace amplitude reference is taken from a single point in each frame. By setting this parameter to a larger value, you can cause the program to search an area of the length you specify, from the given “Trace amplitude ref“, for a maximum or minimum level. This level will be used as the reference level which is subtracted from the sample level.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLTWR  Trace ampl. ref window  0.1 msec


^ top

Page: 218

Parameter: Find max trace amplitude

Full name: Find maximum point in window, instead of minimum
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: Y

Affects: all trace amplitude graphs

This parameter tells the program whether to search the “Trace ampl. point window” and/or the “Trace ampl. ref window” for a maximum level or a minimum level.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLTWF  Find max trace amplitude  Y


^ top

Page: 219

Parameter: Trace ampl. integration

Full name: Integrate (sum up) points in sample window
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: all trace amplitude graphs

When this parameter is set to N, as it is initially, the program searches the “Trace ampl. point window” (if one is specified) for a maximum or minimum level. This is repeated for every frame included in the graph.

If you set it to Y, then the program sums up the points in that range instead. For each frame, the reference level is determined first, in the usual way. Then the program takes every point in the “Trace ampl. point window” and subtracts the reference level. The sum of these differences is taken as the sample value for the frame.

Note that this parameter will also override the “Average trace ampl. sample” option.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLTWI  Trace ampl. integration  N


^ top

Page: 220

Parameter: Second ampl. trace #

Full name: Trace # for second amplitude measurement (for Y axis)
Range: [ 0, 99 ]
Initial value: 0

Affects: Y-axis of Y-vs-X trace amplitude graphs

For graphs of trace amplitude vs trace amplitude, this parameter selects the trace where the measurements for the Y-axis data will be taken. The “Second trace ampl. point” and “Second trace ampl. ref” parameters then select the points in each frame where this trace will be measured.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLSTN  Second ampl. trace #  0


^ top

Page: 221

Parameter: Second trace ampl. as % of max

Full name: Show Y axis trace amplitudes as a percentage of the maximum
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: Y-axis of Y-vs-X trace amplitude graphs

For graphs of trace amplitude vs trace amplitude, this parameter selects how the Y-axis will be labeled. Normally, it is labelled in mV, V, A/D units, or some such measure of amplitude. If you set this option to Y, the axis will be labelled as percentages of the maximum trace amplitude measured for the Y-axis in the course of this analysis on this run of data, unless the maximum happens to be zero.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLSTP  Second trace ampl. as % of max  N


^ top

Page: 222

Parameter: Second trace ampl. point

Full name: Offset to second trace amplitude sample point
Units: sec or per
Range: [ 0, 2 gp ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: Y-axis of Y-vs-X trace amplitude graphs

Y-axis trace amplitude measurements are taken on each frame as the difference between the level at this sample point, and the level at a reference point for the Y-axis trace.

This parameter can be set by specifying the time offset from the start of the sweep. It can also be set visually, using the pointing device to indicate the time on the displayed sweep for the sample point (and the reference point).


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLSTS  Second trace ampl. point  ?


^ top

Page: 223

Parameter: Second trace ampl. ref

Full name: Offset to second trace amplitude reference point
Units: sec or per
Range: [ -1 p, 2 gp ]
Initial value: -1 p

Affects: Y-axis of Y-vs-X trace amplitude graphs

Y-axis trace amplitude measurements are taken on each frame as the difference between the level at a sample point for the Y-axis trace, and the level at this reference point.

This parameter can be set by specifying the time offset from the start of the sweep. It can also be set visually, using the pointing device to indicate the time on the displayed sweep for the reference point (and the sample point).

If the “Second trace ampl. ref” option is set to a negative value (e.g. -1p), then the reference level is not measured, and the sample level is taken as an absolute reading.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLSTR  Second trace ampl. ref  -0.1 msec


^ top

Page: 224

Parameter: Second trace ampl. point window

Full name: Search window for second trace amplitude sample point
Units: sec or per
Range: [ -2 gp, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 1 p

Affects: Y-axis of Y-vs-X trace amplitude graphs

Normally, the Y-axis trace amplitude sample is taken from a single point in each frame. By setting this parameter to a larger value, you can cause the program to search an area of the length you specify, from the given “Second trace ampl. point“, for a maximum or minimum level. This level will be used as the sample, from which the reference level measured for the Y-axis is subtracted.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLSTWS  Second trace ampl. point window  0.1 msec


^ top

Page: 225

Parameter: Second trace ampl. ref window

Full name: Search window for second trace amplitude reference point
Units: sec or per
Range: [ -2 gp, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 1 p

Affects: Y-axis of Y-vs-X trace amplitude graphs

Normally, the Y-axis trace amplitude reference is taken from a single point in each frame. By setting this parameter to a larger value, you can cause the program to search an area of the length you specify, from the given “Second trace ampl. ref“, for a maximum or minimum level. This level will be used as the reference level which is subtracted from the sample level for the Y-axis.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLSTWR  Second trace ampl. ref window  0.1 msec


^ top

Page: 226

Parameter: Find second max trace ampl.

Full name: Find maximum point in second window, instead of minimum
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: Y

Affects: Y-axis of Y-vs-X trace amplitude graphs

This parameter tells the program whether to search the “Second trace ampl. point window” and/or the “Second trace ampl. ref window” for a maximum level or a minimum level.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLSTWF  Find second max trace ampl.  Y


^ top

Page: 227

Parameter: Second trace ampl. integration

Full name: Integrate (sum up) points in second sample window
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: Y-axis of Y-vs-X trace amplitude graphs

When this parameter is set to N, as it is initially, the program searches the “Second trace ampl. point window” (if one is specified) for a maximum or minimum level. This is repeated for every frame included in the graph.

If you set it to Y, then the program sums up the points in that range instead. For each frame, the reference level for the Y axis is determined first, in the usual way. Then the program takes every point in the “Second trace ampl. point window” and subtracts the reference level. The sum of these differences is taken as the Y-axis sample value for the frame.

Note that this parameter will also override the “Average second trace ampl. sample” option.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLSTWI  Second trace ampl. integration  N


^ top

Page: 228

Parameter: Base cycle stats. on start

Full name: Base cycle activity statistics on start of activity
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: graphs which display cycle activity statistics

For the Raw or Averaged “W.F. amplitude vs step cycle” and the “W.F. activity burst duration vs cycle duration” graphs, if this option is enabled, the start of activity, rather than the end of activity, is used for the purpose of determining in which cycle a particular burst of activity falls, and where it falls within the cycle.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLWA  Base cycle stats. on start  N


^ top

Page: 229

Parameter: Amplitude W.F. #

Full name: Waveform # for amplitude measurement
Range: [ 0, 99 ]
Initial value: 0

Affects: all W.F. amplitude graphs, and averaging based on W.F. level

For analyses using W.F. amplitude (or W.F. level), this parameter selects the waveform where the measurements will be taken. The “Min W.F. amplitude” and “Max W.F. amplitude” parameters can then be used to limit the range of levels included in the analysis.

In the case of “W.F. level vs W.F. level” graphs, this parameter selects the waveform represented on the X-axis.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLWN  Amplitude W.F. #  0


^ top

Page: 230

Parameter: Min W.F. amplitude

Full name: Minimum level for W.F. amplitude
Units: V or A/D
Range: [ -32768 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: -32768 A/D

Affects: all W.F. amplitude graphs, and averaging based on W.F. level

For analyses using W.F. amplitude (or W.F. level), this parameter can be set to reject levels that are too low. It can be set along with the “Max W.F. amplitude” parameter to limit the range of levels included in the analysis.

This parameter can be set by specifying the level in mV or A/D units. It can also be set visually, using the pointing device to indicate, on the displayed waveform, the minimum level (and the maximum).

When setting the Min and Max W.F. amplitude parameters visually, if the “Fixed W.F. level bins” option is enabled, the program will show how the selected range will be divided into bins. (With this option enabled, the amplitude parameters always define the range used, regardless of the actual range of levels on the waveform.) You must select the desired analysis method before doing this: if the current analysis method is trace or waveform averaging, the number of bins selected by the “# bins- avg” parameter will be shown, otherwise the “# bins- graph” parameter is used.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLWRL  Min W.F. amplitude  -80000 mV


^ top

Page: 231

Parameter: Max W.F. amplitude

Full name: Maximum level for W.F. amplitude
Units: V or A/D
Range: [ -32768 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: 32767 A/D

Affects: all W.F. amplitude graphs, and averaging based on W.F. level

For analyses using W.F. amplitude (or W.F. level), this parameter can be set to reject levels that are too high. It can be set along with the “Min W.F. amplitude” parameter to limit the range of levels included in the analysis.

This parameter can be set by specifying the level in mV or A/D units. It can also be set visually, using the pointing device to indicate, on the displayed waveform, the maximum level (and the minimum).

When setting the Min and Max W.F. amplitude parameters visually, if the “Fixed W.F. level bins” option is enabled, the program will show how the selected range will be divided into bins. (With this option enabled, the amplitude parameters always define the range used, regardless of the actual range of levels on the waveform.) You must select the desired analysis method before doing this: if the current analysis method is trace or waveform averaging, the number of bins selected by the “# bins- avg” parameter will be shown, otherwise the “# bins- graph” parameter is used.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLWRU  Max W.F. amplitude  79997.6 mV


^ top

Page: 232

Parameter: Fixed W.F. level bins

Full name: Fix W.F. level bins to selected W.F. amplitude range
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: averaging, or averaged graphs, based on W.F. level

For analyses using bins representing W.F. amplitude (or W.F. level), if this option is enabled, then the “Min W.F. amplitude” and “Max W.F. amplitude” parameters will always define the range which is divided into bins, even if it exceeds the range of levels in the waveform.

Normally, i.e. with this option disabled, these two amplitude parameters only restrict the range, such that only level readings within these bounds will be included in the analysis. They do not enlarge it: if the W.F. amplitude parameters are beyond the range of voltage levels in the waveform, it is the measured range which is divided into bins, not the range defined by the parameters.

When setting the Min and Max W.F. amplitude parameters visually, if this option is enabled, the program will show how the selected range will be divided into bins. You must select the desired analysis method before doing this: if the current analysis method is trace or waveform averaging, the number of bins selected by the “# bins- avg” parameter will be shown, otherwise the “# bins- graph” parameter is used.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLWF  Fixed W.F. level bins  N


^ top

Page: 233

Parameter: W.F. ampl. as % of max

Full name: Show W.F. amplitudes as a percentage of the maximum
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: all W.F. amplitude graphs

For graphs of waveform amplitude, this parameter selects how the axis will be labeled. Normally, it is labelled in mV, V, A/D units, or some such measure of amplitude. If you set this option to Y, the axis will be labelled as percentages of the maximum waveform amplitude measured in the course of this analysis on this run of data, unless the maximum happens to be zero.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLWP  W.F. ampl. as % of max  N


^ top

Page: 234

Parameter: W.F. amplitude delay

Full name: Delay for W.F. amplitude measurement
Units: sec or per
Range: [ -2 gp, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 0 p

Affects: graphs where X-axis is W.F. amplitude, averaging based on W.F. level

The parameters “W.F. amplitude delay” and “W.F. amplitude window” indicate a range of points, relative to the time of some event in the Y-axis data, used to obtain a level reading on the waveform. The positive or negative delay is an offset from the time of the event, where the window for measurement is to begin. The window is the length of time the waveform is measured to obtain an average level reading.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLWD  W.F. amplitude delay  0 msec


^ top

Page: 235

Parameter: W.F. amplitude window

Full name: Window for W.F. amplitude measurement
Units: sec or per
Range: [ 0, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 1 p

Affects: graphs where X-axis is W.F. amplitude, averaging based on W.F. level

The parameters “W.F. amplitude delay” and “W.F. amplitude window” indicate a range of points, relative to the time of some event in the Y-axis data, used to obtain a level reading on the waveform. The positive or negative delay is an offset from the time of the event, where the window for measurement is to begin. The window is the length of time the waveform is measured to obtain an average level reading.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLWW  W.F. amplitude window  0.1 msec


^ top

Page: 236

Parameter: W.F. activity

Full name: Cyclic waveform activity
Parameter type: waveform parameters
Initial value: not set

Affects: graphs which display cycle activity statistics


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  W.F. activity  ?


^ top

Page: 237

Parameter: Second ampl. W.F. #

Full name: Second waveform # for Y-axis amplitude measurement
Range: [ 0, 99 ]
Initial value: 0

Affects: W.F. level vs W.F. level graphs, burst or train duration vs cycle duration

For graphs of W.F. level vs W.F. level, this parameter selects the waveform where the measurements will be taken for the Y-axis. The “Second min W.F. ampl.” and “Second max W.F. ampl.” parameters can then be used to limit the range of levels included in the graph.

For graphs of burst duration, the end of a burst or train is taken from this second waveform’s parameters when the “Second W.F. bursts” or “Second W.F. trains” option is selected.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLSWN  Second ampl. W.F. #  0


^ top

Page: 238

Parameter: Second min W.F. ampl.

Full name: Minimum level for Y-axis W.F. amplitude
Units: V or A/D
Range: [ -32768 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: -32768 A/D

Affects: W.F. level vs W.F. level graphs

For graphs of W.F. level vs W.F. level, this parameter can be set to reject Y-axis levels that are too low. It can be set along with the “Second max W.F. ampl.” parameter to limit the range of levels included in the graph.

This parameter can be set by specifying the level in mV or A/D units. It can also be set visually, using the pointing device to indicate, on the displayed waveform, the minimum level (and the maximum).


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLSWRL  Second min W.F. ampl.  -80000 mV


^ top

Page: 239

Parameter: Second max W.F. ampl.

Full name: Maximum level for Y-axis W.F. amplitude
Units: V or A/D
Range: [ -32768 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: 32767 A/D

Affects: W.F. level vs W.F. level graphs

For graphs of W.F. level vs W.F. level, this parameter can be set to reject Y-axis levels that are too high. It can be set along with the “Second min W.F. ampl.” parameter to limit the range of levels included in the graph.

This parameter can be set by specifying the level in mV or A/D units. It can also be set visually, using the pointing device to indicate, on the displayed waveform, the maximum level (and the minimum).


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLSWRU  Second max W.F. ampl.  79997.6 mV


^ top

Page: 240

Parameter: Second W.F. ampl. as % of max

Full name: Show Y-axis W.F. amplitudes as a percentage of the maximum
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: W.F. level vs W.F. level graphs

For graphs of W.F. level vs W.F. level, this parameter selects how the Y-axis will be labeled. Normally, it is labelled in mV, V, A/D units, or some such measure of amplitude. If you set this option to Y, the axis will be labelled as percentages of the maximum waveform amplitude measured for the Y-axis in the course of this analysis on this run of data, unless the maximum happens to be zero.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLSWP  Second W.F. ampl. as % of max  N


^ top

Page: 241

Parameter: Spike trace #

Full name: Trace # for spike analysis
Range: [ 0, 99 ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: graphs of trace spike count or latency vs step cycle

This parameter chooses which trace will be scanned for spikes for graphs using trace spike counts or latencies. After setting this parameter, you should also set the “Trace spike threshold“, “Trace spike hysteresis“, “Trace spike discr.“, and “Trace spike delay” parameters appropriately for the chosen trace.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SSTN  Spike trace #  ?


^ top

Page: 242

Parameter: Trace spike threshold

Full name: Threshold for spikes on trace
Units: V or A/D
Range: [ -32767 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: graphs of trace spike count or latency vs step cycle

For each frame in a trace spike count or latency graph, the selected trace is searched for spikes. The spike measurement is controlled by the “Trace spike threshold“, “Trace spike hysteresis“, and “Trace spike discr.“. Any spike that crosses the threshold, does not exceed the discriminator level, and falls below the hysteresis, is included in the graph.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SSTS  Trace spike threshold  ?


^ top

Page: 243

Parameter: Trace spike hysteresis

Full name: Hysteresis for spikes on trace
Units: V or A/D
Range: [ -32767 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: 0 A/D

Affects: graphs of trace spike count or latency vs step cycle

For each frame in a trace spike count or latency graph, the selected trace is searched for spikes. The spike measurement is controlled by the “Trace spike threshold“, “Trace spike hysteresis“, and “Trace spike discr.“. Any spike that crosses the threshold, does not exceed the discriminator level, and falls below the hysteresis, is included in the graph.

The hysteresis is actually a displacement from the threshold, and will usually be negative (below the threshold), for detection of positive going spikes. If it is positive (above the threshold), the program will search for negative going spikes, which fall below the threshold, but not below the discriminator, then rise up above the hysteresis level.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SSTE  Trace spike hysteresis  0 AD


^ top

Page: 244

Parameter: Trace spike discr.

Full name: Window discriminator for spikes on trace
Units: V or A/D
Range: [ -32767 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: 32767 A/D

Affects: graphs of trace spike count or latency vs step cycle

For each frame in a trace spike count or latency graph, the selected trace is searched for spikes. The spike measurement is controlled by the “Trace spike threshold“, “Trace spike hysteresis“, and “Trace spike discr.“. Any spike that crosses the threshold, does not exceed the discriminator level, and falls below the hysteresis, is included in the graph. Spikes which exceed this discriminator level are rejected.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SSTD  Trace spike discr.  32767 AD


^ top

Page: 245

Parameter: Trace spike delay

Full name: Delay to start of spikes on trace
Units: sec or per
Range: [ 0, 2 gp ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: graphs of trace spike count or latency vs step cycle

This delay is simply an offset from the start of a frame’s window where the search for spikes is to begin; if set, spikes before this delay are ignored.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SSTO  Trace spike delay  ?


^ top

Page: 246

Parameter: Base spike stats. on start

Full name: Base spike activity statistics on start of activity
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: graphs which display spike activity statistics

For most graphs involving waveform spikes, and for the “W.F. spike train duration vs cycle duration” graph, if this option is enabled, the start of the spike train, rather than the end of the spike train, is used for the purpose of determining in which cycle a particular spike train falls, and where it falls within the cycle.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SSWA  Base spike stats. on start  N


^ top

Page: 247

Parameter: Display cycle activity

Full name: Display of start and end of cycle activity
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: action potential position graphs

For graphs of action potential position vs step cycle, or sorted by cycle length, this option determines whether markers will be placed on the graph, indicating the start and end of activity on the step cycle waveform.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SSWD  Display cycle activity  N


^ top

Page: 248

Parameter: Spike W.F. #

Full name: Waveform # for spike analysis
Range: [ 0, 99 ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: all waveform spike analyses

This parameter chooses which waveform will be scanned for spikes (action potentials).

Apart from setting this parameter, you will also have to set up the waveform parameters for spike detection for the chosen waveform. These parameters are a part of the waveform parameter file associated with the waveform.

For some analyses, you will not only want to set up the spike detection parameters (threshold, hysteresis, discriminator), but also mark up the spike trains, so the program can differentiate between individual bursts of spiking activity on the waveform.

You can also set, in the waveform parameters for the chosen waveform, the “Single-unit data set #“, then select the spikes for that single-unit using additional spike rejection parameters (spike width range, range of areas under spike). You can then also manually delete unwanted spikes. Only the spikes in the current single-unit data set for this waveform will be used in any analysis. Setting the “Single-unit data set #” to 0 will make the program revert to using all spikes selected by the three spike detection parameters above.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?


^ top

Page: 249

Parameter: W.F. spikes

Full name: Waveform spiking activity (action potentials)
Parameter type: waveform parameters
Initial value: not set

Affects: all waveform spike analyses


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?


^ top

Page: 250

Parameter: Spikes to skip

Full name: Number of spikes to skip at start of cycle
Range: [ 0, 32767 ]
Initial value: 0

Affects: graphs where X-axis is spike occ., averaging based on spike occ.

The “Spikes to skip” parameter can be set to indicate how many spikes to ignore at the beginning of each cycle. If it were set to, say, 5, then 10 bins would represent the sixth to the fifteenth actions potentials. If the “Reverse spike occurrences” option is then enabled, the 10 bins would represent the fifteen down to the sixth action potentials from the end of the cycle.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SSWS  Spikes to skip  0


^ top

Page: 251

Parameter: Reverse spike occurrences

Full name: Spike occurrences from end of cycle
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: graphs where X-axis is spike occ., averaging based on spike occ.

The “Spikes to skip” parameter can be set to indicate how many spikes to ignore at the beginning of each cycle. If it were set to, say, 5, then 10 bins would represent the sixth to the fifteenth actions potentials. If the “Reverse spike occurrences” option is then enabled, the 10 bins would represent the fifteen down to the sixth action potentials from the end of the cycle.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SSWR  Reverse spike occurrences  N


^ top

Page: 252

Parameter: Spike corr. W.F. #

Full name: Waveform # for spike cross-correlation
Range: [ 0, 99 ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: W.F. spike cross-correlation histogram

Each action potential on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #“, in the range to be analysed, triggers a “sweep” from the waveform selected by the “Spike corr. W.F. #“. The window and delay for these sweeps are set as they are for spike triggered averages. Each sweep window is itself scanned for spikes, so you have to set the waveform parameters for spike detection for both of the above waveforms. These parameters are a part of the waveform parameter files associated with each waveform.

The resulting graph shows the average number of action potentials on this waveform (selected by the “Spike corr. W.F. #“), corresponding to time intervals before or after spikes on the other waveform.

The parameters “Corr. spikes before trigger” and “Corr. spikes after trigger” limit the number of spikes counted in each sweep.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SSCN  Spike corr. W.F. #  ?


^ top

Page: 253

Parameter: W.F. corr. spikes

Full name: Waveform spiking activity (for cross correlation)
Parameter type: waveform parameters
Initial value: not set

Affects: W.F. spike cross-correlation histogram


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. corr. spikes  ?


^ top

Page: 254

Parameter: Corr. spikes before trigger

Full name: Number of spikes to correlate before trigger spike
Range: [ 0, 2 billion ]
Initial value: 2 billion

Affects: W.F. spike auto- or cross-correlation histogram

Each action potential on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #“, in the range to be analysed, triggers a “sweep” from the same waveform (auto-correlation), or the waveform selected by the “Spike corr. W.F. #” (cross-correlation). The window and delay for these sweeps are set as they are for spike triggered averages. Each sweep window is itself scanned for spikes, which are counted in the bins in which they occur.

You can limit the number of spikes counted in each sweep, to a certain number allowed before the sweep was triggered (if using a negative delay), and a certain number allowed after the sweep was triggered. This is done by setting the parameters “Corr. spikes before trigger” and “Corr. spikes after trigger“.

For example, if this parameter is set to 5, and 7 spikes occur before the triggering spike, only the 5 closest to the trigger are counted.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SSCB  Corr. spikes before trigger  2147483647


^ top

Page: 255

Parameter: Corr. spikes after trigger

Full name: Number of spikes to correlate after trigger spike
Range: [ 0, 2 billion ]
Initial value: 2 billion

Affects: W.F. spike auto- or cross-correlation histogram

Each action potential on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #“, in the range to be analysed, triggers a “sweep” from the same waveform (auto-correlation), or the waveform selected by the “Spike corr. W.F. #” (cross-correlation). The window and delay for these sweeps are set as they are for spike triggered averages. Each sweep window is itself scanned for spikes, which are counted in the bins in which they occur.

You can limit the number of spikes counted in each sweep, to a certain number allowed before the sweep was triggered (if using a negative delay), and a certain number allowed after the sweep was triggered. This is done by setting the parameters “Corr. spikes before trigger” and “Corr. spikes after trigger“.

For example, if this parameter is set to 5, and 7 spikes occur after the triggering spike, only the 5 closest to the trigger are counted.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SSCA  Corr. spikes after trigger  2147483647


^ top

Page: 256

Parameter: Min inter-spike interval

Full name: Minimum inter-spike interval included in average
Units: sec or per
Range: [ 0, 2 gp ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: W.F. averaging based on spike interval

The Min and Max “inter-spike interval” parameters define the range of interval lengths which is divided into bins. Intervals outside this range will be excluded from the average (no sweeps will be taken at the times these occur).


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SMIL  Min inter-spike interval  ?


^ top

Page: 257

Parameter: Max inter-spike interval

Full name: Maximum inter-spike interval included in average
Units: sec or per
Range: [ 0, 2 gp ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: W.F. averaging based on spike interval

The Min and Max “inter-spike interval” parameters define the range of interval lengths which is divided into bins. Intervals outside this range will be excluded from the average (no sweeps will be taken at the times these occur).


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SMIU  Max inter-spike interval  ?


^ top

Page: 258

Parameter: Take interval after spike

Full name: Take interval after spike, instead of before
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: W.F. averaging based on spike interval, graphs of spike interval or freq

Normally, the inter-spike interval associated with a given spike is the time from the previous spike (i.e. the interval is before the current spike). If you set this option to Y, the interval is measured after the spike, as the time to the next spike.

For graphs of instantaneous frequency or firing frequency, this frequency is calculated as the inverse of the interval above.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SMIA  Take interval after spike  N


^ top

Page: 259

Parameter: X-axis W.F. #

Full name: Waveform number for X-axis of start/stop time graph
Range: [ 0, 99 ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: W.F. activity start & stop time analysis

This parameter selects which waveform’s activity markings will be used for the X-axis data on this graph. You will have to mark up the start and stop times for cycle or spike activity for this waveform. These activity markings are a part of the waveform parameter file associated with the waveform.

Next, set the “Base X on stop time” and “Base X on spike trains” options to the appropriate values for the type and time of activity of interest on this waveform.

Since the start or stop times are calculated relative to the start of the cycle in which they occur, you will also have to set the “Cycle W.F. #“, and its related cycle markers. The “X-axis cycle offset” can be set to change how the program determines with which cycle a start or stop time is associated.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SMSXW  X-axis W.F. #  ?


^ top

Page: 260

Parameter: X-axis cycle offset

Full name: Cycle error offset for X-axis of graph
Units: sec or per
Range: [ -2 gp, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 0 p

Affects: W.F. activity start & stop time analysis

This parameter effectively time-shifts the cycles for the purpose of determining in which cycle a particular burst of activity or spike train falls. This allows more reliable results in borderline cases. For example, if a burst usually starts somewhat after the start of the cycle, but starts a bit early for a few cycles, you can select a negative offset of a few milliseconds so that these few bursts will properly be associated with the cycles in which they occur, even though they start a few milliseconds before the start of their associated cycles. Similarly, a positive offset can be used if a few bursts end slightly after the end of the cycle in which they occur. Note that this offset does not affect the calculation of the coordinate, so it is possible to get negative points plotted.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SMSXC  X-axis cycle offset  0 msec


^ top

Page: 261

Parameter: Base X on stop time

Full name: Base X-axis of graph on stop time
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: W.F. activity start & stop time analysis

If the option “Base X on stop time” is enabled, times for the end of activity, rather than for the start of activity, are used for the X coordinates. If the option “Base X on spike trains” is enabled, the start or end of spike trains for this waveform are used for the X coordinates, rather than the usual (duty cycle) activity.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SMSXS  Base X on stop time  N


^ top

Page: 262

Parameter: Base X on spike trains

Full name: Base X-axis of graph on spike activity trains
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: W.F. activity start & stop time analysis

If the option “Base X on stop time” is enabled, times for the end of activity, rather than for the start of activity, are used for the X coordinates. If the option “Base X on spike trains” is enabled, the start or end of spike trains for this waveform are used for the X coordinates, rather than the usual (duty cycle) activity.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SMSXT  Base X on spike trains  N


^ top

Page: 263

Parameter: Y-axis W.F. #

Full name: Waveform number for Y-axis of start/stop time graph
Range: [ 0, 99 ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: W.F. activity start & stop time analysis

This parameter selects which waveform’s activity markings will be used for the Y-axis data on this graph. You will have to mark up the start and stop times for cycle or spike activity for this waveform. These activity markings are a part of the waveform parameter file associated with the waveform.

Next, set the “Base Y on stop time” and “Base Y on spike trains” options to the appropriate values for the type and time of activity of interest on this waveform.

Since the start or stop times are calculated relative to the start of the cycle in which they occur, you will also have to set the “Cycle W.F. #“, and its related cycle markers. The “Y-axis cycle offset” can be set to change how the program determines with which cycle a start or stop time is associated.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SMSYW  Y-axis W.F. #  ?


^ top

Page: 264

Parameter: Y-axis cycle offset

Full name: Cycle error offset for Y-axis of graph
Units: sec or per
Range: [ -2 gp, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 0 p

Affects: W.F. activity start & stop time analysis

This parameter effectively time-shifts the cycles for the purpose of determining in which cycle a particular burst of activity or spike train falls. This allows more reliable results in borderline cases. For example, if a burst usually starts somewhat after the start of the cycle, but starts a bit early for a few cycles, you can select a negative offset of a few milliseconds so that these few bursts will properly be associated with the cycles in which they occur, even though they start a few milliseconds before the start of their associated cycles. Similarly, a positive offset can be used if a few bursts end slightly after the end of the cycle in which they occur. Note that this offset does not affect the calculation of the coordinate, so it is possible to get negative points plotted.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SMSYC  Y-axis cycle offset  0 msec


^ top

Page: 265

Parameter: Base Y on stop time

Full name: Base Y-axis of graph on stop time
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: W.F. activity start & stop time analysis

If the option “Base Y on stop time” is enabled, times for the end of activity, rather than for the start of activity, are used for the Y coordinates. If the option “Base Y on spike trains” is enabled, the start or end of spike trains for this waveform are used for the Y coordinates, rather than the usual (duty cycle) activity.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SMSYS  Base Y on stop time  N


^ top

Page: 266

Parameter: Base Y on spike trains

Full name: Base Y-axis of graph on spike activity trains
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: W.F. activity start & stop time analysis

If the option “Base Y on stop time” is enabled, times for the end of activity, rather than for the start of activity, are used for the Y coordinates. If the option “Base Y on spike trains” is enabled, the start or end of spike trains for this waveform are used for the Y coordinates, rather than the usual (duty cycle) activity.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SMSYT  Base Y on spike trains  N


^ top

Page: 267

Parameter: Cycle durations on X

Full name: Show cycle durations in place of usual X-axis
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: W.F. activity start & stop time analysis

If the “Cycle durations on X” option is enabled, the usual X-axis is overridden by the cycle durations. In other words, the graph becomes one of start or stop time of activity in cycle, versus cycle duration.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SMSC  Cycle durations on X  N


^ top

Page: 268

Parameter: Burst cycle offset

Full name: Cycle error offset for burst duration graph
Units: sec or per
Range: [ -2 gp, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 0 p

Affects: W.F. activity burst or spike train duration vs cycle duration

This parameter effectively time-shifts the cycles for the purpose of determining in which cycle a particular burst of activity or spike train falls. This allows more reliable results in borderline cases. For example, if a burst usually starts somewhat after the start of the cycle, but starts a bit early for a few cycles, you can select a negative offset of a few milliseconds so that these few bursts will properly be associated with the cycles in which they occur, even though they start a few milliseconds before the start of their associated cycles. Similarly, a positive offset can be used if a few bursts end slightly after the end of the cycle in which they occur.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SMBC  Burst cycle offset  0 msec


^ top

Page: 269

Parameter: Burst duration type

Full name: Type of burst duration calculation
Range: [ 0, 3 ]
Initial value: 0

Affects: W.F. activity burst or spike train duration vs cycle duration

This parameter determines the way in which the burst duration is calculated for each burst of activity. The initial value, 0, means the duration is the time from the start of the burst to the end of it. A 1 means the time from the start of the burst to the start of the next burst. A 2 means the time from the end of the burst to the start of the next, and a 3 means the time from the end of the burst to the end of the next.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SMBD  Burst duration type  0


^ top

Page: 270

Parameter: Flip durations

Full name: Flip around durations on X and Y axes
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: W.F. activity burst or spike train duration vs cycle duration

If the “Flip durations” option is enabled, the usual X and Y axes are transposed, giving you a graph of cycle duration versus burst duration. If the “Flip durations” option and the “Burst positions in cycle” option are both enabled, the graph becomes one of cycle duration versus position of burst in cycle.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SMBF  Flip durations  N


^ top

Page: 271

Parameter: Relative burst durations

Full name: Show burst durations relative to cycle durations
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: W.F. activity burst or spike train duration vs cycle duration

If the “Relative burst durations” option is set, burst durations are shown as a percentage of the corresponding cycle durations.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SMBR  Relative burst durations  N


^ top

Page: 272

Parameter: Burst positions in cycle

Full name: Show burst positions in cycle on X, not cycle durations
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: W.F. activity burst or spike train duration vs cycle duration

If the “Burst positions in cycle” option is enabled, the usual X-axis is overridden by the cycle positions of the activity bursts. In other words, the graph becomes one of burst duration versus position of burst in cycle. Just like any of the other graphs of “something” vs cycle, this graph can be normalized, and the “Cycles on graph” parameter will then take effect.

If this option and the “Flip durations” option are both enabled, the graph becomes one of cycle duration versus position of burst in cycle.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SMBV  Burst positions in cycle  N


^ top

Page: 273

Parameter: # bins- avg

Full name: Number of bins for W.F./trace averaging
Range: [ 1, 32767 ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: all trace and waveform averaging

When calculating averaged sweeps from traces or waveforms, this parameter determines how many bins will be used for each trace or waveform. Depending on the type of averaging selected, bins may represent cycle phase, waveform amplitude, tag value, spike occurrences within cycles, or spike interval. Whatever range is represented is evenly divided into the number of intervals given by this parameter.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SAB  # bins- avg  ?


^ top

Page: 274

Parameter: Start bin- avg

Full name: Starting bin # for W.F./trace averaging
Range: [ 1, 32767 ]
Initial value: 1

Affects: all trace and waveform averaging based on cycle phase

When bins represent cycle phase, you can “rotate” the bins to start at a different point in the cycle, by setting this parameter to a different bin number.

This affects the display only, and not the actual calculation of averages.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SAS  Start bin- avg  1


^ top

Page: 275

Parameter: Preview averaged data

Full name: Display preview of data used in average
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: all trace and waveform averaging

If this option is enabled, when you perform the “Go” operation after selecting a trace or waveform averaging analysis, the program will display every sweep that is being added into a bin.

After each screen-full, you are asked if you want to see more. You can enter Y to see another screen-full, N to continue averaging without previewing, or ESCAPE to abort the averaging. After the last screen-full of raw sweeps, hitting any key will cause the screen to be cleared and the averages to be displayed.

If this option is enabled during a graph of “W.F. L.D.P. level vs cycle duration“, the calculated minimum and maximum levels are displayed as markers on the waveform. You can use the cursor to move the markers to the levels you desire, to correct the L.D.P. calculation. When you exit the preview display, the complete graph is shown. If you repeat the “Go” operation when the graph does not need to be recalculated, the program will ask you if you want to recalculate it anyway, and if not, whether you want to review the calculated levels.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SAP  Preview averaged data  N


^ top

Page: 276

Parameter: Frame list

Full name: List of frame #’s for frame averaging
Parameter type: number list, Size: 99
Range: [ 1, 32768 ]
Initial value: All

Affects: averaging by frame list or tag value, trace ampl. vs frame number

This parameter selects the frames to be included in the average or graph. The list consists of frame numbers separated by a single comma, or by one or more spaces. A range can be given as two frame numbers separated by a hyphen or colon. For example:

    1, 4 7:10 11,13 15-17

would select frames 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16 and 17. Repetitions are allowed.

For the graph of “Raw trace amplitude vs frame number“, frames are sampled and displayed in the order specified in this list, which does not have to be in strictly increasing order.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SATF  Frame list  All


^ top

Page: 277

Parameter: Trace # list

Full name: List of trace #’s for frame averaging
Parameter type: number list, Size: 16
Range: [ 0, 99 ]
Initial value: All

Affects: all trace averaging

This parameter selects the traces to be included in the average. The list consists of trace numbers separated by a single comma, or by one or more spaces. A range can be given as two trace numbers separated by a hyphen or colon. For example:

    0, 4 7:10 11,13-15

would select traces 0, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 15. Averaged traces are displayed in numerical order, regardless of the order specified in the list. Repetitions are ignored.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SATT  Trace # list  All


^ top

Page: 278

Parameter: W.F. # list

Full name: List of waveform #’s for W.F. averaging
Parameter type: number list, Size: 16
Range: [ 0, 99 ]
Initial value: All

Affects: all waveform averaging

This parameter selects the waveforms to be included in the average. The list consists of waveform numbers separated by a single comma, or by one or more spaces. A range can be given as two waveform numbers separated by a hyphen or colon. For example:

    0, 4 7:10 11,13-15

would select waveforms 0, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 15. Averaged waveforms are displayed in numerical order, regardless of the order specified in the list (unlike the raw waveform display). Repetitions are ignored.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SAWL  W.F. # list  All


^ top

Page: 279

Parameter: W.F. avg delay

Full name: Delay to window for W.F. averaging
Units: sec or per
Range: [ -2 gp, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 0 p

Affects: all waveform averaging, W.F. spike correlation histograms

To perform waveform averaging, the continuous signal on each waveform must be broken down into sweeps of some length. The sweeps are added to obtain one or more averages for each waveform. For spike correlation, it is also necessary to break one waveform into sweeps, triggered by action potentials on the same waveform, or on another waveform.

The parameter “W.F. avg window” controls the duration of each sweep, and “W.F. avg delay” is a positive, zero or negative offset from the time the sweep is triggered to the time the sweep’s window begins.

The same parameters also control the delay and size of sweeps in the “Retrigger” operation.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SAWD  W.F. avg delay  0 msec


^ top

Page: 280

Parameter: W.F. avg window

Full name: Window duration for W.F. averaging
Units: sec or per
Range: [ 0, 2 gp ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: all waveform averaging, W.F. spike correlation histograms

To perform waveform averaging, the continuous signal on each waveform must be broken down into sweeps of some length. The sweeps are added to obtain one or more averages for each waveform. For spike correlation, it is also necessary to break one waveform into sweeps, triggered by action potentials on the same waveform, or on another waveform.

The parameter “W.F. avg window” controls the duration of each sweep, and “W.F. avg delay” is a positive, zero or negative offset from the time the sweep is triggered to the time the sweep’s window begins.

The same parameters also control the delay and size of sweeps in the “Retrigger” operation.

For waveform averaging, the window size cannot exceed 32767 A/D sample points.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SAWW  W.F. avg window  ?


^ top

Page: 281

Parameter: # bins- graph

Full name: Number of bins for average data graphs
Range: [ 1, 32767 ]
Initial value: 100

Affects: all graphs of averaged data, and all raw spike occ. graphs

This parameter determines how many bins will be represented on the X-axis of graphs. Depending on the type of graph selected, bins may represent cycle phase, trace or waveform amplitude, time, or spike occurrences within cycles. Whatever range is represented is evenly divided into the number of intervals given by this parameter. Averaged graphs will have one data value plotted for each bin.

By setting the “Histogram display” option, you can get a display of the count in each bin of an averaged graph, rather than the actual averaged data values.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph  100


^ top

Page: 282

Parameter: Start bin- graph

Full name: Starting bin # for averaged data graphs
Range: [ 1, 32767 ]
Initial value: 1

Affects: all graphs of averaged data based on cycle phase

When bins represent cycle phase, you can “rotate” the bins to start at a different point in the cycle, by setting this parameter to a different bin number.

This affects the display only, and not the actual calculation of averages.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SGS  Start bin- graph  1


^ top

Page: 283

Parameter: Normalization

Full name: Normalization of step cycle lengths
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: Y

Affects: all graphs of “something” vs step cycle

For graphs where the X-axis represents the cycle phase, because the cycles vary in length, they are usually normalized to the same length, so that both the starts and the ends of the cycles line up. The X-axis represents the position in the cycle, from 0 to 1, and the cycle displayed may be repeated several times, as selected by the “Cycles on graph” parameter (which also allows selection of polar plots).

If this option is disabled, only the starts of cycles are lined up, and the X-axis represents time from the start of the cycle. The “Cycles on graph” parameter then has no effect.

Normalization can be performed separately on the active and inactive phases of each cycle, if you enable this feature using the “Percent of cycle active” parameter. Otherwise, cycles are scaled linearly regardless of where activity ends within each cycle.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SGN  Normalization  Y


^ top

Page: 284

Parameter: Cycles on graph

Full name: Number of cycles displayed on graph
Range: [ 0, 32767 ]
Initial value: 2

Affects: all graphs of “something” vs step cycle

For graphs where the X-axis represents the cycle phase, when the “Normalization” option is enabled, the “Cycles on graph” parameter selects the number of times cycles are repeated along the X-axis. The axis is labelled from 0 to the number of cycles.

This parameter can also be set to 0. One cycle will still be displayed, but it will be drawn as a polar plot. The position in the cycle (usually the X coordinate) determines the angle where a point is drawn. The angles are labelled around the graph, in degrees. An angle of zero gives some point directly right of centre, 1/4 cycle is directly above centre (90 deg.), 1/2 cycle directly left (180 deg.), etc. The Y coordinate determines the distance of the point from the centre of the graph. It is usually a good idea to disable “Auto scale“, and fix the Y-axis lower-bound at 0 for polar plots. The Y-axis labels appear in the upper-left quadrant of polar plots. They are drawn using the same scaling as a one-cycle linear plot. You can easily switch between the two, by alternating this parameter between 0 and 1. Only normalized cycle graphs make use of this parameter, so only they can be made into polar plots.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SGC  Cycles on graph  2


^ top

Page: 285

Parameter: Regression degree

Full name: Polynomial degree for curvilinear regression
Range: [ 0, 20 ]
Initial value: 0

Affects: all graphs

Curvilinear regression can be performed on the data of any graph. This parameter can be set to the degree desired: 0 for no regression, 1 for linear regression, 2 for quadratic, etc. (up to 20). The regression line or curve will be drawn on the graph. A line above the graph will indicate the correlation coefficient (labelled as R2, actually R-squared), the intercept (b), and the slope coefficients (m).


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SGR  Regression degree  0


^ top

Page: 286

Parameter: Raw W.F. # list

Full name: List of waveform #’s for raw W.F. display
Parameter type: number list, Size: 16
Range: [ 0, 99 ]
Initial value: All

Affects: Raw waveform display

This parameter selects the waveforms to be included in the display. The list consists of waveform numbers separated by a single comma, or by one or more spaces. A range can be given as two waveform numbers separated by a hyphen or colon. For example:

    0, 11,13-15 4 7:10

would display waveforms 0, 11, 13, 14, 15, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in that order. Repetitions are allowed.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SWL  Raw W.F. # list  All


^ top

Page: 287

Parameter: Display crossings

Full name: Display of cycle crossings on W.F. display
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: Raw waveform display

If this option is enabled, markers on the display will show where the cycles start, provided that the “Cycle W.F. #” parameter has been set, and the cycle related waveform parameters for that waveform have also been properly set. Similarly, if the “Display cycle lengths” option is enabled, the cycle lengths are indicated at the bottom of the display. If the “Display both crossings” option is enabled, in addition to the “Display crossings” option, then a second set of slightly smaller markers will also show the end of activity in each cycle.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SWM  Display crossings  N


^ top

Page: 288

Parameter: Display both crossings

Full name: Display of both start and end markers on W.F.
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: Raw waveform display

If the “Display both crossings” option is enabled, in addition to the “Display crossings” option, then a second set of slightly smaller markers will show the end of activity in each cycle.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SWB  Display both crossings  N


^ top

Page: 289

Parameter: Display cycle lengths

Full name: Display of cycle durations on W.F. display
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: Raw waveform display

If this option is enabled, the cycle lengths are indicated at the bottom of the display, provided that the “Cycle W.F. #” parameter has been set, and the cycle related waveform parameters for that waveform have also been properly set.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SWC  Display cycle lengths  N


^ top

Page: 290

Parameter: Graph description

Full name: Additional description for graph display
Parameter type: character string, Size: up to 79 characters
Initial value: not set

Affects: all graphs

If this string is set, it will appear on the second line of text at the top of the display, after the run description, in place of the bracketed analysis range (and tag list, if applicable).

You can set it to any line of text you desire, and you can clear it by setting it to a single space.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  “”


^ top

Page: 291

Parameter: Main graph title

Full name: Main title for graph display
Parameter type: character string, Size: up to 79 characters
Initial value: not set

Affects: all graphs

If this string is set, it will appear in place of the usual “y” vs “x” title line, centered at the bottom of the graph.

You can set it to any line of text you desire, and you can clear it by setting it to a single space.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDM  Main graph title  “”


^ top

Page: 292

Parameter: Number list format

Full name: Format of numbers or number pairs for Bins-save
Parameter type: character string, Size: up to 63 characters
Initial value: not set

Affects: “Bins-save” operation for all graphs

If your current analysis method is a form of graph, the “Bins-save” operation allows you to see the numeric values used to generate the graph, and to save these numbers in an ASCII text file. By default, only the Y-axis values are saved, but you can change this string to indicate which values you want. This string will be output for each point in the graph, and any “x” or “y” in the string is replaced with the X or Y value for that point. For example:

    (x, y)\n

will cause each point to be output with the X and Y values in parentheses, separated by a comma, and a newline character after each closing parenthesis. The recognised backslash-character escapes are “\b” (backspace), “\f” (formfeed), “\n” (newline), “\r” (return), “\t” (tab), and “\” followed by up to 3 octal digits to specify a character numerically.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDN  Number list format  “”


^ top

Page: 293

Parameter: Graph type

Full name: Graph (symbol) type code for data graphs
Parameter type: graph type (Adaptive, Bar, Dot, Symbol)
Initial value: Adaptive

Affects: all graphs

This parameter determines how data points will be drawn on the graph. If Bar is chosen, the values are shown as vertical bars from the bottom of the graph, up to the level indicated by each value. If Dot is chosen, the values are shown as single dots. If Symbol is chosen, the values are shown as diamond symbols, whose size can be changed by the “Diamond symbol size” parameter.

If Adaptive is chosen, the type is automatically picked as one of the other three choices, based on context. Usually, it will be a dot graph. For graphs of averages, and some raw graphs, symbols will be used if there are less than 100 points. For analyses that normally produce frequency histograms, bars will be displayed if there are less than 400 bins.

For most dot and symbol graphs, the data points will be connected by line segments if the “Interpolation” option is enabled. For symbol graphs, you can replace the diamond symbol with a character label, by setting the “Graph tag symbol” parameter.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDGG  Graph type  Adaptive


^ top

Page: 294

Parameter: Histogram type

Full name: Histogram type (bar style) code
Parameter type: graph type (Adaptive, Bar, Dot, Symbol)
Initial value: Adaptive

Affects: all averaged graphs

This parameter determines how data points will be drawn on the histograms displayed in place of graphs of averaged data, when the “Histogram display” option is enabled. If Bar is chosen, the values are shown as vertical bars from the bottom of the graph, up to the level indicated by each value. If Dot is chosen, the values are shown as single dots. If Symbol is chosen, the values are shown as diamond symbols, whose size can be changed by the “Diamond symbol size” parameter.

If Adaptive is chosen, the type is automatically picked as one of the other three choices, based on context. Bars will be displayed if there are less than 400 bins, otherwise dots are shown.

For analyses that normally produce frequency histograms, even when the “Histogram display” option is disabled, use the “Graph type” parameter instead. The “Histogram type” parameter is only for histograms generated when the “Histogram display” option is enabled.

For dot and symbol graphs, the data points will be connected by line segments if the “Interpolation” option is enabled. For symbol graphs, you can replace the diamond symbol with a character label, by setting the “Graph tag symbol” parameter.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDGH  Histogram type  Adaptive


^ top

Page: 295

Parameter: Std. deviation type

Full name: Graph type code for plotting standard deviations
Parameter type: graph type (Adaptive, Bar, Dot, Symbol)
Initial value: Adaptive

Affects: all averaged graphs

This parameter determines how the standard deviations will be drawn on graphs of averaged data. If Bar is chosen, the values are shown as vertical bars, centered at the mean, and extending up and down by one standard deviation. If Dot is chosen, the values are shown as single dots above and below the mean. If Symbol is chosen, the values are shown as diamond symbols, whose size can be changed by the “Diamond symbol size” parameter.

If Adaptive is chosen, the type is automatically picked as one of the other three choices, based on context. If there are less than 100 bins, symbols will be used. Otherwise, dots are drawn.

For dot and symbol graphs, the deviation points will be connected by line segments if the “Interpolation” option is enabled. For symbol graphs, you can replace the diamond symbol with a character label, by setting the “Graph tag symbol” parameter.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDGS  Std. deviation type  Adaptive


^ top

Page: 296

Parameter: Diamond symbol size

Full name: Size (in pixels) of diamond symbol
Range: [ 0, 100 ]
Initial value: 5

Affects: all graphs where symbols are drawn

This parameter determines the height and width, in pixels, of diamond symbols on the graph. The smallest allowable size is 3; if you enter anything lower, the size will be 5. If you give an even number, the size will be one pixel less than specified (an odd number is needed for proper centering).

This parameter will have no effect if the “Graph tag symbol” parameter has been set to some character string, since the tag symbol will override the diamond symbol.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDGD  Diamond symbol size  5


^ top

Page: 297

Parameter: Graph tag symbol

Full name: Tag character to be used as graph symbol
Parameter type: character string, Size: up to 3 characters
Initial value: not set

Affects: all graphs where symbols are drawn

If you set this string, it will be placed as a vertically and horizontally centered label at each data point of the graph, instead of a diamond symbol. The centering will not usually look right on screen, but will be better for some characters on the pen plotter. This option is especially useful if the graph is to be edited in the “layout” program. The tag characters in the graph can be changed to use any character in the “+special” or “+symbol” font.

To clear this string, set it to a single space character. This will make the program revert to using diamond symbols.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDGT  Graph tag symbol  “”


^ top

Page: 298

Parameter: Auto scale

Full name: Automatic scaling mode for graph axes
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: Y

Affects: all analyses

When this option is enabled, as it is initially, the scaling of the axes is adjusted to fit all of the data to be displayed.

If you want to manually control the scaling, run the analysis once, to get the automatically calculated scaling values. Then, disable this option, and manually adjust the scaling for the Y-axis and X-axis as desired. This is useful for clipping out unwanted peaks, or to standardise the scaling for several graphs.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y


^ top

Page: 299

Parameter: X scale bars

Full name: X scale bar/axis display
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: Y

Affects: all analyses

When this option is enabled, as it is initially, the X-axis scale bar(s) will appear on the graph, display of averages, or raw waveform display.

If disabled, the X-axis scale bar(s), and associated labelling, will be left out. For graphs, the appearance and size will not otherwise be changed. Other displays may be resized to use up the space previously occupied by the scale bar or axis.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y


^ top

Page: 300

Parameter: Y scale bars

Full name: Y scale bar/axis display
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: Y

Affects: all analyses

When this option is enabled, as it is initially, the Y-axis scale bar(s) will appear on the graph, display of averages, or raw waveform display.

If disabled, the Y-axis scale bar(s), and associated labelling, will be left out. For graphs, the appearance and size will not otherwise be changed. Other displays may be resized to use up the space previously occupied by the scale bar or axis.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y


^ top

Page: 301

Parameter: Min X

Full name: Minimum X-axis value
Range: [ -1e24, 1e24 ] (or [-(10^24), 10^24])
Initial value: 0

Affects: all graphs, except when X-axis is normalized step cycle

This parameter is adjusted automatically to fit the data on the graph, when the “Auto scale” option is enabled.

When auto-scaling is disabled, you can adjust this to change the lower bound of the graph’s X-axis. The program may make small adjustments to this and the maximum value, to get proper tick mark spacing on the X-axis. (These adjustment may increase the range, but will not decrease it.)


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDSXL  Min X  0


^ top

Page: 302

Parameter: Max X

Full name: Maximum X-axis value
Range: [ -1e24, 1e24 ] (or [-(10^24), 10^24])
Initial value: 0

Affects: all graphs, except when X-axis is normalized step cycle

This parameter is adjusted automatically to fit the data on the graph, when the “Auto scale” option is enabled.

When auto-scaling is disabled, you can adjust this to change the upper bound of the graph’s X-axis. The program may make small adjustments to this and the minimum value, to get proper tick mark spacing on the X-axis. (These adjustment may increase the range, but will not decrease it.)


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDSXU  Max X  0


^ top

Page: 303

Parameter: Min Y

Full name: Minimum Y-axis value
Range: [ -1e24, 1e24 ] (or [-(10^24), 10^24])
Initial value: 0

Affects: all graphs, except when “Histogram display” enabled

This parameter is adjusted automatically to fit the data on the graph, when the “Auto scale” option is enabled.

When auto-scaling is disabled, you can adjust this to change the lower bound of the graph’s Y-axis. The program may make small adjustments to this and the maximum value, to get proper tick mark spacing on the Y-axis. (These adjustment may increase the range, but will not decrease it.)


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDSYL  Min Y  0


^ top

Page: 304

Parameter: Max Y

Full name: Maximum Y-axis value
Range: [ -1e24, 1e24 ] (or [-(10^24), 10^24])
Initial value: 0

Affects: all graphs, except when “Histogram display” enabled

This parameter is adjusted automatically to fit the data on the graph, when the “Auto scale” option is enabled.

When auto-scaling is disabled, you can adjust this to change the upper bound of the graph’s Y-axis. The program may make small adjustments to this and the minimum value, to get proper tick mark spacing on the Y-axis. (These adjustment may increase the range, but will not decrease it.)


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDSYU  Max Y  0


^ top

Page: 305

Parameter: Min Y- hist

Full name: Minimum Y value for histograms
Range: [ 0, 1e24 ] (or [0, 10^24])
Initial value: 0

Affects: all averaged graphs, when “Histogram display” enabled

This parameter is adjusted automatically to fit the data on the histogram, when the “Auto scale” option is enabled.

When auto-scaling is disabled, you can adjust this to change the lower bound of the histogram’s Y-axis. The program may make small adjustments to this and the maximum value, to get proper tick mark spacing on the Y-axis. (These adjustment may increase the range, but will not decrease it.)


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDSYHL  Min Y- hist  0


^ top

Page: 306

Parameter: Max Y- hist

Full name: Maximum Y value for histograms
Range: [ 0, 1e24 ] (or [0, 10^24])
Initial value: 0

Affects: all averaged graphs, when “Histogram display” enabled

This parameter is adjusted automatically to fit the data on the histogram, when the “Auto scale” option is enabled.

When auto-scaling is disabled, you can adjust this to change the upper bound of the histogram’s Y-axis. The program may make small adjustments to this and the minimum value, to get proper tick mark spacing on the Y-axis. (These adjustment may increase the range, but will not decrease it.)


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDSYHU  Max Y- hist  0


^ top

Page: 307

Parameter: Min trace level

Full name: Minimum level for trace
Units: V or A/D, Size: 100
Range: [ -32767 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: trace averaging

This array of parameters is adjusted automatically to fit the data of the traces included in the average, when the “Auto scale” option is enabled.

When auto-scaling is disabled, you can adjust this to change the lower bounds displayed for these traces. You are first asked for the trace number, then the minimum level for the trace.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDSYTL  Min trace level  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


^ top

Page: 308

Parameter: Max trace level

Full name: Maximum level for trace
Units: V or A/D, Size: 100
Range: [ -32767 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: trace averaging

This array of parameters is adjusted automatically to fit the data of the traces included in the average, when the “Auto scale” option is enabled.

When auto-scaling is disabled, you can adjust this to change the upper bounds displayed for these traces. You are first asked for the trace number, then the maximum level for the trace.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDSYTU  Max trace level  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


^ top

Page: 309

Parameter: Min W.F. level

Full name: Minimum level for waveform
Units: V or A/D, Size: 100
Range: [ -32767 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: waveform averaging, raw waveform display

This array of parameters is adjusted automatically to fit the data of the waveforms included in the display, when the “Auto scale” option is enabled.

When auto-scaling is disabled, you can adjust this to change the lower bounds displayed for these waveforms. You are first asked for the waveform number, then the minimum level for the waveform.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDSYWL  Min W.F. level  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


^ top

Page: 310

Parameter: Max W.F. level

Full name: Maximum level for waveform
Units: V or A/D, Size: 100
Range: [ -32767 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: waveform averaging, raw waveform display

This array of parameters is adjusted automatically to fit the data of the waveforms included in the display, when the “Auto scale” option is enabled.

When auto-scaling is disabled, you can adjust this to change the upper bounds displayed for these waveforms. You are first asked for the waveform number, then the maximum level for the waveform.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDSYWU  Max W.F. level  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


^ top

Page: 311

Parameter: Show areas under curves

Full name: Show areas under mean and std. dev. curves
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: all averaged graphs

If this option is enabled, the area under the mean curve is shown at the top of the display, as well as the areas under the standard deviation curves, if these are displayed.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDTA  Show areas under curves  N


^ top

Page: 312

Parameter: Get cursor readings

Full name: Get cursor readings on displayed data
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: all analyses, visual parameter setting

If this option is enabled, the program will pause after every “sweep” of data is displayed, to allow you to get readings from the data.

You can set two markers, A and B, to two different points on the data, by using the pointing device to move the cursor to the desired position, then pressing either button A or B. The X and Y coordinates for the markers are displayed above the menu. You can also use space and backspace to move the last marker set forward or backward by one data point.

When you are finished with one sweep, press D to go on to the next one. You can also type a Q to quit entirely; this will simply disable this option.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDTC  Get cursor readings  N


^ top

Page: 313

Parameter: Histogram display

Full name: Histogram display for averaged data graphs
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: all averaged graphs

By setting the “Histogram display” option, you can get a display of the count in each bin of an averaged graph, rather than the actual averaged data values.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDTH  Histogram display  N


^ top

Page: 314

Parameter: Interpolation

Full name: Linear interpolation of data points
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: Y

Affects: most graphs, trace and waveform averaging, raw waveform display

This option specifies whether linear interpolation should be performed on the displayed data. If disabled, only the data points are shown. If enabled, the data points will be shown, and will be interconnected by line segments.

A separate option, “Plot Interp.”, controls interpolation for plotter output. It is enabled by default, since you normally wouldn’t want to plot individual dots on the pen plotter (especially if there are a lot of data points). Yet another option, “W.F. Interpolation“, controls interpolation for waveforms displayed for visual parameter setting.

If the “Extend interpolation” option is disabled, the program interpolates only between points that are shown on the graph, and completely ignores points that are clipped out because they are too high or too low. This may give certain graphs a very “broken” appearance. If both the “Interpolation” and the “Extend interpolation” options are enabled, then the program will perform partial interpolation between clipped points; line segments are drawn toward these points, up to the top or bottom of the graph.

Note that large waveforms are displayed more quickly when interpolation is enabled, since the program can eliminate redundant points from the display.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y


^ top

Page: 315

Parameter: Extend interpolation

Full name: Extend interpolation toward clipped points
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: Y

Affects: most graphs, trace and waveform averaging, raw waveform display

If disabled, the program interpolates only between points that are shown on the graph, and completely ignores points that are clipped out because they are too high or too low. This may give certain graphs a very “broken” appearance. If both the “Interpolation” option (or “Plot Interp.” for plotter output) and the “Extend interpolation” option are enabled, then the program will perform partial interpolation between clipped points; line segments are drawn toward these points, up to the top or bottom of the graph.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y


^ top

Page: 316

Parameter: Overlay bins

Full name: Overlayed bins for averaged trace(s)
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: all trace and waveform averaging

This option controls whether the bins for each trace or waveform in the average will be displayed individually, or overlaid on top of each other. When bins are superimposed, it is easier to compare them, but much harder to tell which is which.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDTO  Overlay bins  N


^ top

Page: 317

Parameter: Display relative levels

Full name: Display relative levels for averaged trace(s)
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: all trace and waveform averaging

Normally, the program displays averages in absolute voltage units, and all bins for a given trace or waveform are displayed at the same range of voltage levels.

If the bins contain fairly weak signals, but there are large voltage offsets between bins, this type of display may not be appropriate. By setting this option to Y, you can get the bins displayed relative to the minimum level in each bin. They will still all be shown at the same scale, but the baseline is adjusted for each.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDTR  Display relative levels  N


^ top

Page: 318

Parameter: Display std dev

Full name: Display of standard deviation of averaged data
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: all averaged graphs, trace and waveform averaging

If this option is enabled, the standard deviation curves are displayed, above and below the mean curve(s).


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N


^ top

Page: 319

Parameter: Top title display

Full name: Top title display for graphs
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: Y

Affects: all analyses

Normally, the top few lines of the display (2 for averages, 3 for raw waveform displays, 4 for graphs) give information about the analysis and the run file used. If you disable this option, these lines are suppressed, leaving more room for the graph or display.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y


^ top

Page: 320

Parameter: Freq. units

Full name: Units for frequency display
Parameter type: units (Hz)
Initial value: Hz

Affects: graphs of frequency, frequency parameter setting

Whenever frequencies are displayed, on graphs or during parameter setting, this option determines the units in which they are shown. It also determines the default units used for setting frequency parameters. You can set it to Hz, KHz, or MHz.

When setting a frequency parameter, you can follow the number by one of the above unit specifiers, to override the current value. Actually, the specifier “Hz” can be preceded by any of “a”, “f”, “p”, “n”, “u”, “m”, “K”, “M”, “G” or “T”, representing atto-, femto-, pico-, nano-, micro-, milli-, Kilo-, Mega-, Giga- or Tera-Hertz.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDUF  Freq. units  Hz


^ top

Page: 321

Parameter: Sample units

Full name: Units for A/D sample display
Parameter type: units (A/D or V)
Initial value: mV

Affects: most analyses, ampl. parameter setting

Whenever amplitudes (or levels) are displayed, on graphs or during parameter setting, this option determines the units in which they are shown. It also determines the default units used for setting amplitude parameters. You can set it to uV, mV, V, KV, or A/D units.

When setting an amplitude parameter, you can follow the number by one of the above unit specifiers, to override the current value. Actually, the specifiers “V” or “A/D” can be preceded by any of “a”, “f”, “p”, “n”, “u”, “m”, “K”, “M”, “G” or “T”, representing atto-, femto-, pico-, nano-, micro-, milli-, Kilo-, Mega-, Giga- or Tera-Volts or A/D units.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV


^ top

Page: 322

Parameter: Time units

Full name: Units for time period display
Parameter type: units (per or sec)
Initial value: ms

Affects: most analyses, time parameter setting

Whenever time values are displayed, on graphs or during parameter setting, this option determines the units in which they are shown. It also determines the default units used for setting time parameters. You can set it to usec, msec, sec, or periods. Periods refer to sampling periods at the sampling rate of the current run. For example, if the sampling rate is 10 KHz, then 1 period is 0.1 msec or 100 usec.

When setting a time parameter, you can follow the number by one of the above unit specifiers, to override the current value. Actually, the specifiers “sec” or “per” (or just “s” or “p”) can be preceded by any of “a”, “f”, “p”, “n”, “u”, “m”, “K”, “M”, “G” or “T”, representing atto-, femto-, pico-, nano-, micro-, milli-, Kilo-, Mega-, Giga- or Tera-seconds or periods.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


^ top

Page: 323

Parameter: W.F. Interpolation

Full name: Interpolate points in W.F.s for parm. setting
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: Y

Affects: waveforms displayed when setting parameters visually

This option specifies whether linear interpolation should be performed on the waveforms displayed for visual parameter setting. If disabled, only the data points are shown. If enabled, the data points will be shown, and will be interconnected by line segments.

Note that large waveforms are displayed more quickly when interpolation is enabled, since the program can eliminate redundant points from the display.

Separate options, “Interpolation” and “Plot Interp.”, control interpolation for final displays of analyses, and for plotter output.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDWI  W.F. Interpolation  Y


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Page: 324

Parameter: Mark frame positions on W.F.

Full name: Mark frame positions on W.F. display
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: Raw waveform display, W.F. displayed when setting parameters visually

This option specifies whether frame trigger time markers should be show when waveforms are displayed for visual parameter setting. If enabled, marker dots will appear above the waveform, indicating the trigger times of all frames in the range displayed.

For the “Raw waveform display“, a trace (selected by the “Amplitude trace #“) will be displayed if this option is enabled. The top quarter of the display, or whatever is specified by the “Trace display height” parameter, will be used to display sweeps from this trace. The sweeps are displayed vertically, and the first point of each sweep is lined up with the time (on the waveforms below) at which the frame containing the sweep was triggered. Deleted frames, and frames whose tag values are not in the “Tag list” are excluded. If the trace selected by the “Amplitude trace #” doesn’t exist, the frame positions are indicated, but no sweeps are shown.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDWM  Mark frame positions on W.F.  N


^ top

Page: 325

Parameter: Display resolution

Full name: Horizontal resolution for W.F. display
Range: [ 0, 2 billion ]
Initial value: 0

Affects: most waveforms displayed when setting parameters visually

When displaying large waveforms on the screen, it is often time consuming and unnecessary to show them at their full resolution. This parameter determines the minimum number of data points which are to be displayed across the screen for any one section of the waveform. For example, with a specified value of 4000, if a waveform is shown in three sections, at least 12,000 points will be displayed in total. (The “Max W.F. section” parameter determines if and how the waveform will be displayed in sections.) Setting the resolution to 0 causes waveforms to be shown at the full resolution.

This parameter’s initial value used to be set to a default of 4000. As the performance of current systems no longer requires limiting the resolution to speed up the process of fetching and displaying waveforms, the initial value is now set to 0, so that waveforms display at full resolution by default.

Waveforms displayed for visually setting spike parameters are always shown at the full resolution, regardless of this parameter setting.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDWR  Display resolution  0


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Page: 326

Parameter: Max W.F. section

Full name: Maximum length of time per waveform section
Units: sec or per
Range: [ 0, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 5 sec

Affects: waveforms displayed when setting parameters visually

When displaying long waveforms on the screen, it is often necessary to display it in several sections, so that the data points are not too “scrunched” together. This parameter should be set to the maximum length of time that can be displayed in one continuous section, and still present useful visual information. Waveforms longer than this will be broken into sections, which will be displayed on the screen, stacked vertically. The trade-off is that vertical display resolution is lost as the number of sections increases.

For example, with a 5 second value for this parameter, a 12 second waveform would be displayed in 3 sections of 4 seconds each. One third of the display height would be used for each section. The resolution at which each section is displayed can be limited by setting the “Display resolution” parameter.

You can still use the pointing device to set parameters visually on one of these split screen displays: the program figures out which section you are pointing to based on the height of the cursor.

As the initial value for this parameter is not appropriate for very long runs (resulting in too many sections being displayed), the analysis program now calculates a larger initial value for this parameter when the run length exceeds 25 seconds, to limit the waveform display to 5 sections or less.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDWT  Max W.F. section  5000 msec


^ top

Page: 327

Parameter: Axes pen

Full name: Plotter pen # for axes and text
Range: [ 0, 8 ]
Initial value: 1

Affects: HPGL output to file or plotter

This parameter determines which plotter pen will be used to draw most axes, labels, titles, ticks, grids, etc. It, and the related “Data pen” and “Marker pen” parameters are all initially set to the same number (1) to allow for quick single-colour plots.

Selecting pen number 0 suppresses plotting of those items.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>PA  Axes pen  1


^ top

Page: 328

Parameter: Data pen

Full name: Plotter pen # for data points/lines
Range: [ 0, 8 ]
Initial value: 1

Affects: HPGL output to file or plotter

This parameter determines which plotter pen will be used to draw the point, lines, symbols, etc. which represent the data points of the graph. It, and the related “Axes pen” and “Marker pen” parameters are all initially set to the same number (1) to allow for quick single-colour plots.

Selecting pen number 0 suppresses plotting of those items.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>PD  Data pen  1


^ top

Page: 329

Parameter: Markers pen

Full name: Plotter pen # for marker symbols/lines
Range: [ 0, 8 ]
Initial value: 1

Affects: HPGL output to file or plotter

This parameter determines which plotter pen will be used to draw marker lines or symbols which are sometimes added to the graph. It, and the related “Axes pen” and “Data pen” parameters are all initially set to the same number (1) to allow for quick single-colour plots.

Selecting pen number 0 suppresses plotting of those items.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>PM  Markers pen  1


^ top

Page: 330

Parameter: Plot interp.

Full name: Linear interpolation for plotter output
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: Y

Affects: HPGL output to file or plotter

This option specifies whether linear interpolation should be performed on the plotted data. If disabled, only the data points are plotted, as discrete dots, which can cause excessive pen wear. If enabled, the data points will be interconnected by line segments, allowing continuous pen motion.

A separate option, “Interpolation“, controls interpolation for the normal screen display. It is a separate option because it is common to want interpolation enabled for plotting, but not for the screen display.

If the “Extend interpolation” option is disabled, the program interpolates only between points that are shown on the graph, and completely ignores points that are clipped out because they are too high or too low. This may give certain graphs a very “broken” appearance. If both the “Plot Interp.” and the “Extend interpolation” options are enabled, then the program will perform partial interpolation between clipped points; line segments are drawn toward these points, up to the top or bottom of the graph.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>PI  Plot interp.  Y


^ top

Page: 331

Parameter: Plot text

Full name: Text plotting mode for plotter output
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: Y

Affects: HPGL output to file or plotter

If this option is disabled all text labels and titles on the graph are suppressed. The generated plot will not contain any text, leaving only the graphical elements (axes, ticks, data points, markers, etc.)


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>PT  Plot text  Y


^ top

Page: 332

Parameter: Plot screen redraw

Full name: Screen redraw mode while plotting
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: Y

Affects: screen display during HPGL output to file or plotter

Normally, the program displays on screen an approximation of the HPGL graphic output it is generating, showing you the effect of such options as “Plot interp.” and “Plot text“.

If this option is disabled, the screen will not be redrawn when plotting to a file or to the plotter.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>PS  Plot screen redraw  Y


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Page: 333

Parameter: Plot file

Full name: Plotter output file name
Parameter type: file name, Size: up to 127 characters
Initial value: not set

Affects: destination of HPGL output

To plot to a file, specify the name of the file. No file name suffix is added automatically, but it is recommended that you add a suffix yourself, such as “.hp”. You will then be able to plot the file, at a later time, by invoking the “hardcopy” program, or you can use the “layout” program to add or change labels.

If the file does not exist, it will be created. If it does exist, its contents will be overwritten.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>PF  Plot file  ?


^ top

Page: 334

Parameter: Filter W.F. #

Full name: Waveform # for data to be filtered
Range: [ 0, 99 ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: Filter operation

Set this parameter to the number of the waveform to be filtered. When you begin the filtering operation, from the “Go” item of the “Filter” menu, you will be prompted for the destination waveform number, which must be different from this one.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>MFW  Filter W.F. #  ?


^ top

Page: 335

Parameter: Filter cutoff freq.

Full name: Cutoff frequency of filter
Units: Hz
Range: [ 0 Hz, 1000000 Hz ]
Initial value: 0 Hz

Affects: Filter operation

Set this parameter to the cutoff frequency of the digital filter. The program limits the cutoff frequency to 1/3 of the sampling rate of the waveform, to avoid the “ringing” caused by too high a cutoff frequency.

If set to zero, the actual filter will be disabled, but the other processing performed by the “Filter” operation will still occur. This is useful if you want to clip or rectify a waveform without actually filtering it.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>MFC  Filter cutoff freq.  0 Hz


^ top

Page: 336

Parameter: Filter gain factor

Full name: Amplification factor (gain) of filter
Range: [ -10000, 10000 ]
Initial value: 1

Affects: Filter operation

Low-pass filtering removes high frequency noise from the signal, including the noise from quantisation error when digitising a weak signal. However, if the signal amplitude is still small, the quantisation error is reintroduced when the signal is stored in the waveform file after filtering.

By setting this parameter, you can change the gain factor of the digital filter to boost the signal strength, minimising the effect of quantisation error reintroduced when storing the filtered signal. It does nothing, however, for any of the original quantisation error still in the signal after filtering. This amplification is particularly useful if you are going to differentiate the resulting signal. A negative gain will invert the signal, but not the scaling of the signal.

The program checks this gain to prevent overflow of the signal. It does this by checking against the “Min window discr.” and “Max window discr.” parameters, which you must set to the range of levels you want to keep in the signal.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>MFA  Filter gain factor  1


^ top

Page: 337

Parameter: Sample rate divisor

Full name: Sampling rate divisor
Range: [ 1, 32767 ]
Initial value: 1

Affects: Filter operation

After low-pass filtering, you may not have to keep the waveform at its original resolution. To lower the resolution, set this parameter to some integer value which will divide the waveform’s sampling rate. For example, if you set it to 10, nine tenths of the resulting points are discarded.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>MFD  Sample rate divisor  1


^ top

Page: 338

Parameter: Highpass filtering

Full name: Perform highpass filtering, rather than lowpass
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: Filter operation

Normally, the filter performs low-pass filtering, or notch filtering if the “Notch filtering” option is enabled. Enable this option to perform high-pass filtering. It will override the “Notch filtering” option if both are enabled, so you must disable “Highpass filtering” to perform notch filtering, or disable both to perform the default low-pass filtering.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>MFH  Highpass filtering  N


^ top

Page: 339

Parameter: Rectify before filtering

Full name: Full-wave rectify signal before filtering it
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: Filter operation

To obtain the linear envelope of a signal, you have to full-wave rectify the signal, then low-pass filter it with a relatively low cutoff frequency. To do this, enable this option, set the “Rectifier baseline” parameter, and the filtering parameters.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>MFR  Rectify before filtering  N


^ top

Page: 340

Parameter: Rectifier baseline

Full name: Baseline level for full-wave rectification
Units: V or A/D
Range: [ -32768 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: -32768 A/D

Affects: Filter operation

To obtain the linear envelope of a signal, you have to full-wave rectify the signal, then low-pass filter it with a relatively low cutoff frequency. To do this, enable the “Rectify before filtering” option, set this parameter to the level where the signal is to be “folded over” by full-wave rectification, and set the filtering parameters.

This parameter can be set visually, using the pointing device to set the level.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>MFB  Rectifier baseline  -32768 AD


^ top

Page: 341

Parameter: Min window discr.

Full name: Filter window discriminator- minimum level allowed
Units: V or A/D
Range: [ -32768 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: -32768 A/D

Affects: Filter operation

Before filtering, you may want to clip out spikes from the signal. Set the “Min window discr.” and “Max window discr.” parameters to the range of levels you want to keep in the signal. All data points in the waveform that are out of this range will be rejected, and replaced with the last valid point.

You also have to set this range, even if not clipping, if you have set the “Filter gain factor” to anything other than 1.

These parameters can be set visually, using the pointing device to set the levels.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>MFL  Min window discr.  -32768 AD


^ top

Page: 342

Parameter: Max window discr.

Full name: Filter window discriminator- maximum level allowed
Units: V or A/D
Range: [ -32768 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: 32767 A/D

Affects: Filter operation

Before filtering, you may want to clip out spikes from the signal. Set the “Min window discr.” and “Max window discr.” parameters to the range of levels you want to keep in the signal. All data points in the waveform that are out of this range will be rejected, and replaced with the last valid point.

You also have to set this range, even if not clipping, if you have set the “Filter gain factor” to anything other than 1.

These parameters can be set visually, using the pointing device to set the levels.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>MFU  Max window discr.  32767 AD


^ top

Page: 343

Parameter: Zero-lag filtering

Full name: Zero-lag (two pass) filtering
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: Filter operation

Use the Zero-lag selection to select whether or not you want “zero-lag” (two pass) filtering to be performed. The filtering algorithm used is a version of the “Second-order, zero-lag Butterworth filter”, but you can select whether or not the reverse pass is to be performed. If only the forward pass is made, phase-shift distortion will be introduced. If you select “zero-lag” filtering, it will take twice as long, but the reverse pass will eliminate the phase-shift. In either case, end-point extrapolation is used to start off the filter; points equal to the average of the first few points (and of the last few points) of the waveform are temporarily prepended (and appended) to the waveform.

By disabling this option, you suppress the reverse pass of the filtering algorithm, which cancels out the phase-shift distortion of the filter’s forward pass. If you don’t care about this phase-shift, suppressing the reverse pass will make the filter run twice as fast.

Note that when used with a low cutoff frequency, the reverse pass of zero-lag filtering can actually cause some smearing of the signal such that the onset of activity appears to occur before it actually does in the original signal. Because of the potential for erroneous results in your analysis that can be introduced by this, the Zero-lag option is now turned off by default. If you turn it on, use care to watch for and avoid such distortion of your signal, particularly when filtering aggressively.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>MFZ  Zero-lag filtering  N


^ top

Page: 344

Parameter: Blanking W.F. #

Full name: Waveform # for data to be blanked
Range: [ 0, 99 ]
Initial value: 2

Affects: Blanking operation

Set this parameter to the number of the waveform to be blanked. When you begin the blanking operation, from the “Go” item of the “Blanking” menu, you will be prompted for the destination waveform number, which must be different from this one.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>MBN  Blanking W.F. #  2


^ top

Page: 345

Parameter: Blanking delay

Full name: Delay to window for W.F. blanking
Units: sec or per
Range: [ -2 gp, 2 gp ]
Initial value: -1 msec

Affects: Blanking operation

This parameter specifies the time (positive or negative) from the start of a spike on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #“, to the start of the associated blanking interval.

You must also set the “Blanking window” to indicate the length of the blanking interval.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>MBD  Blanking delay  -1 msec


^ top

Page: 346

Parameter: Blanking window

Full name: Window duration for W.F. blanking
Units: sec or per
Range: [ 0, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 3 msec

Affects: Blanking operation

This parameter specifies the length of the blanking interval triggered by each spike on the waveform selected by the “Spike W.F. #“.

You must also set the “Blanking delay” to indicate when the interval starts, before or after the spike.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>MBW  Blanking window  3 msec


^ top

Page: 347

Parameter: Partial W.F. resolution

Full name: Use partial display resolution on W.F. display
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: Raw waveform display

If this option is enabled, the resolution of waveforms displayed will be limited to that specified by the “Display resolution” parameter. If it is disabled, or if the resolution is set to 0, then waveforms are displayed at their full resolution.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SWP  Partial W.F. resolution  N


^ top

Page: 348

Parameter: # of deleted sections

Full name: Number of sections (ranges) deleted from run
Range: [ 0, 32767 ]
Initial value: 0

Affects: all analyses

This parameter is not entered directly, but rather is changed whenever you delete sections from the run (add sections to the list), or re-insert sections (delete from the list).

Sections are deleted from the run visually, by placing markers on the displayed waveform indicating the ranges of time to be excluded from analysis. This is used when simply setting the “Start of run” and “End of run” won’t exclude all the parts of the run than cannot be analysed.

These deleted sections are not physically removed from your run, but rather they are excluded from the analysis. How these sections are excluded varies from one analysis method to another, and may depend on your parameter settings. For example, for raw or averaged W.F. amplitude vs step cycle, W.F. activity start & stop time analysis, W.F. L.D.P. level vs cycle duration, and for any graph of something vs spike occurrence, entire cycles will be excluded if any portion of these cycles falls in a deleted section. For graphs of W.F. activity burst or spike train duration vs cycle duration, any burst with a deleted portion will be left out.

Most other analyses will only exclude the portions they need, on a sample-by-sample or sweep-by-sweep basis, if they fall in a deleted section. Any analysis using traces, and all waveform averages, will delete sweeps if their associated “Phase selection window” falls in a deleted section. Analyses using W.F. level measurements falling in the “W.F. amplitude window” will not take these measurements if any portion of this window is deleted.

Action potentials will be deleted individually if they fall in a deleted section, but some action potential analyses make use of waveform levels or use spike occurrence on the X axis, so the conditions above may apply. Finally, any spike interval or frequency graph will exclude any interval which overlaps, even partially, with a deleted section.

The Raw waveform display will show you the deleted sections as crossed-out boxes, if you have the “Display crossings” and “Display both crossings” options enabled.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0


^ top

Page: 349

Parameter: Flip L.D.P. and duration

Full name: Flip around L.D.P. and duration on X and Y axes
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: W.F. L.D.P. level vs cycle duration

If the “Flip L.D.P. and duration” option is enabled, the usual X and Y axes are transposed, giving you a graph of cycle duration versus L.D.P. amplitude. If the “Flip L.D.P. and duration” option and the “Show time on X-axis” option are both enabled, the graph becomes one of cycle duration versus time of cycle occurrence.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SMLF  Flip L.D.P. and duration  N


^ top

Page: 350

Parameter: Show time on X-axis

Full name: Show cycle start times on X, not cycle durations
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: W.F. L.D.P. level vs cycle duration

If the “Show time on X-axis” option is enabled, the usual X-axis is overridden by the cycle start times. In other words, the graph becomes one of L.D.P. amplitude versus time of cycle occurrence in the run.

If the “Flip L.D.P. and duration” option is enabled, the usual X and Y axes are transposed, giving you a graph of cycle duration versus L.D.P. amplitude. If the “Flip L.D.P. and duration” option and the “Show time on X-axis” option are both enabled, the graph becomes one of cycle duration versus time of cycle occurrence.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SMLT  Show time on X-axis  N


^ top

Page: 351

Parameter: Average trace ampl. ref.

Full name: Average points in trace reference window
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: all trace amplitude graphs

This parameter tells the program whether to calculate the average level in the “Trace ampl. ref window“, rather than searching for a maximum level or a minimum level.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLTWA  Average trace ampl. ref.  N


^ top

Page: 352

Parameter: Average second trace ampl. ref.

Full name: Average points in second trace reference window
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: Y-axis of Y-vs-X trace amplitude graphs

This parameter tells the program whether to calculate the average level in the “Second trace ampl. ref window”, rather than searching for a maximum level or a minimum level.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLSTWA  Average second trace ampl. ref.  N


^ top

Page: 353

Parameter: Calculate overlap

Full name: Calculate & show overlapping W.F. activity
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: Raw waveform display

This parameter tells the program whether to calculate the total amount of time in which the activity on each waveform overlaps with activity on the waveform selected by the “Cycle W.F. #“. This amount is shown as a percentage of the total “on” time of these cycles, on the line above each waveform in the “Raw waveform display“. The activity for each waveform is measured from the cycle activity bursts, if these have been set for this waveform, or the spike activity trains otherwise. If neither is set, the line will remain blank.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SWO  Calculate overlap  N


^ top

Page: 354

Parameter: Percent of cycle active

Full name: Percent of normalized cycle which is active
Range: [ 0, 100 ]
Initial value: 0

Affects: all analyses that use normalized step cycles

This parameter controls separate normalization of active and inactive phases of cycles. If set between 1 and 100, it determines which percentage of the normalized cycle will represent the active phase of cycles analysed, with the remaining percentage for the inactive phase. If set to 0, active and inactive phases are not separated, and cycles are scaled linearly regardless of where activity ends within each cycle.

This parameter only affects analyses in which normalization is performed, and has no effect otherwise. Normalization can be disabled for graphs using the “Normalization” option, but cycles are always normalized for trace or waveform averages based on cycle phase.

If you also set the “Base cycle selection on stop time” parameter, then the roles of the start and end markers are reversed, and the analysis will treat the inactive phase as the active phase. Thus, you can get around the restriction on the value of 0 percent, by setting it to 100 percent and using stop time to trigger cycles, to get an analysis consisting entirely of the inactive phase.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SCP  Percent of cycle active  0


^ top

Page: 355

Parameter: Phase selection delay

Full name: Delay for cycle phase selection
Units: sec or per
Range: [ -2 gp, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 0 p

Affects: all trace analyses and waveform averages

The parameters “Phase selection delay” and “Phase selection window” indicate a range of points, relative to the time of some event which triggers the inclusion of a sample or sweep in the analysis. This range of points must fall entirely within a specific phase in order for this event to be included in the analysis. The positive or negative delay is an offset from the time of the event, and the window is the total length of this selection range.

For example, if you set this delay to -5 ms, and this window to 10 ms, for “W.F. averaging – spikes within cycle“, then only spikes that fall well within a given bin in the cycle, plus or minus 5 ms, will be added to that bin. This is to avoid events that would span the boundary between two bins, whose inclusion would be ambiguous or incorrect.

Similarly, for “Trace averaging based on W.F. level“, with the option “Active cycle phase only” enabled, you could set this delay and window to be the same as that used to capture the triggered traces, so only frames which fall entirely within the active phase of the cycle will be included. If that is too restrictive, you can set them to a certain relevant or critical subset of the frame window, to be assured that at least that subset always falls entirely in the active phase.

By default, only the trigger time must fall in the active phase, and only the trigger time determines which bin a frame falls in. Note that setting the window to a large value will exclude a lot of data from your analysis, and that this parameter affects a large number of different analysis methods.

For analyses that don’t split up cycle phases, this phase window is simply used to determine whether a sweep (either a frame of triggered data or a waveform portion for a waveform average) falls in a deleted section of the run.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SCID  Phase selection delay  0 msec


^ top

Page: 356

Parameter: Phase selection window

Full name: Window for cycle phase selection
Units: sec or per
Range: [ 0, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 1 p

Affects: all trace analyses and waveform averages

The parameters “Phase selection delay” and “Phase selection window” indicate a range of points, relative to the time of some event which triggers the inclusion of a sample or sweep in the analysis. This range of points must fall entirely within a specific phase in order for this event to be included in the analysis. The positive or negative delay is an offset from the time of the event, and the window is the total length of this selection range.

For example, if you set this delay to -5 ms, and this window to 10 ms, for “W.F. averaging – spikes within cycle“, then only spikes that fall well within a given bin in the cycle, plus or minus 5 ms, will be added to that bin. This is to avoid events that would span the boundary between two bins, whose inclusion would be ambiguous or incorrect.

Similarly, for “Trace averaging based on W.F. level“, with the option “Active cycle phase only” enabled, you could set this delay and window to be the same as that used to capture the triggered traces, so only frames which fall entirely within the active phase of the cycle will be included. If that is too restrictive, you can set them to a certain relevant or critical subset of the frame window, to be assured that at least that subset always falls entirely in the active phase.

By default, only the trigger time must fall in the active phase, and only the trigger time determines which bin a frame falls in. Note that setting the window to a large value will exclude a lot of data from your analysis, and that this parameter affects a large number of different analysis methods.

For analyses that don’t split up cycle phases, this phase window is simply used to determine whether a sweep (either a frame of triggered data or a waveform portion for a waveform average) falls in a deleted section of the run.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SCIW  Phase selection window  0.1 msec


^ top

Page: 357

Parameter: Absolute time scale

Full name: Display time scale in absolute units, not relative to start
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: Raw waveform display

If the “Absolute time scale” option is enabled, the X axis time scale will show absolute time within the run, starting at the “Start of run” value. If disabled, as it is by default, the time scale will be relative to the start time, and begin at 0.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SWA  Absolute time scale  N


^ top

Page: 358

Parameter: Overlay W.F. #

Full name: Waveform # for signal to be overlayed during W.F. parameter setting
Range: [ -1, 99 ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: waveforms displayed when setting parameters visually

Set this parameter to the number of the waveform to be overlayed on the display, when setting waveform parameters visually. This allows two waveforms to be shown simultaneously, to aid in setting time parameters. The waveform selected by this parameter will be shown using the marker colour, while the waveform for which you are setting waveform parameters will appear in the usual axes colour.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDWO  Overlay W.F. #  ?


^ top

Page: 359

Parameter: Trace ampl. ref. regression degree

Full name: Polynomial degree for regression in trace reference window
Range: [ -1, 20 ]
Initial value: 0

Affects: all trace amplitude graphs

This parameter tells the program whether to calculate a sloped reference level in the “Trace ampl. ref window“, rather than searching for a maximum level or a minimum level, or calculating a flat average level. Curvilinear regression can be performed by setting this parameter to the degree desired: 0 for no regression, 1 for linear regression, 2 for quadratic, etc. (up to 20). A regression line or curve will be calculated as the reference level for each frame, and this sloped line or curve will be subtracted from any amplitude measurements taken in that frame.

If the degree is set to -1, a linear slope is taken between the two endpoints of the reference range, ignoring points in between.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLTWD  Trace ampl. ref. regression degree  0


^ top

Page: 360

Parameter: Second trace ampl. ref. regr. degree

Full name: Polynomial degree for regression in second trace reference window
Range: [ -1, 20 ]
Initial value: 0

Affects: Y-axis of Y-vs-X trace amplitude graphs

This parameter tells the program whether to calculate a sloped reference level in the “Second trace ampl. ref window”, rather than searching for a maximum level or a minimum level, or calculating a flat average level. Curvilinear regression can be performed by setting this parameter to the degree desired: 0 for no regression, 1 for linear regression, 2 for quadratic, etc. (up to 20). A regression line or curve will be calculated as the reference level for each frame, and this sloped line or curve will be subtracted from any amplitude measurements taken in that frame.

If the degree is set to -1, a linear slope is taken between the two endpoints of the reference range, ignoring points in between.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLSTWD  Second trace ampl. ref. regr. degree  0


^ top

Page: 361

Parameter: Min W.F. time scale

Full name: Minimum length of time scale for waveform display
Units: sec or per
Range: [ 0, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 0

Affects: Raw waveform display

When displaying a short section of a run using the “Raw waveform display“, it may be desirable to force the time scale to a larger amount, so that results from one analysis can be shown next to another, longer section from another analysis, and still have a consistent time scale. This parameter should be set to the biggest length of time that will be displayed in a series of analyses.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SWT  Min W.F. time scale  0 msec


^ top

Page: 362

Parameter: Last trace only

Full name: Show only last trace in range horizontally above W.F. display
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: Raw waveform display

For the “Raw waveform display“, a trace (selected by the “Amplitude trace #“) will be displayed if this option is enabled. The top quarter of the display, or whatever is specified by the “Trace display height” parameter, will be used to display a sweep from this trace. Only the last sweep occurring in the analysis range will be displayed (horizontally), and a tick mark is shown below the sweep, lined up with the time (on the waveforms below) at which the frame containing the sweep was triggered. Deleted frames, and frames whose tag values are not in the “Tag list” are excluded. If the trace selected by the “Amplitude trace #” doesn’t exist, the frame position is indicated, but no sweep is shown.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDWL  Last trace only  N


^ top

Page: 363

Parameter: Trace display height

Full name: Percent of raw W.F. display height used for traces
Range: [ 0, 100 ]
Initial value: 0

Affects: Raw waveform display

This parameter controls the amount of display height in the “Raw waveform display” which is used at the top for the display of traces. If set between 1 and 100, it determines which percentage of the display height is used, with the remaining percentage used below for all the waveforms. If set to 0, traces will only be displayed if the “Last trace only” or “Mark frame positions on W.F.” option is enabled, and 25% of the display will be used for the traces in this case.

The sweeps are displayed vertically, unless the “Last trace only” option is enabled, and the first point of each sweep is lined up with the time (on the waveforms below) at which the frame containing the sweep was triggered. Deleted frames, and frames whose tag values are not in the “Tag list” are excluded. If the trace selected by the “Amplitude trace #” doesn’t exist, the frame positions are indicated, but no sweeps are shown.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDWH  Trace display height  0


^ top

Page: 364

Parameter: Plot pens for W.Fs.

Full name: Plotter pen assignments for raw W.F. display
Parameter type: character string, Size: up to 79 characters
Initial value: not set

Affects: Raw waveform display

This parameter allows you to override the “Data Pen” for specific waveforms in the “Raw waveform display“. If set, it consists of one or more “wflist = penlist” assignments, separated by semicolons. The “wflist” is a list of waveform numbers, much like the “Raw W.F. # list” parameter, and the “penlist” is a list of plotter pen numbers.

A list consists of waveform or pen numbers separated by a single comma, or by one or more spaces. A range can be given as two numbers separated by a hyphen or colon. For example:

    0, 11,13-15 4 7:10

would select waveforms 0, 11, 13, 14, 15, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in that order. Repetitions are allowed in either list, but the last pen number assigned to a given waveform number is the one that is used. If the penlist is shorter than the corresponding wflist, the penlist will be reused as many times as needed. For example, “1=4;4-7=5-8;8-10=4-6;0=7” and “1,4-10,0 = 4-8” are equivalent. In the simplest case, the penlist is a single number, causing that pen number to be used for all the waveforms to which it is assigned.

You can also use the word “All” for either list, meaning all waveform numbers or all pen numbers in ascending order. Finally, the “wflist” and “=” sign can be omitted, implying “All =”, so if you simply give a list of pen numbers, they are assigned to all waveforms in ascending order of waveform number. No more than 16 numbers can be given in any list.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDWP  Plot pens for W.Fs.  “”


^ top

Page: 365

Parameter: Blank averaged window

Full name: Subtract out averaged window for W.F. blanking
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: Blanking operation

This option changes the way waveform blanking is performed. When it’s disabled, as by default, the blanking interval is blanked by setting all samples to the last valid sample before the interval began. When this option is enabled, all occurrences of the blanking interval are averaged, to produce a template of the artifact you want to blank out. This template, or average, is then subtracted from each blanking interval in the waveform.

You must also set the “Blanking window” to indicate the length of the blanking interval.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>MBA  Blank averaged window  N


^ top

Page: 366

Parameter: Average trace ampl. sample

Full name: Average (find mean of) points in sample window
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: all trace amplitude graphs

When this parameter is set to N, as it is initially, the program searches the “Trace ampl. point window” (if one is specified) for a maximum or minimum level. This is repeated for every frame included in the graph.

If you set it to Y, then the program calculates the mean of the points in that range instead. For each frame, the reference level is determined first, in the usual way. Then the program takes every point in the “Trace ampl. point window” and subtracts the reference level. The sum of these differences, divided by the number of points, is taken as the sample value for the frame.

Note that the “Trace ampl. integration“, if set, will override this parameter and the sum will not be divided to get a mean.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLTWM  Average trace ampl. sample  N


^ top

Page: 367

Parameter: Average second trace ampl. sample

Full name: Average (find mean of) points in second sample window
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: all trace amplitude graphs

When this parameter is set to N, as it is initially, the program searches the “Second trace ampl. point window” (if one is specified) for a maximum or minimum level. This is repeated for every frame included in the graph.

If you set it to Y, then the program calculates the mean of the points in that range instead. For each frame, the reference level is determined first, in the usual way. Then the program takes every point in the “Second trace ampl. point window” and subtracts the reference level. The sum of these differences, divided by the number of points, is taken as the sample value for the frame.

Note that the “Second trace ampl. integration“, if set, will override this parameter and the sum will not be divided to get a mean.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SLSTWM  Average second trace ampl. sample  N


^ top

Page: 368

Parameter: Round out scale bars

Full name: Rounding out of min/max on scale bars for graph axes
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: Y

Affects: all graphs

When this option is enabled, the “Auto scale” feature will round up the maximum and round down the minimum values for the X and Y axes of a graph to the next tick mark spacing, to ensure that the scale bars for both axes begin and end with tick marks.

Note that this only applies to the analysis methods that produce X-Y graphs, and not to trace and waveform averages or raw waveform displays.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDSR  Round out scale bars  Y


^ top

Page: 369

Parameter: Second W.F. bursts

Full name: Use second W.F. for end of burst measurements
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: W.F. activity burst or spike train duration vs cycle duration

When this option is enabled, the end of burst durations or train durations are taken from the cycle activity recorded in the waveform parameters of a second waveform, selected by the “Second ampl. W.F. #“. Either the start or end of the burst is used, depending on the “Burst duration type” selected. If the “Second W.F. trains” option is also selected, it overrides this one, so the trains are used instead of the cycle activity for the second waveform.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SMBSC  Second W.F. bursts  N


^ top

Page: 370

Parameter: Second W.F. trains

Full name: Use second W.F. for end of train measurements
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: W.F. activity burst or spike train duration vs cycle duration

When this option is enabled, the end of burst durations or train durations are taken from the spike trains recorded in the waveform parameters of a second waveform, selected by the “Second ampl. W.F. #“. Either the start or end of the burst is used, depending on the “Burst duration type” selected. This option overrides the “Second W.F. bursts” option, so if both are selected, the trains are used instead of the cycle activity for the second waveform.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SMBST  Second W.F. trains  N


^ top

Page: 371

Parameter: Second W.F. activity

Full name: Second waveform activity
Parameter type: waveform parameters
Initial value: not set

Affects: W.F. activity burst or spike train duration vs cycle duration


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>  Second W.F. activity  ?


^ top

Page: 372

Parameter: Notch filtering

Full name: Perform notch filtering, rather than lowpass
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: N

Affects: Filter operation

Normally, the filter performs low-pass filtering. Enable this option to perform notch filtering instead. Note that the option for “Highpass filtering” will override this one, so it should be disabled if you want to enable notch filtering.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>MFN  Notch filtering  N


^ top

Page: 401

Waveform Parameter: Cycle activity name

Full name: Name for waveform cycle activity
Parameter type: character string, Size: up to 63 characters
Initial value: not set

Affects: title on most graphs that use cycle activity markers

If this string is set, it will appear on the top or bottom title line of most graphs that use this waveform’s cycle activity markers. If not, some name will be generated automatically.

It can be cleared by setting it to a single space.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCN  Cycle activity name  “”


^ top

Page: 402

Waveform Parameter: Cycle threshold

Full name: Threshold for start of waveform cycle activity
Units: V or A/D
Range: [ -32767 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: automatic generation of cycle activity markers

When the associated waveform is scanned for cycle activity, the cycle measurement is controlled by the “Cycle threshold“, “Cycle hysteresis“, and “Cycle crossing delay“. Cycle activity starts when the waveform rises above the threshold, and ends when it falls below the hysteresis level. Each half-cycle (active phase or inactive phase) must be at least as long as the “Cycle crossing delay“.

The hysteresis is actually a displacement from the threshold, and will usually be negative (below the threshold), for detection of positive going activity. If it is positive (above the threshold), the program will search for negative going activity, which falls below the threshold, then rises up above the hysteresis level.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCS  Cycle threshold  0 mV


^ top

Page: 403

Waveform Parameter: Cycle hysteresis

Full name: Hysteresis for end of waveform cycle activity
Units: V or A/D
Range: [ -32767 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: 0 A/D

Affects: automatic generation of cycle activity markers

When the associated waveform is scanned for cycle activity, the cycle measurement is controlled by the “Cycle threshold“, “Cycle hysteresis“, and “Cycle crossing delay“. Cycle activity starts when the waveform rises above the threshold, and ends when it falls below the hysteresis level. Each half-cycle (active phase or inactive phase) must be at least as long as the “Cycle crossing delay“.

The hysteresis is actually a displacement from the threshold, and will usually be negative (below the threshold), for detection of positive going activity. If it is positive (above the threshold), the program will search for negative going activity, which falls below the threshold, then rises up above the hysteresis level.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCE  Cycle hysteresis  0 mV


^ top

Page: 404

Waveform Parameter: Cycle crossing delay

Full name: Minimum delay between cycle threshold crossings
Units: sec or per
Range: [ 0, 2 gp ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: automatic generation of cycle activity markers

When the associated waveform is scanned for cycle activity, the cycle measurement is controlled by the “Cycle threshold“, “Cycle hysteresis“, and “Cycle crossing delay“. Cycle activity starts when the waveform rises above the threshold, and ends when it falls below the hysteresis level. Each half-cycle (active phase or inactive phase) must be at least as long as the “Cycle crossing delay“.

After each positive or negative crossing, the program jumps ahead in the waveform, by the amount indicated by this parameter, before scanning for a crossing in the other direction. This is to avoid small ripples in the signal being treated as cycles themselves. If the “Strict triggering” option is enabled, crossings may be ignored if the signal is on the wrong side of the threshold after the program has jumped ahead.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCD  Cycle crossing delay  0 msec


^ top

Page: 405

Waveform Parameter: Strict triggering

Full name: Strict trigger mode for cycle selection
Parameter type: Y or N
Initial value: Y

Affects: automatic generation of cycle activity markers

This option determines what action the program takes after finding a threshold crossing, and jumping ahead in the waveform by the “Cycle crossing delay“. If at this point, the signal is on the wrong side of the threshold (above after a negative crossing, or below after a positive crossing), the program will ignore the last crossing if this option is enabled.

If this option is disabled, the rules are relaxed, and all crossings are used.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCT  Strict triggering  N


^ top

Page: 406

Waveform Parameter: Min. cycle discriminator

Full name: Minimum level shown for cycle selection
Units: V or A/D
Range: [ -32768 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: -32768 A/D

Affects: waveform display for cycle activity marking

The “Min. cycle discriminator” and “Max. cycle discriminator” parameters are used to define a range of levels to accept from the waveform, when it is fetched and displayed for cycle activity marking. Any point which goes above the “Max.” or below the “Min.” will be rejected, and replaced by the last valid data value. This allows you to focus in on the range of interest, and ignore any large spikes the waveform may contain.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCLL  Min. cycle discriminator  0 mV


^ top

Page: 407

Waveform Parameter: Max. cycle discriminator

Full name: Maximum level shown for cycle selection
Units: V or A/D
Range: [ -32768 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: 32767 A/D

Affects: waveform display for cycle activity marking

The “Min. cycle discriminator” and “Max. cycle discriminator” parameters are used to define a range of levels to accept from the waveform, when it is fetched and displayed for cycle activity marking. Any point which goes above the “Max.” or below the “Min.” will be rejected, and replaced by the last valid data value. This allows you to focus in on the range of interest, and ignore any large spikes the waveform may contain.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCLU  Max. cycle discriminator  0 mV


^ top

Page: 408

Waveform Parameter: Spike activity name

Full name: Name for waveform spike activity
Parameter type: character string, Size: up to 63 characters
Initial value: not set

Affects: title on most graphs that use spike activity markers

If this string is set, it will appear on the top or bottom title line of most graphs that use this waveform’s spike activity markers. If not, some name will be generated automatically.

It can be cleared by setting it to a single space.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSN  Spike activity name  “”


^ top

Page: 409

Waveform Parameter: Spike threshold

Full name: Threshold for start of waveform spike activity
Units: V or A/D
Range: [ -32767 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: all W.F. spike analyses, automatic generation of spike activity markers

When the associated waveform is searched for spikes, the spike measurement is controlled by the “Spike threshold“, “Spike hysteresis“, and “Spike discriminator“. Any spike that crosses the threshold, does not exceed the discriminator level, and falls below the hysteresis, is treated as a valid spike.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSS  Spike threshold  0 mV


^ top

Page: 410

Waveform Parameter: Spike hysteresis

Full name: Hysteresis for end of waveform spike activity
Units: V or A/D
Range: [ -32767 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: 0 A/D

Affects: all W.F. spike analyses, automatic generation of spike activity markers

When the associated waveform is searched for spikes, the spike measurement is controlled by the “Spike threshold“, “Spike hysteresis“, and “Spike discriminator“. Any spike that crosses the threshold, does not exceed the discriminator level, and falls below the hysteresis, is treated as a valid spike.

The hysteresis is actually a displacement from the threshold, and will usually be negative (below the threshold), for detection of positive going spikes. If it is positive (above the threshold), the program will search for negative going spikes, which fall below the threshold, but not below the discriminator, then rise up above the hysteresis level.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSE  Spike hysteresis  0 mV


^ top

Page: 411

Waveform Parameter: Spike discriminator

Full name: Window discriminator for W.F. spike analysis
Units: V or A/D
Range: [ -32767 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: all W.F. spike analyses, automatic generation of spike activity markers

When the associated waveform is searched for spikes, the spike measurement is controlled by the “Spike threshold“, “Spike hysteresis“, and “Spike discriminator“. Any spike that crosses the threshold, does not exceed the discriminator level, and falls below the hysteresis, is treated as a valid spike. Spikes which exceed this discriminator level are rejected.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSD  Spike discriminator  0 mV


^ top

Page: 412

Waveform Parameter: Spike train gap

Full name: Minimum gap between trains of waveform spikes
Units: sec or per
Range: [ 0, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 200 ms

Affects: automatic generation of spike activity markers

When setting spike trains automatically, this parameter determines how to separate spike trains. If two consecutive spikes are closer together than this gap, they are taken as part of the same spike train. If two spikes are farther apart than this gap, the first is taken as the end of one spike train, and the other is taken as the start of the next train.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSTG  Spike train gap  0 msec


^ top

Page: 413

Waveform Parameter: Min. interval between spikes

Full name: Minimum possible time between two successive spikes
Units: sec or per
Range: [ 0, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 1 ms

Affects: verification of single-unit spike data

This parameter specifies how close two distinct spikes can be to each other. After setting a single-unit data set, the program checks all spikes in it against all other single-unit data sets. If any spikes are closer than this amount of time to each other, they are assumed to be the same spike in more than one data set, and the program warns you of this conflict.

The reason two slightly different trigger times can be considered as identifying the same spike is that separate single-unit can be set using different thresholds. Any spike that crosses both can potentially wind up in both data sets. The trigger times may not be identical, though, since the spike may cross one threshold later than another.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUOM  Min. interval between spikes  0 msec


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Page: 414

Waveform Parameter: Spike display window size

Full name: Window duration for spike display
Units: sec or per
Range: [ 0, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 15 ms

Affects: expanded display of single-unit spike data

To help you visually identify different spikes in a waveform by their shape, the program shows an expanded view of the spikes. The “Spike display window size” selects the total time displayed across the screen’s X axis, and the “Spike display window delay” selects the time (positive or negative) at which the spike display begins, relative to the spike trigger time.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUOW  Spike display window size  0 msec


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Page: 415

Waveform Parameter: Spike display window delay

Full name: Delay to start of window for spike display
Units: sec or per
Range: [ -2 gp, 2 gp ]
Initial value: -5 ms

Affects: expanded display of single-unit spike data

To help you visually identify different spikes in a waveform by their shape, the program shows an expanded view of the spikes. The “Spike display window size” selects the total time displayed across the screen’s X axis, and the “Spike display window delay” selects the time (positive or negative) at which the spike display begins, relative to the spike trigger time. The delay should be negative, so you can see the signal a little before the actual onset of the spike.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUOD  Spike display window delay  0 msec


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Page: 416

Waveform Parameter: Second spike discriminator

Full name: Window discriminator for end of W.F. spike (AHP)
Units: V or A/D
Range: [ -32767 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: automatic selection of single-unit spike data

This parameter is used only when automatically setting single-unit data, to further eliminate spikes not rejected by the basic threshold-hysteresis-discriminator spike detection algorithm.

Unlike the first “Spike discriminator” parameter, which rejects spikes that are too high, the second discriminator checks how far the spike recoils in the other direction after the initial peak (i.e. the strength of the AHP following the action potential). The signal is scanned from the spike onset, through to its fall below the “Spike baseline“, and up until it rises above the baseline again. If it dips below this discriminator level at any time, the spike is rejected.

If the hysteresis is positive (above the threshold), the program will search for negative going spikes. In this case, the concepts of “rise” and “fall” are reversed, so the discriminator selects the maximum allowed recoil height, rather than the minimum.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUD  Second spike discriminator  0 mV


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Page: 417

Waveform Parameter: Spike baseline

Full name: Baseline W.F. level where spikes start and end
Units: V or A/D
Range: [ -32767 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: automatic selection of single-unit spike data

This parameter is used only when automatically setting single-unit data, to further eliminate spikes not rejected by the basic threshold-hysteresis-discriminator spike detection algorithm.

It selects the baseline level at which the signal usually returns after a spike. The spike is considered to end once the signal returns to baseline. The time from onset to baseline crossing is taken to be the width of the spike.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUB  Spike baseline  0 mV


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Page: 418

Waveform Parameter: Min. spike width

Full name: Minimum allowed time between spike onset and fall to baseline
Units: sec or per
Range: [ 0, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 0.1 ms

Affects: automatic selection of single-unit spike data

This parameter is used only when automatically setting single-unit data, to further eliminate spikes not rejected by the basic threshold-hysteresis-discriminator spike detection algorithm.

The signal is scanned from the spike onset, through to its fall below the “Spike baseline“. The time from onset to baseline crossing is taken to be the width of the spike.

If the calculated spike width is less than the “Min. spike width” or greater than the “Max. spike width“, the spike is rejected.

If the hysteresis is positive (above the threshold), the program will search for negative going spikes. In this case, the concepts of “rise” and “fall” are reversed, so the spike ends when it rises above the baseline.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUWL  Min. spike width  0 msec


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Page: 419

Waveform Parameter: Max. spike width

Full name: Maximum allowed time between spike onset and fall to baseline
Units: sec or per
Range: [ 0, 2 gp ]
Initial value: 4 ms

Affects: automatic selection of single-unit spike data

This parameter is used only when automatically setting single-unit data, to further eliminate spikes not rejected by the basic threshold-hysteresis-discriminator spike detection algorithm.

The signal is scanned from the spike onset, through to its fall below the “Spike baseline“. The time from onset to baseline crossing is taken to be the width of the spike.

If the calculated spike width is less than the “Min. spike width” or greater than the “Max. spike width“, the spike is rejected.

If the hysteresis is positive (above the threshold), the program will search for negative going spikes. In this case, the concepts of “rise” and “fall” are reversed, so the spike ends when it rises above the baseline.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUWU  Max. spike width  0 msec


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Page: 420

Waveform Parameter: Min. area under spike (A/D sum)

Full name: Minimum allowed area under spike from onset to baseline (A/D sum)
Range: [ 0, 2 billion ]
Initial value: 0

Affects: automatic selection of single-unit spike data

This parameter is used only when automatically setting single-unit data, to further eliminate spikes not rejected by the basic threshold-hysteresis-discriminator spike detection algorithm.

The signal is summed up from the spike onset, up to its baseline crossing. This sum represents the area under the spike. The sum is of displacements relative to baseline, and is positive even for negative-going spikes.

If the calculated area is less than the “Min. area under spike” or greater than the “Max. area under spike”, the spike is rejected.

When this parameter is set visually, its value is shown not only as a sum of A/D displacements, but also in millivolt-seconds.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUSL  Min. area under spike (A/D sum)  0


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Page: 421

Waveform Parameter: Max. area under spike (A/D sum)

Full name: Maximum allowed area under spike from onset to baseline (A/D sum)
Range: [ 0, 2 billion ]
Initial value: 2 billion

Affects: automatic selection of single-unit spike data

This parameter is used only when automatically setting single-unit data, to further eliminate spikes not rejected by the basic threshold-hysteresis-discriminator spike detection algorithm.

The signal is summed up from the spike onset, up to its baseline crossing. This sum represents the area under the spike. The sum is of displacements relative to baseline, and is positive even for negative-going spikes.

If the calculated area is less than the “Min. area under spike” or greater than the “Max. area under spike”, the spike is rejected.

When this parameter is set visually, its value is shown not only as a sum of A/D displacements, but also in millivolt-seconds.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUSU  Max. area under spike (A/D sum)  0


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Page: 422

Waveform Parameter: Single-unit data set #

Full name: Number of single-unit waveform spike data set to use
Range: [ 0, 32767 ]
Initial value: 0

Affects: all W.F. spike analyses, automatic generation of spike activity markers

This parameter selects the single-unit data set to be modified by the “Automatic” or “Manual” selections, or to be used in any W.F. spike analysis on the current waveform. The data sets are numbered starting at 1.

It can be set to a number greater by 1 than the number of single-unit data sets currently present in this waveform’s parameters. Then, the “Automatic” selection will create a new single-unit data set, rather than modifying an existing set.

If this parameter is set to 0, the program will not use any of the single-unit data sets in the waveform parameter file, but will instead include in the analysis all spikes selected by the current “Spike threshold“, “Spike hysteresis” and “Spike discriminator“.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUN  Single-unit data set #  0


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Page: 423

Waveform Parameter: # of single-unit data sets

Full name: Number of single-unit waveform spike data sets in run
Range: [ 0, 32767 ]
Initial value: 0

Affects: all W.F. spike analyses, automatic generation of spike activity markers

This parameter is not entered directly, but rather is changed whenever you add single-unit data sets.

Single-unit data sets can be created and modified automatically, or modified manually. The manual setting is performed after the automatic setting, to delete spikes that the automatic selection included, but which don’t belong.

Before creating or modifying any single-unit data sets, set the “Single-unit data set #” to select the data set to create or modify.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUA  # of single-unit data sets  0


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Page: 424

Waveform Parameter: # of cycle activity bursts

Full name: Number of bursts of waveform activity in run
Range: [ 0, 32767 ]
Initial value: 0

Affects: all analyses using cycle activity markers

This parameter is not entered directly, but rather is changed whenever you add or delete cycle activity markers.

Cycle activity markers can be set up automatically or manually. The manual setting is usually performed after the automatic setting, to touch up markers that are not quite right.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SCV  # of cycle activity bursts  0


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Page: 425

Waveform Parameter: # of spike trains

Full name: Number of waveform spike trains in run
Range: [ 0, 32767 ]
Initial value: 0

Affects: all W.F. spike analyses

This parameter is not entered directly, but rather is changed whenever you add or delete spike train markers.

Spike train markers can be set up automatically or manually. The manual setting is usually performed after the automatic setting, to touch up markers that are not quite right.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SST  # of spike trains  0


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Page: 426

Waveform Parameter: Virtual W.F. link code

Full name: Virtual W.F. link code
Range: [ 0, 299 ]
Initial value: 0

Affects: all functions and analyses that use waveforms

This code is not entered directly, but rather is changed whenever you Set or Reset the Virtual-W.F.

You can only set this parameter when the current waveform (i.e. the one for which you are setting W.F.-activity) does not exist as a real waveform in the run file. You are first asked for the number of the W.F. to be linked. Any function or analysis that is asked to use the current waveform will use the one you specify here instead. You have to specify the number of a real W.F., as the program can’t chain virtual W.F. links.

You are then asked if you want to differentiate the W.F. on the fly. If you answer Y, the program will differentiate the selected W.F. automatically when the current W.F. is requested. This can save disk space by eliminating the need to store differentiated waveforms. If you answer N, the program will give the selected W.F. as-is when the current W.F. is requested. This is useful when you want to set up two or more independent waveform parameter settings for the same waveform.

Because the selected W.F. is not copied, if it is ever changed or removed, the link to it will become unusable, or will yield different W.F. data. When viewing waveform calibration information, the links will be indicated, in the effective rate column, with the label “link to WF #” or “diff of WF #”. These links will only work in the analysis program — no permanent changes are made to the run file itself that would carry over to other programs — but the link will be saved with the waveform parameters for future use in analysis.

The code is composed of the two parameters you set: numbers in the range 100-115 are regular virtual links to waveforms 0-15, and numbers in the range 200-215 are virtual links to differentiated data for these waveforms. A zero indicates no link. However, you do not enter these numbers in directly, but rather you specify the waveform number from 0-15.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SV  Virtual W.F. link code  0


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Page: 427

Waveform Parameter: Spike upper threshold

Full name: Upper threshold for peak of waveform spike
Units: V or A/D
Range: [ -32767 A/D, 32767 A/D ]
Initial value: not set

Affects: automatic selection of single-unit spike data

This parameter is used only when automatically setting single-unit data, to further eliminate spikes not rejected by the basic threshold-hysteresis-discriminator spike detection algorithm.

Unlike the first “Spike threshold” parameter, which determines the onset time of the spike, the upper threshold is a second, higher level that the spike much reach in order to be accepted. If the signal returns to the hysteresis level without having reached the upper threshold, the spike is rejected.

If the hysteresis is positive (above the threshold), the program will search for negative going spikes. In this case, the concepts of “rise” and “fall” are reversed, so the upper threshold selects how low the signal must dip between the onset and the time the hysteresis level is crossed.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>Wn<CR>SSUU  Spike upper threshold  0 mV


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Page: 601

Initial actions

The first step is to select the file to be analysed. This file can be specified on the command line used to run this program (e.g. analysis run001). Once in the program, you can specify the file by selecting the menu item “Load”, which will ask you for the file to be loaded.

Next, select the menu item “Analysis”, and make selections below this to choose the analysis method you want. Once an analysis method is chosen, you are returned to the main menu.

The next step is usually “View/Required” (select “View” from the main menu, then select “Required”) to see which parameters must be set for the analysis method you selected. This will also show you the key stroke sequences to type to set each parameter.

Once all parameters have been set appropriately, select “Go” to begin the analysis.


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Page: 602


The Maint selection allows you to perform various operations on the run file or the waveform files. Some of the selections here bring you to another menu, where you can set various parameters for the operation.

The choices are:

Blanking, to blank out certain sections of a waveform that coincide with the occurrence of spikes on it or another waveform;

Change-descr., to edit or replace the run description;

Differentiate, to calculate the differential of a waveform;

Erase-W.F., to delete a waveform;

Filter, to perform digital filtering on a waveform;

Gen.-trigger, to regenerate a trigger signal waveform;

Link-W.F., to create a new link to an existing waveform;

Make-W.F., to regenerate a trace signal as a waveform;

Reframe, to create a new set of spike-triggered frames from waveforms;

Select-frames, to run the frmsel program; and

Trim, to trim the run to a smaller size.


Menu Selection Action Performed
Blanking Create a W.F. with blanked out intervals
Change-descr. Change the run description for the current run
Differentiate Calculate the differential of a waveform
Erase-W.F. Erase a waveform
Filter Create a smoothed waveform by filtering
Gen.-trigger Regenerate a trigger signal waveform from frames
Link-W.F. Create a link to a waveform
Make-W.F. Create a waveform from a trace, using frame data
Quit Return to previous menu
Reframe Spike-trigger a new set of frames
Select-frames Invoke frmsel program to select frames
Trim Trim run to current analysis range


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Page: 603

Maintenance: Blanking

The blanking operation allows you to copy a waveform, blanking out certain sections that coincide with the occurrence of spikes on another waveform. The “Spike W.F. #” parameter, which is also used for action potential analyses, selects the latter waveform. You must also set the spike-related waveform parameters for this waveform.

You are presented a menu of parameters which you should set before proceeding. First, use the Number selection to set the waveform number for the data to be blanked. Use the Window selection to specify the length of the blanking interval triggered by each spike, and the Delay selection to specify the time (positive or negative) from the start of a spike to the start of the associated blanking interval.

Once these parameters, and the spike-related parameters mentioned above are all set, use the Go selection of this menu to begin the blanking operation. If the parameters have been set correctly, you are asked for the number of the new waveform, which must be different from the one being blanked, and different from the waveform used to trigger the blanking. If you enter the number of a waveform which already exists, this waveform is erased, and the new one takes its place.

A “sample and hold” technique is used to achieve blanking. I.e. the last sample in the waveform before the start of the blanking interval is repeated throughout the duration of the blanking interval, and the existing samples in that range are ignored.

If the “Blank averaged window” option is set, then instead of the sample and hold technique, the program will calculate the averaged sweep from all blanking intervals, and subtract this average from each interval. The idea is this average will represent a template of the artifact you want to remove from the signal.


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Page: 604

Maintenance: Change-descr.

This selection allows you to edit or replace the run description for the current run. You will be prompted for the run description, with the current one given as the default value.


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Page: 605

Maintenance: Differentiate

The Differentiate operation allows you to calculate the differential of a waveform. You are first prompted for the number of the waveform to differentiate. You are then asked for the number of the new waveform, which must be different from the first one. If the second waveform already exists, it is erased. The differential is then calculated, and placed in this second waveform.

The resulting waveform contains differences between adjacent sample points in the first waveform, with the first point set to zero. An alternate unit specifier is set up at the end of the channel name for the new waveform, to indicate the units in which the waveform will be scaled when displayed.


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Page: 606

Maintenance: Erase-W.F.

This selection allows you to delete any waveform in the current run, whether it was captured as part of the original run, or created later by means of the Blanking, Differentiate, Filter, Gen.-trigger, Link-W.F. or Make-W.F. operations. It also deletes waveform parameters, so it can be used to remove a virtual waveform link, set up in the waveform parameters of a non-existant waveform. You will be prompted for the waveform number of the waveform to be deleted.


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Page: 607

Maintenance: Filter

The filter operation allows you to create a smoothed waveform by filtering an existing one. You can also rectify the signal before filtering it, to obtain the linear envelope of that signal. You are presented a menu of options and parameters which control the filtering. Some or all of these will have to be set before you can proceed.

First, use the Waveform selection to set the waveform number for the data to be filtered. Then use the Highpass selection to select high-pass filtering, or the Notch selection to select notch filtering. If both selections are enabled, high-pass overrides notch filtering. Low-pass filtering is the default action, when neither of these two selections is enabled.

Use the Zero-lag selection to select whether or not you want “zero-lag” (two pass) filtering to be performed. The algorithm used for low-pass filtering is a version of the “Second-order, zero-lag Butterworth filter”, but you can select whether or not the reverse pass is to be performed. If only the forward pass is made, phase-shift distortion will be introduced. If you select “zero-lag” filtering, it will take twice as long, but the reverse pass will eliminate the phase-shift. In either case, end-point extrapolation is used to start off the filter; points equal to the average of the first few points (and of the last few points) of the waveform are temporarily prepended (and appended) to the waveform.

The notch filter is a variable second-order, infinite impulse response (IIR) filter based on a bilinear transform, and the high-pass filter is a third order IIR filter. The Zero-lag option will also work with these, though phase lag tends to be less of a concern than with low-pass filtering at low cutoff frequencies.

Use the Cutoff selection to specify the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter. You are prompted for the frequency in Hertz, which can be any positive real number. The program limits the cutoff frequency to 1/3 of the sampling rate for the new waveform, to avoid the “ringing” caused by too high a cutoff frequency. If you enter the number 0, then filtering will not be performed — only the other processing, such as rectification and spurious point rejection, will occur.

The Divisor selection allows you to set the sampling rate divisor to be used when the new waveform is created. This divisor must be a positive integer. A divisor of 1, the initial value, will mean that the sampling rate will not be divided. The divisor must be 1 for “zero-lag” filtering.

The Rectify selection enables full-wave rectification of the signal, before filtering. This is disabled by default. The three remaining parameters — the rectifier baseline and the lower and upper window discriminators — can be set either by making the appropriate selection from the menu then entering the value, or by using the Visually selection then selecting the levels with the pointing device. (When you select Visually, the program asks you whether you want to view just the current analysis range, selected by the “Start of run” and “End of run” parameters, rather than the whole run. Whichever you choose, the waveform is displayed, and the cursor is turned on so you can point to the levels you want.) The window discriminators are used to perform spurious point rejection, as described below. If this is not desired, set them to the minimum and maximum allowed values. The baseline indicates the level to be used as the “zero” for full-wave rectification. To disable rectification, set it to the minimum allowed level, or just disable the Rectify option.

Finally, once all parameters have been set, use the Go selection of this menu to begin the filtering operation. If some of the parameters are set incorrectly, the operation will quit. Otherwise, you are asked for the number of the new waveform, which must be different from the one being filtered. If you enter the number of a waveform which already exists, this waveform is erased, and the new one takes its place.

A new waveform data file will be created, and any combination of four operations will be performed to generate the new waveform, depending on which options are set. If the window discriminators are set, spurious point rejection is performed; all points out of this range are rejected, and replaced with the last valid point. If the baseline level is set, the waveform will be full-wave rectified. If the cutoff frequency is set, the (possibly rectified) waveform will be filtered. Finally, if the divisor is set to some integer n, which is greater than 1, then the resulting waveform’s sampling rate will be divided by n. That is, only the first of every n points will be kept in the file. Once the operation has completed, the run header in the frame file is updated.

If the signal being filtering is fairly weak, you may want to amplify the signal to preserve the smoothness of the resulting signal. You can accomplish this by using the Amp selection to set the gain of the filter, before you start filtering. If you want to differentiate the filtered signal, a strong signal is needed, so you probably should amplify it. You can amplify a signal beyond the range of 4096 levels generated by the A/D converter; the software allows eight times that range. A problem can occur if you use too large a gain on a signal that is not centered on zero volts: the offset from zero volts is also amplified, and it can overflow the short integer in which it is stored, in the calibration information. If this occurs, the calibration will be incorrect. The relative voltage levels will still be accurate for the new waveform, but the voltage offset of the waveform will be false. This may not be a problem if you’re only interested in the differentials.


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Page: 608

Maintenance: Gen.-trigger

This selection allows you to regenerate a trigger signal as a waveform, based on the trigger times and tags in frames. This waveform can then be used for certain analyses based on waveform spikes. The current run file must be a run of raw data, and it must contain frames for this operation to work.

You are first asked whether to include deleted frames. If these frames had been deleted due to false triggering, you will likely want to exclude them. Otherwise, they should probably be included.

You are then asked for the number of the new waveform to be created. If this waveform already exists, it is erased. The program then generates a trigger signal on this waveform, at the sampling rate at which the run was captured. It will include 1 ms trigger pulses at the times the frames were triggered, each one followed by a 2 ms encoded level representing the tag value for the frame. See dsepr(1) for more information about tagging on the trigger signal.


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Page: 609

Maintenance: Link-W.F.

This selection allows you to create a link to a waveform. You are first prompted for the number of the waveform to be linked. You are then asked for the number of the new waveform, which must be different from the first one. If the second waveform already exists, it is erased.

The calibration information, and all other information in the run header associated with the first waveform, is duplicated for the new waveform. A link is then made to the waveform data file for this first waveform, so that the same data are available for either waveform number. This allows you to maintain separate sets of waveform parameters for what is really just one waveform.


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Page: 610

Maintenance: Reframe

The Reframe operation allows you to create a new set of frames, triggered by spikes on a waveform. You have the option of using “All” of the data (the entire run), or limiting it to a smaller “Range”. By reframing only a range of the run, all of the data outside of the current analysis range are simply ignored. You also have the option of creating a “New run”, which is a reframed (and maybe trimmed) version of the current run, selecting “Without-W.F.” to reframe (and perhaps trim) a new version of the current run without copying the waveforms, or you can “Overwrite” the current run directly.

This operation uses the same parameters as the spike-triggered waveform averaging analysis method, i.e. it is concerned with the spikes, or action potentials, on a waveform. The “Spike W.F. #” parameter selects this waveform, and you must set the spike-related waveform parameters for this waveform. Each action potential triggers a sweep from each of the waveforms in the “W.F. # list“. The “W.F. avg delay” and “W.F. avg window” control the onset and duration of each sweep.

All of the sweeps from one action potential form a single frame, and a frame is generated for each action potential. All existing frames (if any) are thrown out; only the new frames are kept. The trace numbers for the sweeps in these frames are the same as the waveform numbers in the list, and the calibration information for these new traces is simply copied from their corresponding waveforms.

If you are creating a new run, you will be asked to enter the run file name for this new run. If you enter the name of an existing run file, or if you are overwriting the current run, you will be asked for confirmation before the run is overwritten. The reframing is performed in a temporary file, so you will need enough free disk space to hold the generated run, even if you are overwriting an existing run. Once the new frame file is generated, unless you selected to reframe a new run without waveforms, the waveform files are generated (and possibly trimmed) as for the Trim operation. The same caveats apply to both operations.

This operation does not preserve links; even if waveform data files are linked together in the current run, separate data files are generated for each waveform in the reframed run. The exception to this is if you are reframing the entire run, and overwriting it, then the program won’t bother to copy the waveforms as they should remain as they are.

Note that neither the analysis parameters, nor the waveform parameters, are changed by this operation. If you create a new run, none of the parameter files are copied. If you trim your current run (by reframing a Range), the time-related parameters will no longer be properly set, and will eventually have to be re-entered. (These include the analysis range and the spike and cycle activity bursts for all waveforms.) Similarly, any trace-related parameters will no longer be appropriate for the new frames generated.


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Page: 611

Maintenance: Select-frames

This selection invokes the frmsel program to allow frame selection on the current run. See frmsel(1) for details.


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Page: 612

Maintenance: Trim

The Trim operation allows you to trim the run to a smaller size, by throwing out all the data outside of the current analysis range. You have the option of creating a “New run”, which is a trimmed version of the current run, or you can “Overwrite” the current run directly. If you are creating a new run, you will be asked to enter the run file name for this new run. If you enter the name of an existing run file, or if you are overwriting the current run, you will be asked for confirmation before the run is overwritten.

When the run is trimmed, frames in the frame file outside of the current analysis range are thrown out, and all waveform data files are shrunk so as to include only samples in that range. The trimming is performed in temporary files, so you will need enough free disk space to hold the trimmed run, even if you are overwriting an existing run. This operation does not preserve links; even if waveform data files are linked together in the current run, separate data files are generated for each waveform in the trimmed run.

Note that neither the analysis parameters, nor the waveform parameters, are changed by this operation. If you create a new run, none of the parameter files are copied. If you trim your current run, the time-related parameters will no longer be properly set, and will eventually have to be re-entered. (These include the analysis range and the spike and cycle activity bursts for all waveforms.)


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Page: 613

Maintenance: Set baseline & window discriminators visually

Three of the filtering parameters — the rectifier baseline and the lower and upper window discriminators — can be set either by making the appropriate selection from the menu then entering the value, or by using the Visually selection then selecting the levels with the pointing device. When you select Visually, the program asks you whether you want to view just the current analysis range, selected by the “Start of run” and “End of run” parameters, rather than the whole run. Whichever you choose, the waveform is displayed, and the cursor is turned on so you can point to the levels you want.

The window discriminators are used to perform spurious point rejection: all points out of this range are rejected, and replaced with the last valid point. If this is not desired, set them to the minimum and maximum allowed values.

The baseline indicates the level to be used as the “zero” for full-wave rectification. To disable rectification, set it to the minimum allowed level, or just disable the Rectify option.


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Page: 614

Maintenance: Make-W.F.

This selection allows you to regenerate a trace signal as a waveform, based on the sweeps of data stored in frames. This waveform can then be used for certain analyses based on waveforms. The current run file must contain frames for this operation to work.

You are first asked for the trace number for the trace to be converted. If this trace has no points, the operation will end.

You are then asked whether to include deleted frames. Unless you have a good reason not to include them, they should probably be included. The program will interpolate missing data between frames that are included.

If the current run file contains averaged data, and no waveforms exist in this run, then the program can reset the run length to the correct value for the waveform that will be generated. This waveform will be the concatenation of all frames from first to last, with no intervening gaps. Depending on the averaging method used, this may be a sensible approach, or it may not. You’ll have to be the judge. The program will ask if it’s OK to change the run length. If you answer “No”, or if it can’t change the length because waveforms already exist, then it will pad or truncate the waveform it generates to match the current run length.

You are then asked for the number of the new waveform to be created. If this waveform already exists, it is erased. The program then generates the trace signal on this waveform, at the sampling rate at which the trace was captured. For raw trace data, it will create the missing parts between captured sweeps by interpolating from the last point of one sweep to the first point of the next sweep. Before the first sweep, it will create a straight line at the level of the first point, and similarly at the end of the last sweep, it will extend a line from the last sample to the end of the run. (This is also how it will pad averaged data, if it has to.)

The calibration information, and all other information in the run header associated with the selected trace, is duplicated for the new waveform.


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Copyright © 1984-2019, Gilles Detillieux, Spinal Cord Research Centre, University of Manitoba. All Rights Reserved.